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File metadata and controls

113 lines (93 loc) · 4.21 KB

Pytorch Template

Maintenance PyPI pyversions Torch version Code Coverage License: MIT

This project serves as a basic template for any Pytorch project.

The idea is to standardize code structures as much as possible for various projects

How to use

  • Clone/Fork the repository and use the structure below as a reference to add/update/delete code.
  • Use the requirements.txt file to add all the dependencies in your own virtual environment.

Repository Structure

├── models
│   └──
├── preprocess
│   └── 
├── test
│   └──
├── utils
│   ├──
│   └──
├── .coverage
├── .gitignore
├── configs.json
├── coverage.svg
└── requirements.txt

Explanation of each file

Under Construction


Update the configs.json file to adjust the hyper parameters:

This is just a base config file that I have provided. Please feel free to add additional configs attributes as needed. Although, I highly recommend not to change the names of the attributes unless necessary. Certain attributes like optimizer, criterion, data, model_name are being used to load their specific Object types. If you must change the attribute names, then update the and to use the updated attribute names.

  • experiment_name : The name of the experiment
  • model_name : The architecture to use. Architectures included in the code are
    • Options : AlexNet
    • Default : alexnet
  • optimizer : The optimizer to use for the experiment
    • Options : adam, sgd
    • Default : sgd
  • criterion : The Loss function to use for the experiment
    • Default : cross-entropy
  • num_epochs : Number of epochs to train the model for
    • Default : 10
  • num_classes : The number of classes for classification
    • Default : 10
  • input_channels : The input channels for the model
    • Default : 3
  • learning_rate : The learning rate to use for the experiments. We have not used Adaptive learning rate for the simplicity in interpreting the trends
    • Default : 0.001
  • momentum : Used for the optimizer
    • Default : 0.9
  • weight_decay : Used for the optimizer
    • Default : 1e-5
  • batch_size : The number of images per batch in the training dataset
    • Default : 32
  • data : (dict) The path for the dataset
    • root : Path for the root directory
    • train: Relative Path for the train folder from the root
    • validation : Relative Path for the validation folder from the root
    • test : Relative Path for the test folder from the root
  • seed : This initializes different weights for each experiment. We average over the results to determine a general learning trend
    • Options : Length of list defines the number of different experiments for a given arch and dataset
    • Default : [0, 123, 420, 69]
  • model_save_path : Path where the model will be saved after training
    • Default : ./trained_models/

Issues or Want to Contribute?

  • If you have any issues, then create the issue with the fix you have one and create a pull request.
  • If you have new features, submit a pull request, and I will review it.

For The Badge