GLSL Trace
Standalone library for shader trace recording.
- Shader trace recording for debugging.
- Shader profiling (using extensions EXT_shader_realtime_clock and ARB_shader_clock.
- Supports mesh and ray tracing shaders.
Enable pixel/invocation debugging from code
// use glslang to compile shader from source
// for full source code see 'Device::_Compile()' in 'tests/Vulkan/Device.cpp'
glslang::TProgram program;
// after program compilation get AST
TIntermediate* intermediate = program.getIntermediate( ... );
// insert trace recording into glslang AST
// descSetIndex - any free descriptor set index
ShaderTrace shaderTrace;
shaderTrace.InsertTraceRecording( *intermediate, descSetIndex );
// Parts of shader source code will be inserted into shader trace results
shaderTrace.SetSource( ... );
// add included source files if used '#include' directive
shaderTrace.IncludeSource( ... );
// convert AST to SPIRV binary
glslang::GlslangToSpv( *intermediate, spirvData, ... );
// create pipeline
// create buffer for shader output
VkBufferCreateInfo info = {};
info.size = 4u << 20;
vkCreateBuffer( device, &info, nullptr, &debugOutputBuffer );
vkCreateBuffer( device, &info, nullptr, &stagingBuffer );
// bind descriptor set with 'debugOutputBuffer'
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets( cmdBuffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, ppln_layout, descSetIndex, 1, &dbg_desc_set, 0, nullptr );
// set pixel which you need to debug (2 components)
// record if {pixel_x, pixel_y} == floor(gl_FragCoord.xy)
uint32_t data[] = { pixel_x, pixel_y };
vkCmdUpdateBuffer( cmdBuffer, debugOutputBuffer, 0, sizeof(data), data );
vkCmdFillBuffer( cmdBuffer, debugOutputBuffer, sizeof(data), VK_WHOLE_SIZE, 0 );
// draw
// ... or which compute invocation or ray tracing launch (3 components)
// record if {thread_x, thread_y, thread_z} == gl_GlobalInvocationID
// record if {thread_x, thread_y, thread_z} == gl_LaunchID
uint32_t data[] = { thread_x, thread_y, thread_z };
vkCmdUpdateBuffer( cmdBuffer, debugOutputBuffer, 0, sizeof(data), data );
vkCmdFillBuffer( cmdBuffer, debugOutputBuffer, sizeof(data), VK_WHOLE_SIZE, 0 );
// dispatch or trace
// copy buffer data to staging buffer and map
void* ptr;
vkMapMemory( device, stagingBuffer, 0, info.size, 0, &ptr );
// get shader trace as a string
vector<string> result;
shaderTrace.ParseShaderTrace( ptr, info.size, result );
Enable debugging from shader source
// empty function will be replaced during shader compilation
void dbg_EnableTraceRecording (bool b) {}
void main ()
bool condition = ...
// if 'condition' is true then trace recording will start here
dbg_EnableTraceRecording( condition );
Pause trace recording
// empty functions will be replaced during shader compilation
void dbg_EnableTraceRecording (bool b) {}
void dbg_PauseTraceRecording (bool b) {}
void main ()
bool condition = ...
// if 'condition' is true then trace recording will start here
dbg_EnableTraceRecording( condition );
// pause
dbg_PauseTraceRecording( true );
// trace will not be recorded
// resume
dbg_PauseTraceRecording( false );
Example of shader trace
//> gl_GlobalInvocationID: uint3 {8, 8, 0}
//> gl_LocalInvocationID: uint3 {0, 0, 0}
//> gl_WorkGroupID: uint3 {1, 1, 0}
no source
//> index: uint {136}
// gl_GlobalInvocationID: uint3 {8, 8, 0}
11. index = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.x;
//> size: uint {256}
12. size = gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_NumWorkGroups.y * gl_WorkGroupSize.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.y;
//> value: float {0.506611}
// index: uint {136}
// size: uint {256}
13. value = sin( float(index) / size );
//> imageStore(): void
// gl_GlobalInvocationID: uint3 {8, 8, 0}
// value: float {0.506611}
14. imageStore( un_OutImage, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy), vec4(value) );
The //>
symbol marks the modified variable or function result.
