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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Track any Street
+Fighter 6 or V CFN profile's live matches. Check
+[the website](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) to get started.
+## Features
+- Real-time match tracking
+- Storing match logs and statistics
+- Support for displaying live stats to OBS via Browser Source
+- Support for both SF6 and SFV
+- Ability for users to create their own OBS Browser themes with CSS
+### Major tech used alongside Wails
+- [Task](https://github.com/go-task/task) - wrapping the Wails CLI to make
+ common commands easy to use
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - chosen for its rich ecosystem
+ (radix, framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - used for its fast dependency
+ resolution and build-time
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - headless browser automation for
+ authentication and polling changes
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - used for storing matches,
+ sessions and profiles
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ a http stream to send tracking updates to OBS browser sources
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - with backend connector to serve
+ localization objects from the Go layer
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - state machines for auth
+ process and tracking
diff --git a/website/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Suivez les
+matchs en direct de n'importe quel profil Street Fighter 6 ou V CFN. Consultez
+[le site Web](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) pour commencer.
+## Caractéristiques
+- Suivi des matchs en temps réel
+- Stockage des journaux de match et des statistiques
+- Prise en charge de l'affichage des statistiques en direct sur OBS via la
+ source du navigateur
+- Prise en charge de SF6 et SFV
+- Possibilité pour les utilisateurs de créer leurs propres thèmes de navigateur
+ OBS avec CSS
+### Technologie majeure utilisée aux côtés de Wails
+- [Tâche](https://github.com/go-task/task) - encapsulation de la CLI Wails pour
+ rendre les commandes courantes faciles à utiliser
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - choisi pour son riche écosystème
+ (radix, framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - utilisé pour sa résolution rapide des
+ dépendances et son temps de construction
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - automatisation du navigateur sans tête
+ pour les modifications d'authentification et d'interrogation
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - utilisé pour stocker les
+ correspondances, les sessions et les profils
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ un flux http pour envoyer des mises à jour de suivi aux sources du navigateur
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - avec connecteur backend pour servir
+ les objets de localisation de la couche Go
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - machines à états pour le
+ processus d'authentification et le suivi
diff --git a/website/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Suivez les
+matchs en direct de n'importe quel profil Street Fighter 6 ou V CFN. Consultez
+[le site Web](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) pour commencer.
+## Caractéristiques
+- Suivi des matchs en temps réel
+- Stockage des journaux de match et des statistiques
+- Prise en charge de l'affichage des statistiques en direct sur OBS via la
+ source du navigateur
+- Prise en charge de SF6 et SFV
+- Possibilité pour les utilisateurs de créer leurs propres thèmes de navigateur
+ OBS avec CSS
+### Technologie majeure utilisée aux côtés de Wails
+- [Tâche](https://github.com/go-task/task) - encapsulation de la CLI Wails pour
+ rendre les commandes courantes faciles à utiliser
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - choisi pour son riche écosystème
+ (radix, framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - utilisé pour sa résolution rapide des
+ dépendances et son temps de construction
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - automatisation du navigateur sans tête
+ pour les modifications d'authentification et d'interrogation
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - utilisé pour stocker les
+ correspondances, les sessions et les profils
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ un flux http pour envoyer des mises à jour de suivi aux sources du navigateur
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - avec connecteur backend pour servir
+ les objets de localisation de la couche Go
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - machines à états pour le
+ processus d'authentification et le suivi
diff --git a/website/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/fr/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Suivez les
+matchs en direct de n'importe quel profil Street Fighter 6 ou V CFN. Consultez
+[le site Web](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) pour commencer.
