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Development (re usage)

Sebastian Reimers edited this page Jun 3, 2022 · 12 revisions


Include headers

Preferred order:

  1. System/Third party headers
  2. libre headers
  3. Local/Custom headers


#include <string.h>
#include <re.h>
#include "custom.h"

Within libre itself use the specific headers like re_types.h etc.

Conflicting macro definitions

You can #undef conflicting definitions before libre header include:

#include <sys/queue.h>
#undef LIST_INIT
#include <re.h>


By default re_main() is single threaded. You can register multiple worker threads with re_thread_init() like so:

static int thread_handler(void *arg)
  /* register network/tmr callbacks */      
  err = re_main(NULL); /* Start new worker eventloop */

thr_t tid;
thrd_create(&tid, thread_handler, NULL);

Keep in mind the new worker eventloop only handles file descriptors which are registered by the same thread (fd_listen). You can use fd_close and fd_listen to detach/attach file descriptors from another thread (e.g. main thread). For example udp has already some nice helpers for this "udp_thread_attach/udp_thread_detach".

See retest remain.c for a complete example.

Thread-safety for non-re threads

If you need to call functions from another thread (non-re thread) you can use re_thread_leave and re_thread_enter. For details see:

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