Remaining Items: approx. 36 Estimated Feature Completeness: 1%
❏ Sprite Animation (3 sprites will be actually "animated" (maybe))
✓ Collision Detection
❏ Gravity Shifting Bot Gameplay Mechanics (this will probably be refactored)
❏ Forme Shifting Player Gamplay Mechanics
✓ Background Changing (this might be a tricky thing to do)
✓ Shift Background Display
❏ Change collision maps on background change (may not be implemented in time)
❏ Projectile Firing and Associated Mechanics (seems easy enough?)
❏ Collision
✓ Genericize functions
❏ Damage Calculation
❏ Player Movement
❏ Enemy Movement
❏ Item Use or Collection and Use-on-collect
❏ "GAME OVER" states (optional?)
❏ Saving (optional) (can be done in an hour to 2)
❏ add "animation frames" to the Echo sprite):
❏ add "animation frames" to the Bot sprite (Era)
❏ work on level design, time allowing(?) (needs to happen for "illusion" to work properly)
✓ figure out how sprite animation’s even gonna work to begin with (easier than i thought)
✓ add the pumpkin back
❏ combat (simplified, for now)
❏ gunfire in Keen Forme
❏ slashing in Impusle Forme
❏ take damage and deal damage
❏ use/collect items
❏ get and use items and apply effects to player
❏ check if player is dead and/or if enemy is dead
❏ save high score on successful run
✓ figure out how to do animation of sprites (experiement with slime)
✓ figure out how to render backgrounds properly
✓ figure out how to move the background(s) around (more like jump around, but it’s still "moving")
❏ figure out how to move the viewport/camera around and have it centered on the (current) player sprite (may not be needed per se)
✓ deal with text rendering workarounds with the backgrounds (needs to be done, otherwise, garbage will constantly be displayed)
✓ fix the rendering issues with displaying the tiles for the background(s).
❏ print "GAME OVER" when player (Echo) dies (the bot can just respawn)
❏ render pause menu (optional)
❏ render item menu (optional, might just make "items" be health pickups instead)
❏ render fade-ins and fade-outs
❏ render obj sprite as mosaic upon damage
❏ render score and health
✓ get user input for sprites (mostly for testing, at current point)
❏ get user input for changing "polarities" (started)
❏ get user input for menus (optional)
❏ create ability to detect collision (G means it was genericized)
✓ deal with object collision (G)
✓ deal with enemy collision (G)
✓ deal with background collision (G)
✓ be able to stop when colliding with something
❏ take damage with collision if enemy or area hazard
❏ insta-death if contact is with spikes