EETagent For forked T480 OpenCore repo
michaeldigiacomi For x270 repo and advice to try use T470 as base repo.
taina0407 For orginal T480 OpenCore repo
The guys from Acidanthera that make this possible
al3xtjames for NoTouchID
Apple for macOS and HfsPlus.efi
corpnewt for USBMap and CPUFriendDataProvider
headkaze for Hackintool
OpenIntelWireless for IntelBluetoothFirmware, itlwm and HeliPort
And every other contributor
To all people who help with testing and improving this repo - afreuden, benbender, danny7g, khokho, knee41, swatchie-1 , tienhuynh5312, UA3, villeheikkila, zombillano
Lots of SSDT patches from benbender
People at r/hackintosh for their advices
benbender, MSzturc, simprecicchiani and xma for inspirational ThinkPad configurations