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Secrets created for APBs parameters were NOT filtered out

If you have created secrets (e.g. aws_access_key & aws_secret_key) for your APB's to consume, but you still see them as parameters in the AWS APBs, follow the steps bellow to troubleshoot

  1. Verify that you've followed the steps to create secrets

  2. Verifying that the secret exist for APB parameters

    The secret (e.g. awsservicebroker-asb-secret) should exist in the ASB's namespace (e.g. aws-service-broker)

    $ oc get secret awsservicebroker-asb-secret -o yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    aws_access_key:               <ACCESS-KEY-VALUE>
    aws_cloudformation_role_arn:  <ROLE-ARM-VALUE>
    aws_secret_key:               <SECRET-KEY-VALUE>
    kind: Secret
    creationTimestamp: 2018-01-05T16:56:04Z
    name: awsservicebroker-asb-secret
    namespace: aws-service-broker
    resourceVersion: "1781"
    selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/aws-service-broker/secrets/awsservicebroker-asb-secret
    uid: 21d2d8dd-ff95-11e7-b7ef-64006a55912e
    type: Opaque
  3. Verify that the secret were processed for the APBs

    Review the ASB pod's logs, and search for messages which says Filtering secrets from spec ... and Param <SECRET> matched. For example the below is a partial logs of the ASB which shows that the secret parameter values aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, aws_cloudformation_role_arn are being processed for each of the SNS APB's plans.

    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.905Z] [DEBUG] Filtering secret parameters out of specs...
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.905Z] [DEBUG] Filtering secrets from spec dh-sns-apb
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Found secret with name awsservicebroker-asb-secret
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Found secret keys: [aws_access_key aws_cloudformation_role_arn aws_secret_key]
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Filtering secrets from plan sns-topicwithsub
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Param aws_access_key matched%!(EXTRA string=aws_access_key)
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Param aws_secret_key matched%!(EXTRA string=aws_secret_key)
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Param aws_cloudformation_role_arn matched%!(EXTRA string=aws_cloudformation_role_arn)
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Filtering secrets from plan sns-topic
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Param aws_access_key matched%!(EXTRA string=aws_access_key)
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Param aws_secret_key matched%!(EXTRA string=aws_secret_key)
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Param aws_cloudformation_role_arn matched%!(EXTRA string=aws_cloudformation_role_arn)
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Filtering secrets from plan sns-subscription
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Param aws_access_key matched%!(EXTRA string=aws_access_key)
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Param aws_secret_key matched%!(EXTRA string=aws_secret_key)
    [2018-01-05T16:56:46.908Z] [DEBUG] Param aws_cloudformation_role_arn matched%!(EXTRA string=aws_cloudformation_role_arn)
  4. Verify that the parameters are NOT visible in the OpenShift WebUI

    Select any one of the APB's that a secret was created for, and verify that those parameters are NOT visible for a user to enter in the WebUI.

Service provisioning fails

There are a variety of ways this can manifest:

  • provision fails with error
  • provision succeeds but the cloudformation stack either is non-existent, or in CREATE_FAILED state
  • provision succeeds, but bind secrets are empty

Monitoring APB Logs

The provisioning of an APB will occur in a temporary namespace/pod which will run the playbook for the APB's provision steps. When the provision is successful, this namespace/pod will be removed, and your APB will be available for use in the project/namespace that you've specified.

However if the provision was not successful, reviewing the logs of the pod that's temporarily launched would be help. Since the namespace/pod is random, it's best to open a terminal and issue a watch command to get pods in all of the namespaces before provisioning an APB.

Below is an example output of the command: watch 'oc get pods --all-namespaces'

Every 2.0s: oc get pods --all-namespaces

NAMESPACE                           NAME                                  READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
aws-service-broker                  aws-asb-1-fqd89                       1/1       Running     0          1h
aws-service-broker                  aws-asb-etcd-1-mvwrk                  1/1       Running     0          1h
default                             docker-registry-1-6pknr               1/1       Running     0          1h
default                             persistent-volume-setup-jn7fj         0/1       Completed   0          1h
default                             router-1-zwplz                        1/1       Running     0          1h
kube-service-catalog                apiserver-742091420-mmqdg             2/2       Running     0          1h
kube-service-catalog                controller-manager-1159488142-24txt   1/1       Running     2          1h
openshift-template-service-broker   apiserver-7qr86                       1/1       Running     0          1h

After provisioning your APB, you will see another namespace/pod appear (e.g. RDS APB was provisioned)

Every 2.0s: oc get pods --all-namespaces

NAMESPACE                           NAME                                       READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
aws-service-broker                  aws-asb-1-fqd89                            1/1       Running     0          1h
aws-service-broker                  aws-asb-etcd-1-mvwrk                       1/1       Running     0          1h
default                             docker-registry-1-6pknr                    1/1       Running     0          1h
default                             persistent-volume-setup-jn7fj              0/1       Completed   0          1h
default                             router-1-zwplz                             1/1       Running     0          1h
dh-rds-apb-prov-r6cw6               apb-80d437a3-4a9f-46c0-b9fd-25635882450a   0/1       Error       0          5m
kube-service-catalog                apiserver-742091420-mmqdg                  2/2       Running     0          1h
kube-service-catalog                controller-manager-1159488142-24txt        1/1       Running     2          1h
openshift-template-service-broker   apiserver-7qr86                            1/1       Running     0          1h

The above shows that and Error occurred in the pod apb-80d437a3-4a9f-46c0-b9fd-25635882450a in the namespace dh-rds-apb-prov-r6cw6. Review the logs in that pod to further investigate the error.

Checking logs for Ansible playbook errors

Check whether the underlying ansible playbook experienced any errors:

journalctl --no-pager --since "-1 day" _SYSTEMD_UNIT=docker.service _COMM=dockerd-current | grep FAILED

Checking for CloudFormation stack errors

To investigate a CloudFormation stack failure and it's causes, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide in the CloudFormation Documentation.

Troubleshooting AWS Service Broker issues

For troubleshooting general AWS Broker issues, review the debugging guide for the Ansible Service Broker.

AWS Service broker logs

The AWS Service Broker logs can be viewed by running the following OpenShift command, note that these commands require "oc login" to already be completed.

oc logs po/$(oc get pods -n aws-service-broker --no-headers | awk '{print $1}') -c aws-asb -n aws-service-broker | less

Kubernetes Service Catalog logs

The Kubernetes Service Catalog invokes the AWS Service Broker and monitors for provisioning status's and available AWS services.

oc logs $(oc get pods -n kube-service-catalog | grep controller-manager | awk '{print $1}') -n kube-service-catalog | less