Enable pixel/invocation profiling from code
// get shader clock extension features
VkPhysicalDeviceShaderClockFeaturesKHR shaderClockFeat;
// use glslang to compile shader from source
// for full source code see 'Device::_Compile()' in 'tests/Vulkan/Device.cpp'
glslang::TProgram program;
// after program compilation get AST
TIntermediate* intermediate = program.getIntermediate( ... );
// insert profiling code into glslang AST
// descSetIndex - any free descriptor set index
ShaderTrace shaderTrace;
shaderTrace.InsertFunctionProfiler( *intermediate, descSetIndex, shaderClockFeat.shaderSubgroupClock, shaderClockFeat.shaderDeviceClock );
// convert AST to SPIRV binary
glslang::GlslangToSpv( *intermediate, spirvData, ... );
// create pipeline
// create buffer for shader output
VkBufferCreateInfo info = {};
info.size = 4u << 20;
vkCreateBuffer( device, &info, nullptr, &debugOutputBuffer );
vkCreateBuffer( device, &info, nullptr, &stagingBuffer );
// bind descriptor set with 'debugOutputBuffer'
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets( cmdBuffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, ppln_layout, descSetIndex, 1, &dbg_desc_set, 0, nullptr );
// set pixel which you need to debug (2 components)
// record if {pixel_x, pixel_y} == floor(gl_FragCoord.xy)
uint32_t data[] = { pixel_x, pixel_y };
vkCmdUpdateBuffer( cmdBuffer, debugOutputBuffer, 0, sizeof(data), data );
vkCmdFillBuffer( cmdBuffer, debugOutputBuffer, sizeof(data), VK_WHOLE_SIZE, 0 );
// draw
// ... or which compute invocation or ray tracing launch (3 components)
// record if {thread_x, thread_y, thread_z} == gl_GlobalInvocationID
// record if {thread_x, thread_y, thread_z} == gl_LaunchID
uint32_t data[] = { thread_x, thread_y, thread_z };
vkCmdUpdateBuffer( cmdBuffer, debugOutputBuffer, 0, sizeof(data), data );
vkCmdFillBuffer( cmdBuffer, debugOutputBuffer, sizeof(data), VK_WHOLE_SIZE, 0 );
// dispatch or trace
// copy buffer data to staging buffer and map
void* ptr;
vkMapMemory( device, stagingBuffer, 0, info.size, 0, &ptr );
// get profiling info as a string
vector<string> result;
shaderTrace.ParseShaderTrace( ptr, info.size, result );
Enable profiling from shader source
// empty function will be replaced during shader compilation
void dbg_EnableProfiling (bool b) {}
void main ()
bool condition = ...
