- Finite State Machine
- Fuzzy State Machine
- Steering Behaviors
- Path Finding
- State Machine: Updates the state of a subject
- Binary Condition: A function that returns true or false
- Finite Transition: A set of conditions that need to be true to signal a state change. Can have a priority and a probability factor.
- Finite Transition Map: Says "if actor is in state A and a transition is true, move to state B"
- Finite: Helper functions to create complex finite conditions
- Finite State: A state to apply to an actor
- Finite State Map: A map of state logic to state enumeration
- Finite Machine: Handles updating the current state and determines the next state
- Fuzzy Condition: A function that returns a value between 0.0 and 1.0
- Fuzzy: Helper functions to create complex fuzzy conditions
- Fuzzy Condition Map: A map of state enumeration to the fuzzy condition
- Fuzzy State: A state to apply to an actor to a certain degree determined by the fuzzy condition
- Fuzzy State Map: A map of state logic to state enumeration
- Fuzzy Machine: Handles updating the current states
- SteerSubject: An object which is controlled by steering behaviors
- SteerController: Handles applying the forces of a steering behavior to a subject
- SteerQuery: Query parameters passed to a spatial database
- Filter: Determines whether an entity can affect the subject (is near, visible, etc)
- Side: Returns true if the target is in front/back of the subject
- View: Returns true if the target is view of the subject (given FOV)
- Proximity: Returns true if the target is within a circle around the subject
- And: A compound filter that returns true if ALL of its filters return true
- Or: A compound filter that returns true if ANY of its filters return true
- None: Always returns true
- Target: Provides information on a target like position, velocity, direction, etc
- Aggregate: Targets the result of an aggregate given nearby targets
- Chain: Targets a given target, if none is found checks a second target
- Filtered: Targets a given target if it passes a filter
- Future: Targets the future position of another target
- InLine: Targets the closest point in the segment between two targets
- Interpose: Targets a specific point % of the way between two targets
- Relative: Targets relative to another subject (ie. protect another subject)
- Aggregate: Takes a group of targets and outputs a single target
- Closest: Targets the closest in the group
- Average: Targets the average position of the group
- Slowest: Targets the slowest target in the group
- Weakest: Finds the target which the subject can intercept the soonest
- Strongest: Finds the target which can intercept the subject the soonest
- Constraint: A restriction placed on a subject when it comes to its velocity, direction, etc
- Turning: Restricts how fast a subject can turn
- ZeroVelocityThreshold: Restricts the velocity to zero when it's below a given threshold
- Steer: A function (behavior) which produces a force to be applied to the subject
- To: Steers towards a target at maximum velocity
- Away: Steers away from a target at maximum velocity
- Arrive: Steers to a target coming to a gradual stop
- Wander: Steers a subject randomly around
- Constant: Steers a subject with some constant force
- Drive: Steers a subject based on driving inputs (forward, turn left, turn right, backup)
- Containment: Steers a subject to stay inside a geometry
- Face: Steers a subject to look at a target
- Follow: Steers a subject to follow behind a potentially moving target
- FlowField: Steers a subject based on a flow field
- Path: Steers a subject along a path
- Modifier: Modifies an existing behavior
- Accumulator: A function which accepts the output of multiple behaviors to produce a single output
- Average: Takes the average of the output
- First: Takes the first non-zero output
- Max: Takes the largest output
- Context: Prioritizes "bad" behaviors above "good"
- Group Behavior: A behavior which uses nearby entities to produce a force to be applied
- Alignment: A force which aligns the subject with it's neighbors
- Cohesion: A force which aligns the subject to the center of it's neighbors
- Separation: A force which keeps a subject from running into it's neighbors
- Avoid: A force which avoids collisions with it's neighbors while actively moving
- Dodge: A force which avoids collisions with it's neighbors while not actively moving
- MatchVelocity: A force which helps the subject match it's velocity to it's neighbors
