The game is intended to be played with a game view size 648x400 pixels, this way the pixels look crisper.
Implemented all main mechanics of Xonix in a Unity game.
This is the best I could make in a given time. The code is not as clean and optimized as I'd want, but the game is playable and all the features and key points are implemented.
Number of lives, enemies and percentage of field needed to capture for the victory can be set in the GameManager.
Color of the field and the line you draw on it can be configured in Field object.
Player's and enemies' speed can be set in their respective prefabs.
Also figured out how to fix this edge case:
The main idea is to develop the mechanic of the game Xonix. With the ability to change the number of "enemies" and the percentage of the filled area to finish the game. Use of any third-party plugins is prohibited. Unity version 2020.2.3f1 or higher. Reference: