The script
can be used on macOS to livecode with visual metal shader files in VSCode.
The following python libraries must be installed, e.g. using pip install into a virtualenv.
- metalcompute
- aiohttp
The script is intended to be used from a VSCode task defined in the supplied file .vscode/tasks.json
Open the source directory in VSCode.
Select the menu Terminal | Run Task...
Select 1. Run LiveMetal server
This will run the rendering server in the Terminal pane.
Select again `Terminal | Run Task...``
Select 2. View LiveMetal page
This will open a simple browser connected to the local livemetal server.
Now edit shader.metal
The shader will be rendered in real time, e.g. up to 120 FPS on a recent MacBook Pro.
Whenever the shader file is saved, the view will update to the new version.
If there are syntax errors, they will be highlighted in the editor.
Close the simple browser view when not in use to stop rendering and reduce power consumption.