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408 lines (358 loc) · 15.2 KB

Figure 2A: RSA class stratified MES and Shenkin residue ECDFs


This R markdown document visualizes relationships between solvent accessibility with both evolutionary conservation and population constraint in Pfam domains.

The dataset used for this analysis is obtained from our pre-calculated MSA column statistics for Pfam, included in this repository. The resulting plots corresponds to Figure 2A in the manuscript.

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# Load pfam-gnomAD dataset}
pfam_gnomAD_clinvar_pdb_colstats_c7c3e19_csv <-
  read_csv("data/pfam-gnomAD-clinvar-pdb-colstats_c7c3e19.csv.gz", comment = "#")
## Rows: 1466478 Columns: 92
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr  (3): family, PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb, PDB_jury_column_rsa_bound
## dbl (88): column, frameshift_variant, frameshift_variant&splice_region_varia...
## lgl  (1): occupancy_gteq_threshold
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# Processing
avs <- pfam_gnomAD_clinvar_pdb_colstats_c7c3e19_csv  # avs: alignments variants structure

# Filter columns
whitelist <- c(

blacklist <- !names(avs) %in% whitelist
avs[, blacklist] <- NULL

# Simplify column names
names(avs)[names(avs) == '_missense_all'] <- 'missense_all'
# Apply thresholds to categorise MES and Shenkin and the combined class
avs <- (
  |> mutate(mes_class = factor(
    ifelse(mes_p < 0.1, ifelse(mes_or < 1, 'md', 'me'), 'mn'), levels = c('md', 'mn', 'me')
  |> mutate(cons_class = factor(
    ifelse(shenkin_nrank > 0.5, 'u', 'c'), levels = c('u', 'c')
  |> mutate(xclass = factor(
    interaction(cons_class, mes_class, sep = ''),
    levels = c('cmd', 'cmn', 'cme', 'umd', 'umn', 'ume')
(avs <- avs
  # Column filters
  |> filter(occupancy > 0)  # must have human sequences
  # |> filter(PDB_sequences_with_contacts > 0)  # drop Pfams with no PDB data?

  # Powered Pfams
  |> group_by(family) |> filter(any(mes_or < 1 & mes_p < 0.1)) |> ungroup()
  |> group_by(family) |> filter(any(mes_or > 1 & mes_p < 0.1)) |> ungroup()
  # Other
  |> mutate(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb = as.factor(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb))  # count all RSA*MES intersections
  |> replace_na(list(PDB_protein_ligand_interactions = 0, PDB_biolip = 0,
                     PDB_sequences_with_contacts = 0))
## # A tibble: 167,171 × 18
##    family  column occupancy shenkin misse…¹ mes_or mes_p occup…² occup…³ shenk…⁴
##    <chr>    <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <lgl>     <dbl>
##  1 PF00001     41         1    6.30       1  1.89  1         -70 FALSE         0
##  2 PF00001     42         1    6.33       1  1.89  1         -70 FALSE         0
##  3 PF00001     43         2    6.37       1  0.945 1         -69 FALSE         0
##  4 PF00001     44         3    6.46       0  0     0.556     -68 FALSE         0
##  5 PF00001     45         5    6.59       2  0.756 1         -66 FALSE         0
##  6 PF00001     46         5    6.82       4  1.51  0.507     -66 FALSE         0
##  7 PF00001     47         6    6.84       7  2.20  0.154     -65 FALSE         0
##  8 PF00001     48         7    6.96       6  1.62  0.393     -64 FALSE         0
##  9 PF00001     49         7    7.04       4  1.08  1         -64 FALSE         0
## 10 PF00001     50         7    7.09       5  1.35  0.763     -64 FALSE         0
## # … with 167,161 more rows, 8 more variables: mes_or_nrank <dbl>,
## #   mes_or_log <dbl>, PDB_sequences_with_contacts <dbl>,
## #   PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb <fct>, PDB_jury_column_rsa_bound <chr>,
## #   mes_class <fct>, cons_class <fct>, xclass <fct>, and abbreviated variable
## #   names ¹​missense_all, ²​occupancy_minus_threshold, ³​occupancy_gteq_threshold,
## #   ⁴​shenkin_nrank
 RSA_LEVELS <- c('Core', 'Part. Exposed', 'Surface')

# N residues per exposure with high/low conservation
 |> filter(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb %in% c('Core', 'Part. Exposed', 'Surface'))
 |> group_by(shenkin_nrank < 0.5, PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb)
 |> summarise(n())
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'shenkin_nrank < 0.5'. You can override
## using the `.groups` argument.

## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## # Groups:   shenkin_nrank < 0.5 [2]
##   `shenkin_nrank < 0.5` PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb `n()`
##   <lgl>                 <fct>                   <int>
## 1 FALSE                 Core                     7320
## 2 FALSE                 Part. Exposed           10403
## 3 FALSE                 Surface                 33745
## 4 TRUE                  Core                    17896
## 5 TRUE                  Part. Exposed           13645
## 6 TRUE                  Surface                 24723
# N residues per exposure with high/low MES
 |> filter(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb %in% c('Core', 'Part. Exposed', 'Surface'))
 |> group_by(mes_or < 1, PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb)
 |> summarise(n())
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'mes_or < 1'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.

