In recent times, the number of mobile developers adopting React Native so as to develop their mobile apps has shot up. This number is increasing in the major companies as well as the start-ups. There are multiple reasons why this trend is hard to ignore as we will see later in the post, and these reasons are completely justified.
React Native app development has been catalyzed by this framework that consists of a client side library and can be thought of as an upgrade to the React – which was a Javascript library developed by Instagram and Facebook. This framework was at first met by doubt due to its decision to combine HTML and Javascript, while for years most developers were struggling to separate the two. However, the successful development of mobile apps and the inclusive and quite useful libraries as led to its increased adoption. React Native has also brought the similar concepts of building user interfaces introduced by React. This framework treats the user interface as a function of data which has led to simplicity while still being technologically superior to most other frameworks. While it is all good to state how great React Native is at developing hybrid apps, a better plan would be to state real life examples of the apps that have successfully been developed using the framework. The examples include; Bloomberg, Instagram, Facebook App, Facebook Ads Manager, Walmart, CBS Sports Franchise Football, and Chop among many others.
There is one challenge that most mobile developing companies face, and that is whether to choose to build a native app or hybrid app. Native apps are mobile apps that are mostly found on Google play or App Store. They are designed for a specific device which is what distinguishes it from the hybrid apps. Unlike native apps where you will need to replicate every new feature you would like to introduce to each platform, hybrid apps can be built in a single base, which means that new functionalities are added to multiple versions of the app. It is thus no shock that most mobile companies are leaning towards hybrid apps because of the ease of development as well as the user experience is being enhanced.
This has led the charge to React Native becoming quite popular because you are now able to modify the application code without having to recompile the whole application. This capability is possible because, during development, the code will be loaded from the servers and packaged into the app with other resources. This capability has led to the rise of many React Native development companies.
In React Native, the layout is implemented with CSS-like stylesheets that allow you to specify the components margins, borders, height, and width, as well as fonts and colors. The best thing about this is that using the flexbox, the components can specify the layout of the children and you don’t have to stress about browser compatibility.
The React Native framework uses AppHub and CodePush to push instantaneous updates to the customers’ devices. The situation of Android and iOS pale in comparison to this because, after fixing a bug updates, it will take 24 hrs and 3 to 4 days respectively to reach the users’ devices.
The React Native framework has proved quite successful as the ability to reuse code across multiple platforms has proven to be an attractive prospect for mobile developers. You now, don’t have to write code from scratch if you are developing the same app for another operating system. Now companies can hire a React Native App Developer as opposed to hiring different teams of developers to work on the same app for different platforms.
Now the same team of developers can work on different versions of the apps to be used in different operating systems. Thanks to the reusability capability, now UI components can be applied to existing code with only a few modifications. This creates a perfect scenario where you can augment your app you already own without having to build it from scratch.
React Native also consists of reusable components that allow hybrid apps to render natively. The component-based structure of React Native will enable you to build more agile apps that have an enhanced user interface, increased speed, and added functionality. This has an effect of having apps that have a minimized loading time as opposed to the traditional hybrid apps where the user experience suffered a great deal.