- Complex Behavior: A behavior which is made up of multiple behaviors
- Accumulated Behavior: A complex behavior which uses an accumulator to calculate an output force
- State Behavior: A complex behavior where behaviors are called based on the state of the subject
- Node:
- Move:
- Map:
subject: S
updateFrequency: number
update( state: GameState, view: View<V> ): void
( subject: S ): boolean
condition: BinaryCondition<S>
priority: number
probability: number
transitions: FiniteTransition<S>[E][E][]
add( fromState: E, transition: FiniteTransition<S>, toState: E ): void
all( transition: FiniteTransition<S>, toState: E ): void
and<S>( ...conditions: BinaryCondition<S> ): BinaryCondition<S>
or<S>( ...conditions: BinaryCondition<S> ): BinaryCondition<S>
not<S>( condition: BinaryCondition<S> ): BinaryCondition<S>
consecutive<S>( times: number, condition: BinaryCondition<S> ): BinaryCondition<S>
nofuzz<S>( trueMin: number, trueMax: number, condition: FuzzyCondition<S> ): BinaryCondition<S>
update( subject: S, state: GameState, view: View<V> ): void
begin( subject: S, state: GameState, view: View<V> ): boolean
end( subject: S, state: GameState, view: View<V> ): boolean
states: FiniteState<S>[E]
set( stateEnum: E, state: FiniteState<S> ): void
current: E
next: E
states: FiniteStateMap<S, E>
transitions: FiniteTransitionMap<S, E>
( subject: S ): number
min<S>( ...conditions: FuzzyCondition<S> ): FuzzyCondition<S>
max<S>( ...conditions: FuzzyCondition<S> ): FuzzyCondition<S>
avg<S>( ...conditions: FuzzyCondition<S> ): FuzzyCondition<S>
not<S>( condition: FuzzyCondition<S> ): FuzzyCondition<S>
runningAverage<S>( samples: number, condition: FuzzyCondition<S> ): FuzzyCondition<S>
ranged<S>( min: number, max: number, condition: FuzzyCondition<S> ): FuzzyCondition<S>
update( subject: S, active: number, totalActive: number, state: GameState, view: View<V> ): void
states: FuzzyState<S>[E]
set( stateEnum: E, state: FuzzyState<S> ): void
conditions: FuzzyCondition<S>[E]
set( stateEnum: E, condition: FuzzyCondition<S> ): void
states: FuzzyStateMap<S, E>
conditions: FuzzyConditionMap<S, E>
getPosition(): V
getVelocity(): V
getAcceleration(): V
getDirection(): V
subject: SteerSubject<V>
steer: Steer<V>
constraint: Constraint<V>
immediate: boolean
update( state: GameState ): void
queryOffset: number
queryOffsetTime: number
queryRadius: number
contains: boolean
groups: number
max: number
filter: Filter<V>
isValid( subject: SteerSubject<V>, test: SpatialEntity<V> )
front: boolean
fovTan: number
fovCos: number
fovType: FieldOfView
minimum: number
maximum: number
filters: Filter<V>[]
filters: Filter<V>[]
newTarget( SteerSubject<V> ): Target<V>
getTarget( SteerSubject<V> ): SpatialEntity<V>
aggregate: Aggregate< V >
database: SpatialDatabase< V >
query: SteerQuery< V >
first: Target<V>
second: Target<V>
filter: Filter<V>
target: Target<V>
target: Target<V>
interceptOnly: boolean
first: Target<V>
second: Target<V>
start: Target<V>
end: Target<V>
delta: number
relativeTo: SteerSubject<V>
target: Target<V>
reset( subject: SteerSubject<V> ): void
aggregate( entity: SpatialEntity<V>, overlap: number ): void
result(): Target<V>
constrain( subject: SteerSubject<V>, force: V, elapsed: number ): boolean
radiansPerSecond: number
threshold: number
getForce( subject: SteerSubject<V>, elapsed: number, direction: V ): number
getMaximum(): number
setMaximum( maximum: number ): void
getMinimum(): number
setMinimum( minimum: number ): void
canShare(): boolean
copy(): Steer<V>
minimum: number
maximum: number
target: Target<V>
target: Target<V>
target: Target<V>
caution: number
arrived: number
theta: number
radius: number
distance: number
wander: number
force: V
thrust: number
brake: number
deceleration: number
thrusting: boolean
braking: boolean
turnForce: V[]
turn: boolean[]
shared: boolean
container: Geometry<V>
buffer: number
target: Target<V>
threshold: number
leader: Target<V>
distance: number
field: V[]
fieldBounds: V[]
fieldsDimension: V
cellDimension: V
lookahead: number
lookaheadPoint: V
path: Path<V>
granularity: number
lookahead: number
thickness: number
buffer: number
velocity: number
direction: number
cyclic: boolean
reset: boolean
steer: Steer<V>
weight: number
update: number
enabled: boolean
Accumulator: A function which accepts the output of multiple behaviors to produce a single output
- Average: Takes the average of the output
- First: Takes the first non-zero output
- Max: Takes the largest output
- Context: Prioritizes "bad" behaviors above "good"