## # A tibble: 6 × 3
## # Groups:   mes_or < 1 [2]
##   `mes_or < 1` PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb `n()`
##   <lgl>        <fct>                   <int>
## 1 FALSE        Core                     9574
## 2 FALSE        Part. Exposed           10669
## 3 FALSE        Surface                 31593
## 4 TRUE         Core                    15642
## 5 TRUE         Part. Exposed           13379
## 6 TRUE         Surface                 26875

Figure 2A: Residue Shenking/MES ECDFs for each exposure class (manuscript figure)

  'partex_cum_frac' = '#56B4E9',
  'core_cum_frac' = '#E69F00',
  'surface_cum_frac' = '#009E73'

  |> filter(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb %in% RSA_LEVELS)
  |> filter(occupancy_gteq_threshold)
  |> filter(occupancy > 0)
  |> filter(occupancy >= 20)
  # |> filter(occupancy < 50). # variation with bounded occupancy window
  |> arrange(shenkin_nrank)
  |> select(family, column, shenkin_nrank, PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb)
  |> pivot_wider(names_from = PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb,
                 values_from = PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb,
                 values_fn = function(x) return(1),
                 values_fill = 0)
  |> mutate(core_cum_frac = cumsum(Core) / sum(Core),
            partex_cum_frac = cumsum(`Part. Exposed`) / sum(`Part. Exposed`),
            surface_cum_frac = cumsum(Surface) / sum(Surface))
  |> pivot_longer(core_cum_frac:surface_cum_frac)
  |> ggplot()
  + aes(x = shenkin_nrank, y = value*100, colour = name)
  + geom_abline(slope = 100, intercept = 0, lty = 2)
  + geom_line()
  # annotation
  + xlab('Normalised Shenkin')
  + ylab('Proportion of positions (%)')

  # plot theme
  + scale_colour_manual(values = COLOUR_SCHEME)
  + theme_minimal()
  + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
  + theme(
    axis.line = element_line(color='black'),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.1),
    legend.position = "none"

## Saving 7 x 5 in image
# ggsave('plot2a_right_supp-occ200.svg')
  |> filter(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb %in% RSA_LEVELS)
  |> filter(occupancy_gteq_threshold)
  |> filter(occupancy > 0)
  |> filter(occupancy >= 20)
  |> arrange(mes_or_nrank)
  |> select(family, column, mes_or_nrank, PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb)
  |> pivot_wider(names_from = PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb,
                 values_from = PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb,
                 values_fn = function(x) return(1),
                 values_fill = 0)
  |> mutate(core_cum_frac = cumsum(Core) / sum(Core),
            partex_cum_frac = cumsum(`Part. Exposed`) / sum(`Part. Exposed`),
            surface_cum_frac = cumsum(Surface) / sum(Surface))
  |> pivot_longer(core_cum_frac:surface_cum_frac)
  |> ggplot()
  + aes(x = mes_or_nrank, y = value*100, colour = name)
  + geom_abline(slope = 100, intercept = 0, lty = 2)
  + geom_line()
   # annotation
  + xlab('Normalised MES')
  + ylab('Proportion of positions (%)')

  # plot theme
  + scale_colour_manual(values = COLOUR_SCHEME)
  + theme_minimal()
  + theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
  + theme(
    axis.line = element_line(color='black'),
    panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.1),
    legend.position = "none"

## Saving 7 x 5 in image
# ggsave('plot2a_left_supp-occ200.svg')

Calculating some quoted figures in the manuscript

  |> filter(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb %in% RSA_LEVELS)
  |> filter(occupancy_gteq_threshold)
  |> filter(occupancy > 0)
  |> filter(occupancy > 20)
  |> arrange(mes_or_nrank)
  |> select(family, column, mes_or_nrank, PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb)
  |> pivot_wider(names_from = PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb,
                 values_from = PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb,
                 values_fn = function(x) return(1),
                 values_fill = 0)
  |> mutate(core_cum_frac = cumsum(Core) / sum(Core),
            partex_cum_frac = cumsum(`Part. Exposed`) / sum(`Part. Exposed`),
            surface_cum_frac = cumsum(Surface) / sum(Surface))
  |> pivot_longer(core_cum_frac:surface_cum_frac)
  |> filter(mes_or_nrank >= 0.5)
  |> group_by(name)
  |> summarise_all(min)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   name             family  column mes_or_nrank Part. Expos…¹ Surface  Core value
##   <chr>            <chr>    <dbl>        <dbl>         <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 core_cum_frac    PF00001      2          0.5             0       0     0 0.671
## 2 partex_cum_frac  PF00001      2          0.5             0       0     0 0.581
## 3 surface_cum_frac PF00001      2          0.5             0       0     0 0.407
## # … with abbreviated variable name ¹​`Part. Exposed`
  |> filter(PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb %in% RSA_LEVELS)
  |> filter(occupancy_gteq_threshold)
  |> filter(occupancy > 0)
  |> filter(occupancy >= 20)
  # |> filter(occupancy < 50)
  |> arrange(shenkin_nrank)
  |> select(family, column, shenkin_nrank, PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb)
  |> pivot_wider(names_from = PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb,
                 values_from = PDB_jury_column_rsa_unb,
                 values_fn = function(x) return(1),
                 values_fill = 0)
  |> mutate(core_cum_frac = cumsum(Core) / sum(Core),
            partex_cum_frac = cumsum(`Part. Exposed`) / sum(`Part. Exposed`),
            surface_cum_frac = cumsum(Surface) / sum(Surface))
  |> pivot_longer(core_cum_frac:surface_cum_frac)
  |> filter(shenkin_nrank >= 0.5)
  |> group_by(name)
  |> summarise_all(min)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   name             family  column shenkin_nrank Part. Expo…¹  Core Surface value
##   <chr>            <chr>    <dbl>         <dbl>        <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 core_cum_frac    PF00001      2           0.5            0     0       0 0.746
## 2 partex_cum_frac  PF00001      2           0.5            0     0       0 0.527
## 3 surface_cum_frac PF00001      2           0.5            0     0       0 0.292
## # … with abbreviated variable name ¹​`Part. Exposed`
## R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Big Sur/Monterey 10.16
## Matrix products: default
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## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
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