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Functions preprocessor

Ax Kr edited this page Jan 3, 2021 · 11 revisions

Add new identifiers in AST2Expr

To add new predefined constants or function symbols you have to extend the following String arrays in org.matheclipse.core.convert.AST2Expr

  • UPPERCASE_SYMBOL_STRINGS - symbols which are exactly one uppercase constant or function
  • DOLLAR_STRINGS - symbols starting with a '$' character
  • SYMBOL_STRINGS - constant identifiers, which are not used as a function identifier
  • FUNCTION_STRINGS - function identifiers

We can for example add a new user function MyFunction to the FUNCTION_STRINGS array.

Generate files

If the AST2Expr definitions have changed these two programs can generate new sources in the Eclipse console output:

Implementing new functions

A new function is implemented in the package org.matheclipse.core.builtin

A typical "template" for an example built-in function MyFunction is implemented like this. The evaluation of MyFunction({a,b,c}) should return the first argument {a,b,c} if the first argument is a list.

package org.matheclipse.core.builtin;

import org.matheclipse.core.eval.EvalEngine;
import org.matheclipse.core.eval.exception.Validate;
import org.matheclipse.core.eval.interfaces.AbstractEvaluator;
import org.matheclipse.core.expression.F;
import org.matheclipse.core.interfaces.IAST;
import org.matheclipse.core.interfaces.IExpr;

public class UserFunctions {
	static {
		F.MyFunction.setEvaluator(new MyFunction());

	private static class MyFunction extends AbstractEvaluator {

		public IExpr evaluate(final IAST ast, EvalEngine engine) {
		   // test if only 1 argument is allowed:
			Validate.checkRange(ast, 2);
			if (ast.arg1().isList()) {
				return ast.arg1();
			return F.NIL;

	private final static UserFunctions CONST = new UserFunctions();

	public static UserFunctions initialize() {
		return CONST;

	private UserFunctions() {



It must be initialized in the F.class static block:


	static {
		Thread INIT_THREAD = null;



Now the evaluation of MyFunction({a,b,c}) returns the first argument {a,b,c}. And the evaluation of MyFunction(test) returns unevaluated as MyFunction(test).

Integrating your own Java library with the WXF format

For creating a quick prototype which can use Symja functions to call your own library, you should consider implementing functions similar to the BinarySerialize, BinaryDeserialize functions with the WXF format:

The implementation whic is use in Symja can be found here:

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