diff --git a/Thunch2023/index.html b/Thunch2023/index.html
index 6bd6deb..061ec6b 100644
--- a/Thunch2023/index.html
+++ b/Thunch2023/index.html
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
Generative modeling for
weak Lensing inverse problems
Benjamin Remy
Thunch Talk
- the Departement of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University
+ the Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University
Ph.D. under the supervision of Jean-Luc Starck and François
@@ -1020,6 +1020,51 @@ Measuring galaxies ellipticity
degrading data
+ Calibrating the multiplicative bias
+ $\hat \gamma = c +
+ (1+\color{orange}{m})\gamma_\text{true}, \quad
+ |m|<10^{-3}$
+ Metacalibration: Taylor expansion, assuming $\gamma \ll 1$
+ $e = e|_{\gamma=0} + \underset{R = 1 +
+ m}{\underbrace{\dfrac{\partial e}{\partial
+ \gamma}\Big|_{\gamma = 0}}} \gamma + \mathcal{O}(\gamma^2)$
+ Response matrix by finite differentiation:
+ $R_{ij} = \dfrac{e^+_i - e^+_i}{\Delta \gamma_{j}}$
+ Requires to add anticorrelated noise to the data,
+ due to artificial shear.
+ $\gamma \ll 1$ no longer true close to a cluster
+ Requires to compute $\dfrac{\partial^2 e}{\partial
+ \gamma^2}\Big|_{\gamma = 0}$, $\dfrac{\partial^3 e}{\partial
+ \gamma^3}\Big|_{\gamma = 0}$, ...
+ Let's do forward modeling instead
diff --git a/assets/gravitation_lensing_cluster.jpg b/assets/gravitation_lensing_cluster.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e935f4d
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/gravitation_lensing_cluster.jpg differ