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Examples of using the CKAN API from R language.

Most of this content is taken from the original CKAN R package Readme. I have updated the examples to work with PFR demo.

Example files available at


CKAN is an open source set of tools for hosting and providing data on the web. (CKAN users could include non-profits, museums, local city/county governments, etc.).

ckanr allows users to interact with those CKAN websites to create, modify, and manage datasets, as well as search and download pre-existing data, and then to proceed using in R for data analysis (stats/plotting/etc.). It is meant to be as general as possible, allowing you to work with any CKAN instance.


Stable CRAN version


Note: the default base CKAN URL is set to Functions requiring write permissions in CKAN additionally require a privileged CKAN API key. You can change this using ckanr_setup(), or change the URL using the url parameter in each function call. To set one or both, run:

ckanr_setup() # restores default CKAN url to
ckanr_setup(url = "")
ckanr_setup(url = "", key = "my-ckan-api-key")

ckanr package API

There are a suite of CKAN things (package, resource, etc.) that each have a set of functions in this package. The functions for each CKAN thing have an S3 class that is returned from most functions, and can be passed to most other functions (this also facilitates piping). The following is a list of the function groups for certain CKAN things, with the prefix for the functions that work with that thing, and the name of the S3 class:

  • Packages (aka datasets) - package_*() - ckan_package
  • Resources - resource_*() - ckan_resource
  • Related - related_*() - ckan_related
  • Users - user_*() - ckan_user
  • Groups - group_*() - ckan_group
  • Tags - tag_*() - ckan_tag
  • Organizations - organization_*() - ckan_organization
  • Groups - group_*() - ckan_group
  • Users - user_*() - ckan_user
  • Related items - related_*() - ckan_related

The S3 class objects all look very similar; for example:

<CKAN Resource> 8abc92ad-7379-4fb8-bba0-549f38a26ddb
  Name: Data From Digital Portal
  Creator/Modified: 2015-08-18T19:20:59.732601 / 2015-08-18T19:20:59.657943
  Format: CSV

All classes state the type of object, have the ID to the right of the type, then have a varying set of key-value fields deemed important. This printed object is just a summary of an R list, so you can index to specific values (e.g., result$description). If you feel there are important fields left out of these printed summaries, let us know.

note: Many examples are given in brief for readme brevity


List packages

package_list(as = "table")
 [1] "black-goat"                                               
 [2] "ckan-collector-example"                                   
 [3] "ckan-collector-example2"                                  
 [4] "ckan-collector-example3"

All together

ckan_url = ""
API_KEY = "03511628-ff4e-47a6-abc0-afa971004c83"  # localhost
ckanr_setup(url = ckan_url, key = API_KEY)
package_list(as = "table")

This initialisation is in the ckan.r file and can be included in each test file using source(file='ckan.r')

Show a package

#> <CKAN Package> 34d60b13-1fd5-430e-b0ec-c8bc7f4841cf
#>   Title: Artifact Data - Vacuum Tubes
#>   Creator/Modified: 2014-10-28T18:12:11.453636 / 2014-11-05T21:25:16.848989
#>   Resources (up to 5): Artifact Data - Vacuum Tubes (XML), Data Dictionary, Tips (English), Tips (French)
#>   Tags (up to 5): Vacuum Tubes
#>   Groups (up to 5): communications

Search for packages

x <- package_search(q = '*:*', rows = 2)
#> [[1]]
#> <CKAN Package> f4406699-3e11-4856-be48-b55da98b3c14
#>   Title: Artifact Data - Horology
#>   Creator/Modified: 2014-10-28T16:50:30.068996 / 2015-03-30T15:06:55.218176
#>   Resources (up to 5): Artifact Data - Horology (XML), Data Dictionary, Tips (English), Tips (French)
#>   Tags (up to 5): Horology
#>   Groups (up to 5): scientific-instrumentation
#> [[2]]
#> <CKAN Package> 0a801729-aa94-4d76-a5e0-7b487303f4e5
#>   Title: Artifact Data - Astronomy
#>   Creator/Modified: 2014-10-24T19:16:59.160533 / 2015-01-09T23:33:13.972898
#>   Resources (up to 5): Artifact Data - Astronomy (XML), Data Dictionary, Tips (English), Tips (French)
#>   Tags (up to 5): Astronomy, Scientific Instrumentation
#>   Groups (up to 5): scientific-instrumentation