+## Caractéristiques
+- Suivi des matchs en temps réel
+- Stockage des journaux de match et des statistiques
+- Prise en charge de l'affichage des statistiques en direct sur OBS via la
+ source du navigateur
+- Prise en charge de SF6 et SFV
+- Possibilité pour les utilisateurs de créer leurs propres thèmes de navigateur
+ OBS avec CSS
+### Technologie majeure utilisée aux côtés de Wails
+- [Tâche](https://github.com/go-task/task) - encapsulation de la CLI Wails pour
+ rendre les commandes courantes faciles à utiliser
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - choisi pour son riche écosystème
+ (radix, framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - utilisé pour sa résolution rapide des
+ dépendances et son temps de construction
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - automatisation du navigateur sans tête
+ pour les modifications d'authentification et d'interrogation
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - utilisé pour stocker les
+ correspondances, les sessions et les profils
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ un flux http pour envoyer des mises à jour de suivi aux sources du navigateur
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - avec connecteur backend pour servir
+ les objets de localisation de la couche Go
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - machines à états pour le
+ processus d'authentification et le suivi
diff --git a/website/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN トラッカー
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - ストリートファイ
+ター 6 または V CFN プロフィールのライブマッチを追跡します。 開始するには
+、[Web サイト](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) を確認してください。
+## 特徴
+- リアルタイムの試合追跡
+- 試合ログと統計の保存
+- ブラウザソース経由で OBS にライブ統計を表示するためのサポート
+- SF6 と SFV の両方をサポート
+- ユーザーが CSS を使用して独自の OBS ブラウザ テーマを作成できる機能
+### Wails とともに使用される主要なテクノロジー
+- [タスク](https://github.com/go-task/task) - Wails CLI をラップして一般的なコマ
+ ンドを使いやすくする
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - 豊富なエコシステム (基数、フレー
+ マーモーション) で選ばれました
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - 依存関係の高速解決とビルド時間に使用さ
+ れます。
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - 認証とポーリングの変更のためのヘッドレ
+ スブラウザ自動化
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - 一致、セッション、プロファイル
+ の保存に使用されます
+- [サーバー送信イベント](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ 追跡更新を OBS ブラウザ ソースに送信するための http ストリーム
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - Go レイヤーからローカリゼーション オ
+ ブジェクトを提供するバックエンド コネクタを使用
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - 認証プロセスと追跡のためのステ
+ ート マシン
diff --git a/website/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN トラッカー
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - ストリートファイ
+ター 6 または V CFN プロフィールのライブマッチを追跡します。 開始するには
+、[Web サイト](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) を確認してください。
+## 特徴
+- リアルタイムの試合追跡
+- 試合ログと統計の保存
+- ブラウザソース経由で OBS にライブ統計を表示するためのサポート
+- SF6 と SFV の両方をサポート
+- ユーザーが CSS を使用して独自の OBS ブラウザ テーマを作成できる機能
+### Wails とともに使用される主要なテクノロジー
+- [タスク](https://github.com/go-task/task) - Wails CLI をラップして一般的なコマ
+ ンドを使いやすくする
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - 豊富なエコシステム (基数、フレー
+ マーモーション) で選ばれました
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - 依存関係の高速解決とビルド時間に使用さ
+ れます。
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - 認証とポーリングの変更のためのヘッドレ
+ スブラウザ自動化
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - 一致、セッション、プロファイル
+ の保存に使用されます
+- [サーバー送信イベント](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ 追跡更新を OBS ブラウザ ソースに送信するための http ストリーム
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - Go レイヤーからローカリゼーション オ
+ ブジェクトを提供するバックエンド コネクタを使用
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - 認証プロセスと追跡のためのステ
+ ート マシン
diff --git a/website/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/ja/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN トラッカー
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - ストリートファイ
+ター 6 または V CFN プロフィールのライブマッチを追跡します。 開始するには
+、[Web サイト](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) を確認してください。
+## 特徴
+- リアルタイムの試合追跡
+- 試合ログと統計の保存
+- ブラウザソース経由で OBS にライブ統計を表示するためのサポート
+- SF6 と SFV の両方をサポート
+- ユーザーが CSS を使用して独自の OBS ブラウザ テーマを作成できる機能
+### Wails とともに使用される主要なテクノロジー
+- [タスク](https://github.com/go-task/task) - Wails CLI をラップして一般的なコマ
+ ンドを使いやすくする
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - 豊富なエコシステム (基数、フレー
+ マーモーション) で選ばれました
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - 依存関係の高速解決とビルド時間に使用さ
+ れます。
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - 認証とポーリングの変更のためのヘッドレ
+ スブラウザ自動化
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - 一致、セッション、プロファイル
+ の保存に使用されます
+- [サーバー送信イベント](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ 追跡更新を OBS ブラウザ ソースに送信するための http ストリーム
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - Go レイヤーからローカリゼーション オ
+ ブジェクトを提供するバックエンド コネクタを使用
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - 認証プロセスと追跡のためのステ
+ ート マシン
diff --git a/website/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN 추적기](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Street Fighter 6
+또는 V CFN 프로필의 실시간 경기를 추적하세요. 시작하려면
+[웹사이트](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/)를 확인하세요.
