Releases: balena-os/meta-balena
Releases · balena-os/meta-balena
- Fix docker-disk when docker build fails to not leave root files behind [Andrei Gherzan]
- Update supervisor to v7.1.0 [Pablo Carranza Velez]
- Fix connectivity in flasher images [Andrei Gherzan]
- Add missing kernel config dependency for leds-gpio [Andrei Gherzan]
- Make sure rocko update doesn't add packages resinOS doesn't depend on [Andrei Gherzan]
- Run bluetoothd with --experimental flag [Andrei Gherzan]
- Resin-image-flasher fixes for rocko support [Andrei Gherzan]
- Use the correct, full yocto CC/CXX variables when using go [Andrei Gherzan]
- Fix 8000c in PACKAGES [Andrei Gherzan]
- Always have /lib/modules directory in rootfs as supervisor requires it [Andrei Gherzan]
- Fix console output when running resinOS with systemd >= 232 [Andrei Gherzan]
- Bring back the package which includes firmware for wilwifi 8000c [Andrei Gherzan]
- Update OpenVPN to 2.4.3 [Andrei Gherzan]
- Replace deprecated variable IMAGE_DEPENDS from image_types_resin.bbclass [Florin Sarbu]
- Replace deprecated variable IMAGE_DEPENDS from [Florin Sarbu]
- Adapt sysroot services/units to be used with resinOS in container [Andrei Gherzan]
- Remove deprecated firmware: 8000c [Andrei Gherzan]
- Resin-state-reset: This service now only removes the root-overlay [Andrei Gherzan]
- Fix resin-provisioner 1.0.4 compile error on Poky Rocko [Florin Sarbu]
- Make resin-provisioner only package the resulted go binary [Florin Sarbu]
- Prepare the balena recipe for Poky Rocko [Florin Sarbu]
- Use update-alternatives for deploying resolv.conf through dnsmasq [Florin Sarbu]
- Make ModemManager depend on libxslt-native at build-time for Poky Rocko [Florin Sarbu]
- Add initial structure for supporting Poky Rocko [Florin Sarbu]
- Do not apply the use_atomic_key_generation_in_all_cases patch for dropbear 2017.75 or newer [Florin Sarbu]
- Make image-resin.bbclass depend on jq-native at buildtime [Florin Sarbu]
- Fix ucl-native ACC conformance test configure error on gcc6 [Florin Sarbu]
- Update ModemManager to version 1.7.990 [Florin Sarbu]
- Rename partition mount services to .service and handle stopping services [Andrei Gherzan]
- Rename openvpn-resin service to openvpn [Andrei Gherzan]
- Kernel-resin: Fix warnings about CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES [Andrei Gherzan]
- Update supervisor to v6.6.3 [Pablo Carranza Velez]
- Let systemd handle openvpn run directory [Andrei Gherzan]
- Add support for running resinOS in a docker container [Andrei Gherzan]
- Add fs check for boot partition in initramfs [Andrei Gherzan]
- Fix kernel-modules-headers when building from sstate [Andrei Gherzan]
- Avoid mount warnings when using systemd mount units on files [Andrei Gherzan]
- Add support for private docker registry [Bruno Binet]
- Docker-disk: Various improvements [Andrei Gherzan]
- Networkmanager: Use bash-completion bbclass [Andrei Gherzan]
- Use VPN port from config.json (defaulting it to 443) [Andrei Gherzan]
- Housekeeping: adding PR template [Gergely Imreh]
- Replace busybox less by GNU less [Andrei Gherzan]
- Fix BALENA_STORAGE when machine specific definition is used [Andrei Gherzan]
- Coreutils: Set uptime to use procfs for accurate uptime [Andrei Gherzan]