diff --git a/.all-contributorsrc b/.all-contributorsrc
index 9423d1e4b4..c987b201a4 100644
--- a/.all-contributorsrc
+++ b/.all-contributorsrc
@@ -448,6 +448,17 @@
"contributions": [
+ },
+ {
+ "login": "gvensan",
+ "name": "Giri Venkatesan",
+ "avatar_url": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/4477169?v=4",
+ "profile": "https://github.com/gvensan",
+ "contributions": [
+ "talk",
+ "blog",
+ "promotion"
+ ]
"commitConvention": "angular",
diff --git a/.github/workflows/youtube-to-spotify-for-podcasters.yml b/.github/workflows/youtube-to-spotify-for-podcasters.yml
index bd91f7b560..37b779d161 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/youtube-to-spotify-for-podcasters.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/youtube-to-spotify-for-podcasters.yml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ jobs:
# Verify the content was written successfully
cat episode.json
- name: Upload Episode from YouTube To Anchor.Fm
- uses: Schrodinger-Hat/youtube-to-anchorfm@c722f3edeee94f3173dad36c5a959247973c5253 #commit related to https://github.com/Schrodinger-Hat/youtube-to-anchorfm/commit/c722f3edeee94f3173dad36c5a959247973c5253 || The latest commit which is of Nov 14, 2023
+ uses: Schrodinger-Hat/youtube-to-anchorfm@b02b82f809d24db88472a78c51ffa627f46a6dc3 #commit related to https://github.com/Schrodinger-Hat/youtube-to-anchorfm/commit/b02b82f809d24db88472a78c51ffa627f46a6dc3 || The latest commit which refers to v2.4.0 of the action
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c20b9ecb20..ed64c49f39 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/d
 Akshit Gupta 📖 |
 nikhilkalburgi 📖 |
+  Giri Venkatesan 📢 📝 📣 |
diff --git a/WORKING_GROUPS.yaml b/WORKING_GROUPS.yaml
index d4f54787ae..e536ce8b5e 100644
@@ -11,4 +11,19 @@ working_groups:
# slack_channel: # Required. The name of the Slack channel in the AsyncAPI workspace. Example: community_growth_wg
# okrs_url: https://example.com/xyz # Required. Link to a GitHub project, issue, or any other tool where the Working Group explains their objectives.
# roadmap_url: https://example.com/xyz # Recommended. Link to a GitHub project, issue, or any other tool where the Working Group outlines their roadmap.
- # github_team: # Recommended. The GitHub team handle to tag all the working group members at once. Example: @asyncapi/community_growth_wg.
\ No newline at end of file
+ # github_team: # Recommended. The GitHub team handle to tag all the working group members at once. Example: @asyncapi/community_growth_wg.
+ - name: Developer Experience
+ description: The goal of this group is to empower AsyncAPI user journey trough intuitive onboarding, tools, and a frictionless experience.
+ chairperson: @Amzani
+ members:
+ - @Pakisan
+ - @KhudaDad414
+ - @ivangsa
+ - @peter-rr
+ - @Shurtu-gal
+ - @princerajpoot20
+ - @Mayaleeeee
+ slack_channel: developer-experience-wg
+ roadmap_url: https://shapeit.app/projects/org/asyncapi/16
+ okrs_url: https://github.com/users/Amzani/projects/12/views/1
+ github_team: @asyncapi/developer_experience_wg
diff --git a/docs/onboarding-guide/contribute-to-docs.md b/docs/onboarding-guide/contribute-to-docs.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..092fd477e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/onboarding-guide/contribute-to-docs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+title: Contribute to docs
+weight: 70
+## Contribute to docs
+There are several ways to request your first AsyncAPI docs task:
+1. **Connect with a docs maintainer:** Ask for a `good-first-issue` in the `#13_docs` channel of the [AsyncAPI Slack](https://www.asyncapi.com/slack-invite) workspace.
+2. **Update current docs:** Surf the existing documentation, look for `typos`, `grammar`, `errors`, create an issue, and submit a Pull Request.
+3. **Propose new docs:** If you have any ideas or suggestions for necessary documentation, [create a new docs issue](https://github.com/asyncapi/website/issues/new?labels=%F0%9F%93%91+docs&projects=&template=docs.yml&title=%5B%F0%9F%93%91+Docs%5D%3A+) and propose yourself as the assignee.
diff --git a/docs/onboarding-guide/create-new-docs-directories.md b/docs/onboarding-guide/create-new-docs-directories.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e935c25870
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/onboarding-guide/create-new-docs-directories.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+title : 'Create new docs directories'
+weight : 80
+### Create new docs directories
+Create a new docs directory (folder) via the following steps:
+1. Identify the content bucket under which your document falls.
+2. Open the project locally in your code editor of choice and navigate to the parent folder.
+3. Right-click on the parent folder and click "new folder".
+4. Give an appropriate name to the new folder.
+5. Add the following two files to the new folder:
+ 1. `index.md`: Used as the main content for a website's directory or specific webpage. It's named index because many web servers are configured to automatically look for an index file when accessing a directory. When you access a directory on a web server, if an `index.md` file is present, it will be displayed as the default page for that directory.