Search for resources

x <- resource_search(q = 'name:data', limit = 2)
#> [[1]]
#> <CKAN Resource> e179e910-27fb-44f4-a627-99822af49ffa
#>   Name: Artifact Data - Exploration and Survey (XML)
#>   Description: XML Dataset
#>   Creator/Modified: 2014-10-28T15:50:35.374303 /
#>   Size:
#>   Format: XML
#> [[2]]
#> <CKAN Resource> ba84e8b7-b388-4d2a-873a-7b107eb7f135
#>   Name: Data Dictionary
#>   Description: Data dictionary for CSTMC artifact datasets.
#>   Creator/Modified: 2014-11-03T18:01:02.094210 /
#>   Size:
#>   Format: XLS


List users

#> [[1]]
#> <CKAN User> ee100ca6-2363-4db8-b24b-066e865c33ec
#>   Name: CSTMC
#>   Display Name: CSTMC
#>   Full Name:
#>   No. Packages:
#>   No. Edits: 0
#>   Created: 2014-10-16T18:15:03.685929
#> [[2]]
#> <CKAN User> de64d5d4-86ab-4510-820b-f0bd86ea7a79
#>   Name: default
#>   Display Name: default
#>   Full Name:
#>   No. Packages:
#>   No. Edits: 0
#>   Created: 2014-03-20T02:55:40.628968


List groups

group_list(as = 'table')[, 1:3]
#>                         display_name description
#> 1                     Communications
#> 2 Domestic and Industrial Technology
#> 3                         Everything
#> 4                           Location
#> 5                          Resources
#> 6         Scientific Instrumentation
#> 7                     Transportation
#>                                title
#> 1                     Communications
#> 2 Domestic and Industrial Technology
#> 3                         Everything
#> 4                           Location
#> 5                          Resources
#> 6         Scientific Instrumentation
#> 7                     Transportation

Show a group

group_show('communications', as = 'table')$users
#>   openid about capacity     name                    created
#> 1     NA  <NA>    admin     marc 2014-10-24T14:44:29.885262
#> 2     NA          admin sepandar 2014-10-23T19:40:42.056418
#>                         email_hash sysadmin
#> 1 a32002c960476614370a16e9fb81f436    FALSE
#> 2 10b930a228afd1da2647d62e70b71bf8     TRUE
#>   activity_streams_email_notifications  state number_of_edits
#> 1                                FALSE active             379
#> 2                                FALSE active              44
#>   number_administered_packages display_name fullname
#> 1                           39         marc     <NA>
#> 2                            1     sepandar
#>                                     id
#> 1 27778230-2e90-4818-9f00-bbf778c8fa09
#> 2 b50449ea-1dcc-4d52-b620-fc95bf56034b


List tags

tag_list('aviation', as = 'table')
#>   vocabulary_id                     display_name
#> 1            NA                         Aviation
#> 2            NA Canada Aviation and Space Museum
#>                                     id                             name
#> 1 cc1db2db-b08b-4888-897f-a17eade2461b                         Aviation
#> 2 8d05a650-bc7b-4b89-bcc8-c10177e60119 Canada Aviation and Space Museum

Show tags

#> $owner_org
#> [1] "fafa260d-e2bf-46cd-9c35-34c1dfa46c57"
#> $maintainer
#> [1] ""
#> $relationships_as_object
#> list()


List organizations

#> [[1]]
#> <CKAN Organization> fafa260d-e2bf-46cd-9c35-34c1dfa46c57
#>   Name: cstmc
#>   Display name: CSTMC
#>   No. Packages:
#>   No. Users: 0