From 2888ec2951910cc442ffc3ab3dce737a6570a4f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: badafans <> Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2022 21:31:02 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E4=BF=AE=E5=A4=8D=E4=B9=B1=E7=A0=81?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- | 6 +- .../CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP-ANSI.bat" | 0 .../CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP-UTF-8.bat" | 290 ++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) rename "batch/CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP.bat" => "batch/CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP-ANSI.bat" (100%) create mode 100644 "batch/CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP-UTF-8.bat" diff --git a/ b/ index e1627ba..d57a7fb 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -45,7 +45,11 @@ o) 提供影视、软件和应用等下载服务的网站。 ## Windows批处理版本 -请下载Release版本使用,不要使用Git Clone下载(会出现乱码) +Windows 7用户使用ANSI编码版本 + +Windows 8及以上版本用户使用UTF-8编码版本 + +注:ANSI编码版本也可以Windows全平台通用,部分Windows系统的BUG会导致控制台输出乱码 点击下载[Windows版本]( diff --git "a/batch/CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP.bat" "b/batch/CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP-ANSI.bat" similarity index 100% rename from "batch/CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP.bat" rename to "batch/CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP-ANSI.bat" diff --git "a/batch/CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP-UTF-8.bat" "b/batch/CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP-UTF-8.bat" new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0949e86 --- /dev/null +++ "b/batch/CF\344\274\230\351\200\211IP-UTF-8.bat" @@ -0,0 +1,290 @@ +chcp 65001>nul +@echo off +cd "%~dp0" +color A +setlocal enabledelayedexpansion +set version=20220208 + +:main +cls +title CF优选IP +echo 1. IPV4优选&echo 2. IPV6优选&echo 3. 自定义IPV4段&echo 4. 单IP测速&echo 5. 清空缓存&echo 0. 退出&echo. +set /p menu=请选择菜单: +if %menu%==0 exit +if %menu%==1 title IPV4优选&set ips=ipv4&set /a selfmode=0&goto bettercloudflareip +if %menu%==2 title IPV6优选&set ips=ipv6&set /a selfmode=0&goto bettercloudflareip +if %menu%==3 title 自定义IPV4段&set ips=ipv4&set /a selfmode=1&set /p selfip=请输入C类自定义IPV4(格式 104.16.16):&goto bettercloudflareip +if %menu%==4 title 单IP测速&call :singletest +if %menu%==5 del ipv4.txt ipv6.txt data.txt ip.txt CR.txt CRLF.txt cut.txt speed.txt meta.txt>nul 2>&1&RD /S /Q rtt>nul 2>&1 +goto main + +:singletest +set /p ip=请输入需要测速的IP: +curl --resolve!ip! -o temp.txt -# +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "domain=" temp.txt') do ( +set domain=%%i +) +for /f "delims=" %%i in ('findstr "file=" temp.txt') do ( +set file=%%i +set file=!file:~5! +) +del temp.txt +title 正在测速 !ip! +curl --resolve !domain!:443:!ip! https://!domain!/!file! -o nul --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 15 +goto :eof + +:bettercloudflareip +set /a tasknum=25 +set /a bandwidth=0 +set /p bandwidth=请设置期望的带宽大小(默认%bandwidth%,单位 Mbps): +set /p tasknum=请设置RTT测试进程数(默认%tasknum%,最大50): +if %tasknum% EQU 0 (set /a tasknum=25&echo 进程数不能为0,自动设置为默认值) +if %tasknum% GTR 50 (set /a tasknum=50&echo 超过最大进程限制,自动设置为最大值) +set /a speed=bandwidth*128 +set /a startH=%time:~0,2% +if %time:~3,1% EQU 0 (set /a startM=%time:~4,1%) else (set /a startM=%time:~3,2%) +if %time:~6,1% EQU 0 (set /a startS=%time:~7,1%) else (set /a startS=%time:~6,2%) +call :start +exit + +:start +del data.txt ip.txt CR.txt CRLF.txt cut.txt speed.txt meta.txt>nul 2>&1 +RD /S /Q rtt>nul 2>&1 +if exist "!ips!.txt" goto resolve +if not exist "!ips!.txt" goto dnsresolve + +:dnsresolve +echo DNS解析获取CF !ips! 