+ 2. `_section.md`: Used for reusable components or partial content within a website's structure. It defines the page's `title` and `weight`. The title defines a human-readable title, and weight controls the order in which sections (directories) are displayed.
+6. You can edit the index page after successfully creating these pages.
+flowchart LR
+ A[parent Folder] --> B[new Folder]
+ B[new Folder] --> C[index.md]
+ B[new Folder] --> D[_section.md]
+ B[new Folder] --> E[example-doc-1.md]
+ B[new Folder] --> F[example-doc-2.md]
diff --git a/docs/onboarding-guide/open-docs-pull-request.md b/docs/onboarding-guide/open-docs-pull-request.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b426fc704e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/onboarding-guide/open-docs-pull-request.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+title : 'Create new docs pull request'
+weight : 90
+## Create a new docs pull request
+Create and submit a docs pull request (PR) via the following steps:
+- A Docs’ PR should solve one documentation problem.
+- If there is no current issue for the docs task you want to accomplish, please open a docs issue before creating a PR.
+- Use the [conventional commit style](https://github.com/asyncapi/.github/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#conventional-commits) when creating PRs. Always create a docs issue or PR with the `docs:` prefix in the title.
+- Please check your contribution and ensure it follows the AsyncAPI style guide.
+- Tag other technical writers to review your document.
+- Tag an engineer or subject matter expert (SME) to review the technical details.
+- After implementing all the feedback you requested, please update your PR and wait for further feedback before it can be merged.
diff --git a/docs/onboarding-guide/tools-and-setup.md b/docs/onboarding-guide/tools-and-setup.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24bc37454f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/onboarding-guide/tools-and-setup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+title: Tools and setup
+weight: 60
+## Tools for technical writers
+Technical writer contributors need the following tools to contribute to AsyncAPI documentation effectively:
+- A laptop or desktop computer capable of running the tools necessary to contribute to the project.
+- Stable internet access to clone the project repository, submit contributions, and stay updated on project changes.
+- A [GitHub](https://github.com) account. AsyncAPI hosts all its project's source code and documentation on GitHub. You'll need a GitHub account to create issues, fork the repository, submit pull requests, and more. If you're new to GitHub, familiarize yourself with [basic GitHub functionalities and workflows](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started).
+- A code editor, such as [VS Code](https://code.visualstudio.com), capable of handling Markdown files.
+- [Git](https://git-scm.com), a version control system.
+## Setup your AsyncAPI local environment
+1. Fork the repository by clicking the `Fork` option on the top right of the main repository.
+2. Open Command Prompt on your local computer.
+3. Clone the forked repository by adding your GitHub username instead of ``.
+ For multiple contributions, follow the [proper configuration of a forked AsyncAPI repo](https://github.com/asyncapi/community/blob/master/git-workflow.md).
+ git clone https://github.com//website/
+4. Navigate to the website directory.
+ cd website
+5. Install all website dependencies.
+ npm install
+6. Run the website locally.
+ npm run dev
+7. Access the live development server at [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000).
diff --git a/mentorship/summerofcode/2024/asyncapi-gsoc-ideas-page.md b/mentorship/summerofcode/2024/asyncapi-gsoc-ideas-page.md
index c406325a8d..e1bd5c717e 100644
--- a/mentorship/summerofcode/2024/asyncapi-gsoc-ideas-page.md
+++ b/mentorship/summerofcode/2024/asyncapi-gsoc-ideas-page.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Improve the [AsyncAPI website](https://github.com/asyncapi/website)'s robustness
- 🎯 **Outcome:** Achieve a stable website framework to support continuous development and updates.
- 🛠️ **Skills:** JavaScript, Next.js, unit testing, and CI/CD practices.
- 🧩 **Difficulty:** Medium/Hard
-- 👩🏿🏫 **Mentor(s):** [@akshatnema](https://github.com/akshatnema), [@anshgoyalevil](https://github.com/anshgoyalevil)
+- 👩🏿🏫 **Mentor(s):** [@sambhavgupta0705](https://github.com/sambhavgupta0705), [@anshgoyalevil](https://github.com/anshgoyalevil)
- ⏳ **Length:** 350 Hours
## 3) [AsyncAPI Generator Maintainership](https://github.com/asyncapi/generator/issues/1145)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Ensure our conference website remains a dynamic and user-friendly for the upcomi
- 🎯 **Outcome:** Improve the website's efficiency and user-friendliness for an improved user experience.
- 🛠️ **Skills:** JavaScript, Tailwind, and any testing framework.
- 🧩 **Difficulty:** Easy/Medium
-- 👩🏿🏫 **Mentor(s):** [@acethecreator](https://github.com/acethecreator) [@mayaleeeee](https://github.com/Mayaleeeee)
+- 👩🏿🏫 **Mentor(s):** [@acethecreator](https://github.com/acethecreator) [@mayaleeeee](https://github.com/Mayaleeeee) [@thulieblack](https://github.com/thulieblack)
- ⏳ **Length:** 350 Hours
## Contact AsyncAPI Mentors