+## 특징
+- 실시간 경기 추적
+- 경기 로그 및 통계 저장
+- 브라우저 소스를 통해 OBS에 실시간 통계 표시 지원
+- SF6 및 SFV 모두 지원
+- 사용자가 CSS를 사용하여 자신만의 OBS 브라우저 테마를 만들 수 있는 기능
+### 웨일스와 함께 사용되는 주요 기술
+- [작업](https://github.com/go-task/task) - 일반적인 명령을 쉽게 사용할 수 있도
+ 록 Wails CLI를 래핑합니다.
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - 풍부한 생태계(radix, 프레이머-모
+ 션)로 인해 선택됨
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - 빠른 종속성 해결 및 빌드 시간에 사용됩
+ 니다.
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - 인증 및 폴링 변경을 위한 헤드리스 브라
+ 우저 자동화
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - 경기, 세션 및 프로필을 저장하
+ 는 데 사용됩니다.
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ OBS 브라우저 소스에 추적 업데이트를 보내는 http 스트림
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - Go 레이어에서 현지화 개체를 제공하기
+ 위한 백엔드 커넥터 포함
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - 인증 프로세스 및 추적을 위한
+ 상태 머신
diff --git a/website/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN 추적기](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Street Fighter 6
+또는 V CFN 프로필의 실시간 경기를 추적하세요. 시작하려면
+[웹사이트](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/)를 확인하세요.
+## 특징
+- 실시간 경기 추적
+- 경기 로그 및 통계 저장
+- 브라우저 소스를 통해 OBS에 실시간 통계 표시 지원
+- SF6 및 SFV 모두 지원
+- 사용자가 CSS를 사용하여 자신만의 OBS 브라우저 테마를 만들 수 있는 기능
+### 웨일스와 함께 사용되는 주요 기술
+- [작업](https://github.com/go-task/task) - 일반적인 명령을 쉽게 사용할 수 있도
+ 록 Wails CLI를 래핑합니다.
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - 풍부한 생태계(radix, 프레이머-모
+ 션)로 인해 선택됨
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - 빠른 종속성 해결 및 빌드 시간에 사용됩
+ 니다.
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - 인증 및 폴링 변경을 위한 헤드리스 브라
+ 우저 자동화
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - 경기, 세션 및 프로필을 저장하
+ 는 데 사용됩니다.
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ OBS 브라우저 소스에 추적 업데이트를 보내는 http 스트림
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - Go 레이어에서 현지화 개체를 제공하기
+ 위한 백엔드 커넥터 포함
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - 인증 프로세스 및 추적을 위한
+ 상태 머신
diff --git a/website/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/ko/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN 추적기](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Street Fighter 6
+또는 V CFN 프로필의 실시간 경기를 추적하세요. 시작하려면
+[웹사이트](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/)를 확인하세요.
+## 특징
+- 실시간 경기 추적
+- 경기 로그 및 통계 저장
+- 브라우저 소스를 통해 OBS에 실시간 통계 표시 지원
+- SF6 및 SFV 모두 지원
+- 사용자가 CSS를 사용하여 자신만의 OBS 브라우저 테마를 만들 수 있는 기능
+### 웨일스와 함께 사용되는 주요 기술
+- [작업](https://github.com/go-task/task) - 일반적인 명령을 쉽게 사용할 수 있도
+ 록 Wails CLI를 래핑합니다.
