Releases: backdrop-contrib/metatag
Releases · backdrop-contrib/metatag
Changes since 1.x-1.21.2
- Fix the twitter cards metatags too.
- Get config, not variable.
- Remove debug.
- Use propper default for image url.
- Fixes to get the OpenGraph metatags working.
- Don't say Edit when we mean configure.
Changes since 1.x-1.21.1
- Get all newly ported modules passing all their tests.
- Port the OpenGraph metatag submodule.
- Port the Metatag Facebook submodule.
- Port the Twitter Card submodule to backdrop.
- #10: Fixed form states interfering with checkbox values on settings form.
- #11: Prevent PHP warning about undefined constant i18n.
- #8: Prevent PHP notice and broken HTML tags.
Changes since 1.x-0.17.2
- Marking all unported modules as hidden until they are ported.
- #5: Fixed warning about token missing description.
- Change variable_get to update_variable_get in update from Drupal 7.
- Get new output caching tests passing for Backdrop.
- Drupal to Backdrop in all recent patches cherry-picked from Drupal release.
- By DamienMcKenna: Minor adjustment to metatag_mobile strings.
- By DamienMcKenna: A string in metatag_opengraph_products wasn't using an argument that was being passed to it.
- By DamienMcKenna: Minor updates to various Google CSE labels.
- By DamienMcKenna: Tweaked the favicons module description.
- By DamienMcKenna: Noted in the metatag_google_plus info file and README.txt that it includes the Author and Publisher meta tags.
- #2835614 by drumm: metatag_metatags_load_multiple() doesn't need to sort the results.
- #2832476 by czigor: Added the '' and 'place' og:type options.
- #2832427 by dmitry.kazberovich, e2thex, DamienMcKenna: Allow the metatag cache expiration time to be modified.
- By stimalsina: Minor improvements to the amphtml meta tag's description.
- #2813427 by DamienMcKenna: Added support for the amphtml link tag.
- #2663208 by DamienMcKenna, geertvd: Don't load meta tags on the /user/me page, avoid problems when the Me module is installed.
- #2831822 by DamienMcKenna: Added support for the handheld mobile alternate link tag, supported by Google.
- #2796701 by DrupalDano, DamienMcKenna: Some XSS tests for meta tag handling.
- #2532588 by cebasqueira, renatog, DamienMcKenna: Added new meta tags for Google CSE.
- #2831030 by prince_zyxware: Fixed some minor coding standard bugs, spacing issues.
- #2823367 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed tests after internal API change in Media.
- #2813429 by DamienMcKenna: Added tests for metatag_mobile.
- #2: Remove unused function metatag_config_create() since it was accidentally implementing a hook.
- #3: Fixed Invalid argument PHP warning on maintenance page.
- By DamienMcKenna, klausi: Information disclosure issue under certain circumstances.
- Quick updates to site verification module.
Metagag config now happens under admin/config/metadata
instead of admin/config/search
Now includes an upgrade path.
Pre-release of metatag module. Currently includes metatag, metatag_devel, and metatag_verification. Seeking testers and feedback before the official release.