We've hand-selected 30 of the most popular books on the planet to get the fun started, but you can also add books if your choice to the shelf.
Both readers and authors can enjoy the following features:
- See the very first book amongst our list of top selections when you arrive!
- On the right side, scroll through our list of options and select any titles to explore
- Add a book of your choice to the shelf by providing a bit of background information and submitting via our form
- As a user, I want to see the list of all books when I open the app so I can select one for viewing.
- As a user, I want to click on each title so I can see each book's display details.
- As a user, I want to submit a form so I can add a new book to the list.
- As a user, I want to scroll the menu list of books so that I can see book names that may stretch beyond the initially visible texts (the first 10-15 books)
Happy Reading!
git clone [email protected]:azanidavidpinkney/phase-1-javascript-project.git
For Windows users:
explorer.exe index.html
For Mac users:
open index.html
json-server --watch db.json