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - 풍부한 생태계(radix, 프레이머-모
+ 션)로 인해 선택됨
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - 빠른 종속성 해결 및 빌드 시간에 사용됩
+ 니다.
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - 인증 및 폴링 변경을 위한 헤드리스 브라
+ 우저 자동화
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - 경기, 세션 및 프로필을 저장하
+ 는 데 사용됩니다.
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ OBS 브라우저 소스에 추적 업데이트를 보내는 http 스트림
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - Go 레이어에서 현지화 개체를 제공하기
+ 위한 백엔드 커넥터 포함
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - 인증 프로세스 및 추적을 위한
+ 상태 머신
diff --git a/website/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Acompanhe
+qualquer partida ao vivo do perfil Street Fighter 6 ou V CFN. Verifique
+[o site](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) para começar.
+## Características
+- Acompanhamento de partidas em tempo real
+- Armazenamento de registros e estatísticas de partidas
+- Suporte para exibição de estatísticas ao vivo no OBS via fonte do navegador
+- Suporte para SF6 e SFV
+- Capacidade para os usuários criarem seus próprios temas do navegador OBS com
+### Principais tecnologias usadas junto com Wails
+- [Tarefa](https://github.com/go-task/task) - agrupando a CLI do Wails para
+ facilitar o uso de comandos comuns
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - escolhido por seu rico
+ ecossistema (radix, framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - usado por sua rápida resolução de
+ dependências e tempo de construção
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - automação de navegador headless para
+ autenticação e alterações de pesquisa
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - usado para armazenar
+ correspondências, sessões e perfis
+- [Eventos enviados pelo servidor](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ um fluxo http para enviar atualizações de rastreamento para fontes do
+ navegador OBS
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - com conector de back-end para servir
+ objetos de localização da camada Go
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - máquinas de estado para
+ processo de autenticação e rastreamento
diff --git a/website/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Acompanhe
+qualquer partida ao vivo do perfil Street Fighter 6 ou V CFN. Verifique
+[o site](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) para começar.
+## Características
+- Acompanhamento de partidas em tempo real
+- Armazenamento de registros e estatísticas de partidas
+- Suporte para exibição de estatísticas ao vivo no OBS via fonte do navegador
+- Suporte para SF6 e SFV
+- Capacidade para os usuários criarem seus próprios temas do navegador OBS com
+### Principais tecnologias usadas junto com Wails
+- [Tarefa](https://github.com/go-task/task) - agrupando a CLI do Wails para
+ facilitar o uso de comandos comuns
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - escolhido por seu rico
+ ecossistema (radix, framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - usado por sua rápida resolução de
+ dependências e tempo de construção
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - automação de navegador headless para
+ autenticação e alterações de pesquisa
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - usado para armazenar
+ correspondências, sessões e perfis
+- [Eventos enviados pelo servidor](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ um fluxo http para enviar atualizações de rastreamento para fontes do
+ navegador OBS
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - com conector de back-end para servir
+ objetos de localização da camada Go
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - máquinas de estado para
+ processo de autenticação e rastreamento
diff --git a/website/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/pt/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Acompanhe
+qualquer partida ao vivo do perfil Street Fighter 6 ou V CFN. Verifique
+[o site](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) para começar.
