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Math functions

Inferno edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 5 revisions

Math functions

These are the functions that have a relation to math (i know, surprising). In other words, these functions will take numbers in as input, and perform mathematical operations on these numbers, and output the result.


Returns the absolute value of a number. Ex. [ABS 24] -> 24, [ABS -1289718237] -> 1289718237

add, div, mod, mul, pow, sub

Adds 2 or more numbers together.

[(add/div/mod/mul/pow/sub) (number1: number) (number2: number...)]

Example code:

[ADD 1 4]
> 5

[ADD 1 1 1 1 1]
> 5

[DIV 10 5 2]
> 1

[DIV 10 5]
> 2

[MOD 101 11]
> 2

[MOD 100 51 11]
> 5

[POW 4 2]
> 16

[POW 4 2 2]
> 256


Rounds an argument to the next highest whole number.

[CEIL (numToRound: number)]

Example code:

[CEIL 0.6]
> 1
[CEIL -5.723]
> -5


Rounds an argument to the next lowest whole number.

[FLOOR (numToRound: number)]

Example code:

[FLOOR 0.6]
> 0
[FLOOR -5.723]
> -6


Rounds a number to the nearest whole number.

[ROUND (numToRound: number)]

Example code:

[ROUND 0.6]
> 1
[ROUND -5.723]
> -6
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