节点 +echo 如果域名被污染,请手动创建 !ips!.txt 做解析 +curl --!ips! --retry 3 -s -o meta.txt +if not exist "meta.txt" goto start +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "asn=" meta.txt') do ( + set asn=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "isp=" meta.txt') do ( + set isp=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "country=" meta.txt') do ( + set country=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "region=" meta.txt') do ( + set region=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "city=" meta.txt') do ( + set city=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "longitude=" meta.txt') do ( + set longitude=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "latitude=" meta.txt') do ( + set latitude=%%i +) +curl --!ips! --retry 3 -o data.txt -# +if not exist "data.txt" goto start +goto checkupdate + +:resolve +for /f "delims=" %%i in (!ips!.txt) do ( +set resolveip=%%i +) +echo 指向解析获取CF !ips! 节点 +echo 如果长时间无法获取CF !ips! 节点,重新运行程序并选择清空缓存 +curl --!ips! --resolve!resolveip! --retry 3 -s -o meta.txt +if not exist "meta.txt" goto start +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "asn=" meta.txt') do ( + set asn=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "isp=" meta.txt') do ( + set isp=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "country=" meta.txt') do ( + set country=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "region=" meta.txt') do ( + set region=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "city=" meta.txt') do ( + set city=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "longitude=" meta.txt') do ( + set longitude=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "latitude=" meta.txt') do ( + set latitude=%%i +) +curl --!ips! --resolve!resolveip! --retry 3 -o data.txt -# +if not exist "data.txt" goto start +goto checkupdate + +:checkupdate +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "domain=" data.txt') do ( +set domain=%%i +) +for /f "delims=" %%i in ('findstr "file=" data.txt') do ( +set file=%%i +set file=!file:~5! +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "url=" data.txt') do ( +set url=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "app=" data.txt') do ( +set app=%%i +if !app! NEQ !version! (echo 发现新版本程序: !app!&echo 更新地址: !url!&title 更新后才可以使用&echo 按任意键退出程序&pause>nul&exit) +) +if not exist "RTT.bat" echo 当前程序不完整&echo 请重新下载Release版本: !url! &pause>nul&exit +if not exist "CR2CRLF.exe" echo 当前程序不完整&echo 请重新下载Release版本: !url! &pause>nul&exit +if !selfmode!==0 (goto getip) else (set /a a=0&goto selfconfigip) + +:getip +for /f "skip=4" %%i in (data.txt) do ( +echo %%i>>ip.txt +) +goto rtt + +:selfconfigip +if !a!==256 (goto rtt) else (echo !selfip!.!a!>>ip.txt&set /a a=a+1&goto selfconfigip) + +:rtt +del meta.txt data.txt +mkdir rtt +for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in ('find /c /v "" ip.txt') do ( +set /a ipnum=%%i +) +if !tasknum! GTR !ipnum! set /a tasknum=ipnum +set /a iplist=ipnum/tasknum +set /a a=1 +set /a b=1 +for /f "delims=" %%i in (ip.txt) do ( +echo %%i>>rtt/!b!.txt +if !a! EQU !iplist! (set /a a=1&set /a b=b+1) else (set /a a=a+1) +) +del ip.txt +if !a! NEQ 1 set /a a=1&set /a b=b+1 +title RTT测试中 +goto rtttest + +:rtttest +if !a! NEQ !b! (start /b RTT.bat !a!