+## Características
+- Acompanhamento de partidas em tempo real
+- Armazenamento de registros e estatísticas de partidas
+- Suporte para exibição de estatísticas ao vivo no OBS via fonte do navegador
+- Suporte para SF6 e SFV
+- Capacidade para os usuários criarem seus próprios temas do navegador OBS com
+### Principais tecnologias usadas junto com Wails
+- [Tarefa](https://github.com/go-task/task) - agrupando a CLI do Wails para
+ facilitar o uso de comandos comuns
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - escolhido por seu rico
+ ecossistema (radix, framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - usado por sua rápida resolução de
+ dependências e tempo de construção
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - automação de navegador headless para
+ autenticação e alterações de pesquisa
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - usado para armazenar
+ correspondências, sessões e perfis
+- [Eventos enviados pelo servidor](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ um fluxo http para enviar atualizações de rastreamento para fontes do
+ navegador OBS
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - com conector de back-end para servir
+ objetos de localização da camada Go
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - máquinas de estado para
+ processo de autenticação e rastreamento
diff --git a/website/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) — отслеживайте
+живые матчи любого профиля Street Fighter 6 или V CFN. Чтобы начать, посетите
+## Функции
+- Отслеживание матчей в режиме реального времени
+- Хранение журналов матчей и статистики
+- Поддержка отображения статистики в реальном времени в OBS через источник
+ браузера.
+- Поддержка как SF6, так и SFV.
+- Возможность для пользователей создавать свои собственные темы браузера OBS с
+ помощью CSS.
+### Основные технологии, используемые вместе с Wails
+- [Задача](https://github.com/go-task/task) - перенос Wails CLI для упрощения
+ использования общих команд.
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) — выбран из-за богатой экосистемы
+ (radix,framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) – используется для быстрого разрешения
+ зависимостей и времени сборки.
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) – автономная автоматизация браузера для
+ аутентификации и опроса изменений.
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - используется для хранения
+ совпадений, сессий и профилей.
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events)
+ – http-поток для отправки обновлений отслеживания в источники браузера OBS.
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - с бэкэнд-коннектором для обслуживания
+ объектов локализации из слоя Go.
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) — конечные автоматы для процесса
+ аутентификации и отслеживания.
diff --git a/website/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) — отслеживайте
+живые матчи любого профиля Street Fighter 6 или V CFN. Чтобы начать, посетите
+## Функции
+- Отслеживание матчей в режиме реального времени
+- Хранение журналов матчей и статистики
+- Поддержка отображения статистики в реальном времени в OBS через источник
+ браузера.
+- Поддержка как SF6, так и SFV.
+- Возможность для пользователей создавать свои собственные темы браузера OBS с
+ помощью CSS.
+### Основные технологии, используемые вместе с Wails
+- [Задача](https://github.com/go-task/task) - перенос Wails CLI для упрощения
+ использования общих команд.
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) — выбран из-за богатой экосистемы
+ (radix,framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) – используется для быстрого разрешения
+ зависимостей и времени сборки.
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) – автономная автоматизация браузера для
+ аутентификации и опроса изменений.
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - используется для хранения
+ совпадений, сессий и профилей.
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events)
+ – http-поток для отправки обновлений отслеживания в источники браузера OBS.
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - с бэкэнд-коннектором для обслуживания
+ объектов локализации из слоя Go.
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) — конечные автоматы для процесса
+ аутентификации и отслеживания.
diff --git a/website/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/ru/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) — отслеживайте
+живые матчи любого профиля Street Fighter 6 или V CFN. Чтобы начать, посетите
+## Функции
+- Отслеживание матчей в режиме реального времени
+- Хранение журналов матчей и статистики
+- Поддержка отображения статистики в реальном времени в OBS через источник
+ браузера.
+- Поддержка как SF6, так и SFV.
+- Возможность для пользователей создавать свои собственные темы браузера OBS с
+ помощью CSS.
+### Основные технологии, используемые вместе с Wails
+- [Задача](https://github.com/go-task/task) - перенос Wails CLI для упрощения
+ использования общих команд.
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) — выбран из-за богатой экосистемы
+ (radix,framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) – используется для быстрого разрешения
+ зависимостей и времени сборки.
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) – автономная автоматизация браузера для
+ аутентификации и опроса изменений.
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - используется для хранения
+ совпадений, сессий и профилей.
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events)
+ – http-поток для отправки обновлений отслеживания в источники браузера OBS.
