and ApolloClient
provides support for doing the network requests and interacting with the cache but you can use the generated queries withouth the runtime if you want.
For this, remove the com.apollographql.apollo:apollo-runtime
dependency and replace it with:
All Operation
instances provide an API to parse Response
from raw data Map<String, Object>
that represents GraphQL operation response returned by server.
If for some reason you want to use your own network layer and don't want to use fully featured ApolloClient
provided by apollo-runtime
you can use this API:
String json = "...";
// we use Moshi json library here to simplify JSON string deserialization into Map
Moshi moshi = new Moshi.Builder().build();
Type type = Types.newParameterizedType(Map.class, String.class, Object.class);
JsonAdapter<Map<String, Object>> adapter = moshi.adapter(type);
Map<String, Object> data = adapter.fromJson(json);
// if you have custom scalar types, provide proper instance of ScalarTypeAdapters with your own custom adapters
ScalarTypeAdapters scalarTypeAdapters = new ScalarTypeAdapters(Collections.<ScalarType, CustomTypeAdapter>emptyMap())
Response<Query.Data> response = new Query().parse(data, scalarTypeAdapters);
Just make sure you added apollo-api
dependency to your project's build.gradle file.