Inspired by prometheus-cpp.
#include <loki/builder.hpp>
int main() {
using namespace loki;
// Create a registry
auto registry = Builder<AgentJson>{}
.Colorize(Level::Warn, Color::Yellow)
.Colorize(Level::Error, Color::Red)
{"namespace", "production"},
{"location", "en"}
// Check if Loki is up
if (!registry.Ready()) return 1;
// Create an agent with extended labels
auto &logger = registry.Add({{"process", "foobar"}});
// Add logs to queue and wait for flush
logger.Debugf("Hello, {}!", "Debug");
logger.Infof("Hello, {}!", "Info");
logger.Warnf("Hello, {}!", "Warn");
logger.Errorf("Hello, {}!", "Error");
Now to compile the example run:
g++ example.cpp -std=c++17 `pkg-config loki-cpp --cflags --libs`
To compile a debug build (and run all tests) run:
mkdir build && cd build
ctest -V
To install the debug build run:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make install
- fmt
- curl
- protobuf + snappy (optional)