This project contains examples for using the AWS Database Encryption SDK for DynamoDb in Java.
├── ..
├── src
│ ├── main/java/software/amazon/cryptography/examples: Examples source
│ │ ├── BasicPutGetExample: Example using AWS DB ESDK to Put and Get an encrypted item from DynamoDB
│ │ ├── CreateKeyStoreTableExample: Example creating a Keystore DynamoDB table for use with a hierarchical keyring
│ │ ├── CreateKeyStoreKeyExample: Example creating a branch key in a Keystore DynamoDB table
│ │ ├── clientsupplier: Examples using a custom KMS ClientSupplier
│ │ ├── enhanced: Examples using the DynamoDbEnhancedClient
│ │ ├── itemencryptor: Examples using the DynamoDbItemEncryptor
│ │ ├── keyring: Examples creating and using different keyrings
│ │ └── searchableencryption: Examples demonstrating searchable encryption configuration and usage
└── └── test: Our tests that run these examples
- A Java 8 or newer development environment
Each example includes a runnable main
and a description of the required command line arguments.
To run a given example, inspect its particular setup requirements,
create and/or grant access to any required AWS resources,
and run the example as specified in the file.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.