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - с бэкэнд-коннектором для обслуживания
+ объектов локализации из слоя Go.
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) — конечные автоматы для процесса
+ аутентификации и отслеживания.
diff --git a/website/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/vi/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Theo dõi mọi
+trận đấu trực tiếp của hồ sơ Street Fighter 6 hoặc V CFN. Hãy kiểm tra
+[trang web](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) để bắt đầu.
+## Đặc trưng
+- Theo dõi trận đấu theo thời gian thực
+- Lưu trữ nhật ký trận đấu và số liệu thống kê
+- Hỗ trợ hiển thị số liệu thống kê trực tiếp lên OBS thông qua Nguồn trình duyệt
+- Hỗ trợ cả SF6 và SFV
+- Khả năng người dùng tạo chủ đề Trình duyệt OBS của riêng mình bằng CSS
+### Công nghệ chính được sử dụng cùng với Wails
+- [Task](https://github.com/go-task/task) - gói Wails CLI để làm cho các lệnh
+ phổ biến trở nên dễ sử dụng
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - được chọn vì hệ sinh thái phong
+ phú (radix, framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - được sử dụng để giải quyết phần phụ
+ thuộc nhanh chóng và thời gian xây dựng
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - tự động hóa trình duyệt không có đầu để
+ thay đổi xác thực và bỏ phiếu
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - dùng để lưu trữ các trận đấu,
+ phiên và hồ sơ
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ luồng http để gửi thông tin cập nhật theo dõi tới các nguồn trình duyệt OBS
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - với trình kết nối phụ trợ để phục vụ
+ các đối tượng bản địa hóa từ lớp Go
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - máy trạng thái để theo dõi và
+ xử lý xác thực
diff --git a/website/i18n/zh-Hans/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/zh-Hans/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - 跟踪任何《街头霸
+王 6》或 V CFN 个人资料的实时比赛。 检查[网站](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/)
+## 特征
+- 实时比赛追踪
+- 存储比赛日志和统计数据
+- 支持通过浏览器源向 OBS 显示实时统计数据
+- 支持 SF6 和 SFV
+- 用户能够使用 CSS 创建自己的 OBS 浏览器主题
+### 与 Wails 一起使用的主要技术
+- [Task](https://github.com/go-task/task) - 包装 Wails CLI 以使常用命令易于使用
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - 因其丰富的生态系统而被选中
+ (radix、framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - 用于快速依赖解析和构建时间
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - 用于身份验证和轮询更改的无头浏览器自动
+ 化
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - 用于存储匹配、会话和配置文件
+- [服务器发送事件](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ 用于向 OBS 浏览器源发送跟踪更新的 http 流
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - 使用后端连接器来服务来自 Go 层的本地
+ 化对象
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - 用于身份验证过程和跟踪的状态机
diff --git a/website/i18n/zh-Hans/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/zh-Hans/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
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+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - 跟踪任何《街头霸
+王 6》或 V CFN 个人资料的实时比赛。 检查[网站](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/)
+## 特征
+- 实时比赛追踪
+- 存储比赛日志和统计数据
+- 支持通过浏览器源向 OBS 显示实时统计数据
+- 支持 SF6 和 SFV
+- 用户能够使用 CSS 创建自己的 OBS 浏览器主题
+### 与 Wails 一起使用的主要技术
+- [Task](https://github.com/go-task/task) - 包装 Wails CLI 以使常用命令易于使用
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - 因其丰富的生态系统而被选中
+ (radix、framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - 用于快速依赖解析和构建时间
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - 用于身份验证和轮询更改的无头浏览器自动
+ 化
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - 用于存储匹配、会话和配置文件
+- [服务器发送事件](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ 用于向 OBS 浏览器源发送跟踪更新的 http 流
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - 使用后端连接器来服务来自 Go 层的本地
+ 化对象
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - 用于身份验证过程和跟踪的状态机
diff --git a/website/i18n/zh-Hans/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/i18n/zh-Hans/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e1597d70af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/i18n/zh-Hans/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - 跟踪任何《街头霸
+王 6》或 V CFN 个人资料的实时比赛。 检查[网站](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/)
+## 特征
+- 实时比赛追踪
+- 存储比赛日志和统计数据
+- 支持通过浏览器源向 OBS 显示实时统计数据
+- 支持 SF6 和 SFV
+- 用户能够使用 CSS 创建自己的 OBS 浏览器主题
+### 与 Wails 一起使用的主要技术