>nul&set /a a=a+1&goto rtttest) else (goto rttstatus) + +:rttstatus +timeout /T 2 /NOBREAK>nul +for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir rtt /o:-s /b^| findstr txt^| find /c /v ""') do ( +set /a taskstatus=%%i +if !taskstatus! NEQ 0 (echo 等待RTT测试结束,剩余进程数 !taskstatus!&goto rttstatus) else (echo RTT测试完成) +) +for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir rtt /o:-s /b^| find /c /v ""') do ( +set /a status=%%i +if !status! EQU 0 echo 当前所有IP都存在RTT丢包&goto start +) +copy rtt\*.log rtt\ip.txt>nul +sort rtt/ip.txt /O ip.txt +for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in ('find /c /v "" ip.txt') do ( +if %%i LSS 5 (echo 当前所有IP都存在RTT丢包&set /a tasknum=10&goto start) +) +set /a a=0 +for /f "tokens=2,3 delims= " %%i in (ip.txt) do ( +set /a a=a+1 +if !a!==1 echo 第1个IP %%j 往返延迟 %%i 毫秒 +) +set /a a=0 +for /f "tokens=2,3 delims= " %%i in (ip.txt) do ( +set /a a=a+1 +if !a!==2 echo 第2个IP %%j 往返延迟 %%i 毫秒 +) +set /a a=0 +for /f "tokens=2,3 delims= " %%i in (ip.txt) do ( +set /a a=a+1 +if !a!==3 echo 第3个IP %%j 往返延迟 %%i 毫秒 +) +set /a a=0 +for /f "tokens=2,3 delims= " %%i in (ip.txt) do ( +set /a a=a+1 +if !a!==4 echo 第4个IP %%j 往返延迟 %%i 毫秒 +) +set /a a=0 +for /f "tokens=2,3 delims= " %%i in (ip.txt) do ( +set /a a=a+1 +if !a!==5 echo 第5个IP %%j 往返延迟 %%i 毫秒 +) +title 启动测速 +set /a a=0 +for /f "tokens=2,3 delims= " %%i in (ip.txt) do ( +set /a a=a+1 +if !a! GTR 5 echo 没有满足速度要求的IP&goto start +del CRLF.txt cut.txt speed.txt>nul 2>&1 +set avgms=%%i +set anycast=%%j +echo 正在测试 !anycast! +curl --resolve !domain!:443:!anycast! https://!domain!/!file! -o nul --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 10 > CR.txt 2>&1 +findstr "0:" CR.txt >> CRLF.txt +CR2CRLF CRLF.txt>nul +for /f "delims=" %%i in (CRLF.txt) do ( +set s=%%i +set s=!s:~73,5! +echo !s%!>>cut.txt +) +for /f "delims=" %%i in ('findstr /v "k M" cut.txt') do ( +set x=%%i +set x=!x:~0,5! +set /a x=!x%!/1024 +echo !x! >> speed.txt +) +for /f "delims=" %%i in ('findstr "k" cut.txt') do ( +set x=%%i +set x=!x:~0,4! +set /a x=!x%! +echo !x! >> speed.txt +) +for /f "delims=" %%i in ('findstr "M" cut.txt') do ( +set x=%%i +set x=!x:~0,2! +set y=%%i +set y=!y:~3,1! +set /a x=!x%!*1024 +set /a y=!y%!*1024/10 +set /a z=x+y +echo !z! >> speed.txt +) +set /a max=0 +for /f "tokens=1,2" %%i in ('type "speed.txt"') do ( +if %%i GEQ !max! set /a max=%%i +) +echo !anycast! 峰值速度 !max! kB/s +if !max! GEQ !speed! cls&goto end +) + +:end +set /a realbandwidth=max/128 +set /a stopH=%time:~0,2% +if %time:~3,1% EQU 0 (set /a stopM=%time:~4,1%) else (set /a stopM=%time:~3,2%) +if %time:~6,1% EQU 0 (set /a stopS=%time:~7,1%) else (set /a stopS=%time:~6,2%) +set /a starttime=%startH%*3600+%startM%*60+%startS% +set /a stoptime=%stopH%*3600+%stopM%*60+%stopS% +if %starttime% GTR %stoptime% (set /a alltime=86400-%starttime%+%stoptime%) else (set /a alltime=%stoptime%-%starttime%) +curl --!ips! --resolve!anycast! --retry 3 -s -X POST -o data.txt +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "publicip=" data.txt') do ( +set publicip=%%i +) +for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('findstr "colo=" data.txt') do ( +set colo=%%i +) +echo 优选IP !anycast! +echo 公网IP !publicip! +echo 自治域 AS!asn! +echo 运营商 !isp! +echo 经纬度 !longitude!,!latitude! +echo 位置信息 !city!,!region!,!country! +echo 设置宽带 !bandwidth! Mbps +echo 实测带宽 !realbandwidth! Mbps +echo 峰值速度 !max! kB/s +echo 往返延迟 !avgms! 毫秒 +echo 数据中心 !colo! +echo 总计用时 !alltime! 秒 +echo !anycast!>!ips!.txt +echo !anycast!|clip +del data.txt ip.txt CR.txt CRLF.txt cut.txt speed.txt meta.txt>nul 2>&1 +RD /S /Q rtt>nul 2>&1 +title 优选IP已经自动复制到剪贴板 +echo 按任意键关闭 +pause>nul +goto :eof \ No newline at end of file