This theme requires Yarn (or similar) package manager for development. Every time a css or template file changes, the main.css file in css/ must be recompiled using tailwind. If you have yarn or npm installed you can use it to trigger the compile step:
From within the theme directory run:
yarn install && yarn build;
You can recompile automatically while developing by running:
yarn watch
The following files are compiled automatically and should not be directly edited:
This theme supports custom colors using the Color module. To keep this support please make sure to update css/skin.css
, theme-settings.php
and color/
There is currently no automated build step for creating the compiled css required for running this theme. If you make any changes to the css source files please make sure to run yarn build
or yarn watch
to generate the necessary artifacts for deployment.
Please submit any suggested changes as a github pull request.
You can also use github to file bug reports and support requests.