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cypress-slack-notify cypress version cypress-slack-notify ci

Post messages in Slack channels when specific Cypress tests and specs fail

Notify Slack messages


Add this plugin as a dev dependency

$ npm i -D cypress-slack-notify
# or add using Yarn
$ yarn add -D cypress-slack-notify

Register this plugin from your cypress.config.js file (or from your plugins file is using Cypress v9)

// cypress.config.js
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress')

// describe the notification of each failed spec
// you want to notify about
const notificationConfiguration = {
  // if this spec fails, post a message to the channel "e2e-tests"
  '': '#e2e-tests',
  // if this spec fails, post a message and notify Gleb
  '': '#e2e-tests @gleb',
  // if this spec fails, notify several users
  '': '#e2e-tests @gleb @john @mary',

// describe when to notify. We probably want to notify
// only when running on CI and recording the test runs
// and using certain run tags
const notifyWhen = {
  whenRecordingOnDashboard: true,
  whenRecordingDashboardTag: ['notify'],

module.exports = defineConfig({
  projectId: '...',
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      require('cypress-slack-notify')(on, notificationConfiguration, notifyWhen)

Slack App

To use this plugin, you will need to get yourself a SLACK_TOKEN by making a new Slack App. This app needs a bot token with the scope "chat:write" to post messages using chat.postMessage method. If you want to tag specific users in the messages, you will need to give the app the permission scope "users:read" too; it allows the plugin to call users.list method to include the user ID in the messages. You will need to invite the registered and installed Slack App to each channel you would like to post messages by this plugin.

You can confirm the Slack application integration by calling:

$ SLACK_TOKEN=... npx cypress-slack-notify --test-channel #my-channel-name

If the application has been installed correctly, the message will be posted.

Testing Slack application


You can provide your own synchronous predicate function to decide if this plugin should send Slack notifications on failed specs.

const notifyWhen = {
  whenISaySo({ runDashboardUrl, runDashboardTags }) {
    // look at the provided arguments, or any logic like process.env.CI
    // etc to determine if you want to send Slack notifications
    return true | false

require('cypress-slack-notify')(on, notificationConfiguration, notifyWhen)


You can list spec files by the filename / end of the filepath. You can also rely on minimatch to find the target Slack channel.

const notificationConfiguration = {
  // equivalents
  '': '#one',
  'e2e/': '#one',
  'cypress/e2e/': '#one',
  // use minimatch with spec paths
  // In this case, any failed specs directly in the "sub" folder
  // will post notification to '#cypress-slack-notify-minimatch'
  '**/sub/*.cy.js': '#two',

In the above situation, any failed test in the spec like cypress/e2e/sub/ will be posted to #two.

Single channel shortcut

You can post a message about every failed spec into a single channel by using a config shortcut

// cypress.config.js
const registerSlackNotify = require('cypress-slack-notify')
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
  // any recorded run tagged "sanity" should notify #sanity-tests channel
  // on each failed spec
  registerSlackNotify(on, '#sanity-tests', {
    whenRecordingDashboardTag: ['sanity'],

Effective test tags

If you use cypress-grep plugin to tag suites or individual tests, you can direct the messages based on the effective test tags.

describe('Login tests', { tags: ['@auth'] }, () => {
  // a failing spec with effective tag "@auth
  it('fails', () => ... )
// cypress.config.js
const registerSlackNotify = require('cypress-slack-notify')

setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
  // any recorded run tagged "sanity" should notify #sanity-tests channel
  // on each failed spec
      testTags: {
        // list each tag and the Slack target
        '@auth': '#cypress-slack-notify-effective-tags @gleb',
      // only send notifications when recording
      // on Cypress Dashboard with the tag "user"
        whenRecordingDashboardTag: ['user'],

See cypress.effective.config.js

Tip: you can define the test tags to Slack targets in a JSON file and load it using a require command. For example, if the JSON file below is used notify.json we can do:

  "@auth": "#auth-tests @gleb",
  "@sell": "#sell-tests @gleb"
    testTags: require('./notify.json'),
  // only send notifications when recording
  // on Cypress Dashboard with the tag "nightly"
    whenRecordingDashboardTag: ['nightly'],

Multiple registrations

You can register this plugin multiple times and direct messages based on the recorded Dashboard tags.

// cypress.config.js
const registerSlackNotify = require('cypress-slack-notify')
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
  // any recorded run tagged "sanity" should notify #sanity-tests channel
  // on each failed spec
  registerSlackNotify(on, '#sanity-tests', {
    whenRecordingDashboardTag: ['sanity'],
  // any recorded run tagged "user" should notify #user-tests channel
  // on each failed spec
  registerSlackNotify(on, '#user-tests', {
    whenRecordingDashboardTag: ['user'],

Find Slack user id

To notify users in the message, this plugin needs to find Slack user ID from the username. You can see the found user by running the cypress-slack-notify bin alias

$ npx cypress-slack-notify --find-user @gleb
found Slack user @gleb ID: U12345678
# use Yarn to call the "bin/cypress-slack-notify.js" script
# You can also skip the "@" at the start of the username
$ yarn cypress-slack-notify --find-user gleb

When searching the users, we consider both the property "name" and "profile.display_name" fields.

You can pass multiple usernames separating them with a comma

$ npx cypress-slack-notify --find-user @gleb,slackbot
found Slack user @gleb ID: U12345678

If you pass Slack user IDs (they start with U), they will simply be returned

$ npx cypress-slack-notify --find-user @U12345678
already is a Slack user ID U12345678

Find a single Slack user by its Slack ID

$ npx cypress-slack-notify --find-user-by-slack-id U12345678

Prints the user's display and real name if found.


Enable verbose log messages by setting an environment variable DEBUG=cypress-slack-notify


See bahmutov/cypress-slack-example

Small print

Author: Gleb Bahmutov <[email protected]> © 2022

License: MIT - do anything with the code, but don't blame me if it does not work.

Support: if you find any problems with this module, email / tweet / open issue on Github