+- [Task](https://github.com/go-task/task) - 包装 Wails CLI 以使常用命令易于使用
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - 因其丰富的生态系统而被选中
+ (radix、framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - 用于快速依赖解析和构建时间
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - 用于身份验证和轮询更改的无头浏览器自动
+ 化
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - 用于存储匹配、会话和配置文件
+- [服务器发送事件](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ 用于向 OBS 浏览器源发送跟踪更新的 http 流
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - 使用后端连接器来服务来自 Go 层的本地
+ 化对象
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - 用于身份验证过程和跟踪的状态机
diff --git a/website/static/img/showcase/cfntracker.webp b/website/static/img/showcase/cfntracker.webp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c596e3c6a1d
Binary files /dev/null and b/website/static/img/showcase/cfntracker.webp differ
diff --git a/website/static/img/sponsors.svg b/website/static/img/sponsors.svg
index 78b283b7ea9..f077852c289 100644
--- a/website/static/img/sponsors.svg
+++ b/website/static/img/sponsors.svg
@@ -28,24 +28,28 @@ text {
diff --git a/website/versioned_docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/versioned_docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8fab23b75ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/versioned_docs/version-v2.6.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Track any Street
+Fighter 6 or V CFN profile's live matches. Check
+[the website](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) to get started.
+## Features
+- Real-time match tracking
+- Storing match logs and statistics
+- Support for displaying live stats to OBS via Browser Source
+- Support for both SF6 and SFV
+- Ability for users to create their own OBS Browser themes with CSS
+### Major tech used alongside Wails
+- [Task](https://github.com/go-task/task) - wrapping the Wails CLI to make
+ common commands easy to use
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - chosen for its rich ecosystem
+ (radix, framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - used for its fast dependency
+ resolution and build-time
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - headless browser automation for
+ authentication and polling changes
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - used for storing matches,
+ sessions and profiles
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ a http stream to send tracking updates to OBS browser sources
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - with backend connector to serve
+ localization objects from the Go layer
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - state machines for auth
+ process and tracking
diff --git a/website/versioned_docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx b/website/versioned_docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8fab23b75ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/versioned_docs/version-v2.7.0/community/showcase/cfntracker.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# CFN Tracker
+[CFN Tracker](https://github.com/williamsjokvist/cfn-tracker) - Track any Street
+Fighter 6 or V CFN profile's live matches. Check
+[the website](https://cfn.williamsjokvist.se/) to get started.
+## Features
+- Real-time match tracking
+- Storing match logs and statistics
+- Support for displaying live stats to OBS via Browser Source
+- Support for both SF6 and SFV
+- Ability for users to create their own OBS Browser themes with CSS
+### Major tech used alongside Wails
+- [Task](https://github.com/go-task/task) - wrapping the Wails CLI to make
+ common commands easy to use
+- [React](https://github.com/facebook/react) - chosen for its rich ecosystem
+ (radix, framer-motion)
+- [Bun](https://github.com/oven-sh/bun) - used for its fast dependency
+ resolution and build-time
+- [Rod](https://github.com/go-rod/rod) - headless browser automation for
+ authentication and polling changes
+- [SQLite](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) - used for storing matches,
+ sessions and profiles
+- [Server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events) -
+ a http stream to send tracking updates to OBS browser sources
+- [i18next](https://github.com/i18next/) - with backend connector to serve
+ localization objects from the Go layer
+- [xstate](https://github.com/statelyai/xstate) - state machines for auth
+ process and tracking