// if condition is true then profiling will start here
dbg_EnableProfiling( condition );
Example of shader profiling output
//> gl_GlobalInvocationID: uint3 {512, 512, 0}
//> gl_LocalInvocationID: uint3 {0, 0, 0}
//> gl_WorkGroupID: uint3 {64, 64, 0}
no source
// subgroup total: 100.00%, avr: 100.00%, (95108.00)
// device total: 100.00%, avr: 100.00%, (2452.00)
// invocations: 1
106. void main ()
// subgroup total: 89.57%, avr: 89.57%, (85192.00)
// device total: 89.56%, avr: 89.56%, (2196.00)
// invocations: 1
29. float FBM (in float3 coord)
// subgroup total: 84.67%, avr: 12.10%, (11504.57)
// device total: 84.18%, avr: 12.03%, (294.86)
// invocations: 7
56. float GradientNoise (const float3 pos)
// subgroup total: 45.15%, avr: 0.81%, (766.86)
// device total: 44.54%, avr: 0.80%, (19.50)
// invocations: 56
72. float3 DHash33 (const float3 p)
Enable render pass profiling
// check shader clock extension
VkPhysicalDeviceShaderClockFeaturesKHR shaderClockFeat;
if ( !shaderClockFeat.shaderDeviceClock )
return; // not supported
// use glslang to compile shader from source
// for full source code see 'Device::_Compile()' in 'tests/Vulkan/Device.cpp'
glslang::TProgram program;
// after program compilation get AST
TIntermediate* intermediate = program.getIntermediate( ... );
// insert profiling code into glslang AST
// descSetIndex - any free descriptor set index
ShaderTrace shaderTrace;
shaderTrace.InsertShaderClockMap( *intermediate, descSetIndex );
// convert AST to SPIRV binary
glslang::GlslangToSpv( *intermediate, spirvData, ... );
// create pipeline
// create buffer for shader output
// image_width, image_height - size of render target
VkBufferCreateInfo info = {};
info.size = 16 + (image_width * image_height * 8);
vkCreateBuffer( device, &info, nullptr, &debugOutputBuffer );
vkCreateBuffer( device, &info, nullptr, &stagingBuffer );
// bind descriptor set with 'debugOutputBuffer'
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets( cmdBuffer, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, ppln_layout, descSetIndex, 1, &dbg_desc_set, 0, nullptr );
// set 'scale' and 'dimension'
uint32_t data[] = { std::bit_cast<uint32_t>(1.0f), std::bit_cast<uint32_t>(1.0f), image_width, image_height };
vkCmdUpdateBuffer( cmdBuffer, debugOutputBuffer, 0, sizeof(data), data );
vkCmdFillBuffer( cmdBuffer, debugOutputBuffer, sizeof(data), VK_WHOLE_SIZE, 0 );
// set of draw or dispatch or trace
// copy buffer data to staging buffer and map
void* ptr;
vkMapMemory( device, stagingBuffer, 0, info.size, 0, &ptr );
uint64_t* bufferData = static_cast<uint64_t*>( ptr ) + 2;
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < image_height; ++y)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < image_width; ++x)
uint64_t pixel_time = bufferData[x + y * image_width];
// process results
Library is already integrated into AsEn Graphics module. See graphics tests as an example: compute, graphics, mesh, ray tracing, ray query.
To integrate glsl-trace into another program, follow these steps:
- Use glslang to parse GLSL or HLSL source code and build AST
- Convert glslang AST to SPIRV and create pipeline for reqular rendering.
- Create
object to store debug information - Get glslang AST
TProgram::getIntermediate(EShLanguage stage)
- Insert trace recording
ShaderTrace::InsertTraceRecording(TIntermediate &intermediate, uint32_t setIndex)
orShaderTrace::InsertFunctionProfiler(TIntermediate &intermediate, uint32_t setIndex, bool shaderSubgroupClock, bool shaderDeviceClock)
, where:
shaderSubgroupClock - requires extensionVK_KHR_shader_clock
must be true.
shaderDeviceClock - requires extensionVK_KHR_shader_clock
must be true.
- descriptor set index that will be reserved for storage buffer - Convert AST with trace recording to SPIRV and create pipeline for debugging.
To debug draw or compute or ray tracing invocation:
- Bind pipeline that contains shader with inserted trace recording.
- Bind descriptor set with storage buffer to index
. - After invocation map storage buffer and pass pointer to
ShaderTrace::ParseShaderTrace (const void *ptr, uint64_t maxSize, vector<string> &result)
- AST processing: log all function results, log all function calls, log some operator results.
- Result parsing: write modified values, write unmodified values that are used, write line number and line from source code.
Pixel/invocation profiling:
- AST processing: insert time measurement into user-defined functions.
- Result parsing: calculate average time and a fraction of the total shader execution time.
Frame profiling:
- AST processing: insert time measurement into entry function.
- Result: sum of shader invocation time per pixel or tile.
- Shader trace recorded to the storage buffer as forward list using atomic operations.
- Each
object has unique number to determine different shaders when parsing results. - Allowed debugging on different shader stages in single draw/dispatch call.
- Many invocations of same or different shaders can be recoreded into one storage buffer.