If you are interested in making changes to Nethadone, the least bad option is to use a local virtual machine. Unfortunately containers are not sufficient as we need a fully emulated Linux kernel running a specific version.
The easiest way to do this is, ironically, use the Dockerfile
to build a docker image, then use
to create a VM based on your image:
docker buildx build -t atomic77/nethadone:latest .
Then use d2vm
to create a qcow file which can then be used with full kernel virtualization:
sudo d2vm convert atomic77/nethadone -o nethadone.qcow2 -p 1234
d2vm run qemu --networking bridge,virbr0 --mem 4096 --cpus 4 ../nethadone.qcow2
If using VMWare on Windows, you can also convert the qcow:
qemu-img convert nethadone.qcow2 -O vmdk nethadone.vmdk
Then import the VMDK using the GUI tools.
I have not had much luck with VirtualBox.