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This is a Julia interface for LIBSVM.


  • Supports all LIBSVM models: classification C-SVC, nu-SVC, regression: epsilon-SVR, nu-SVR and distribution estimation: one-class SVM
  • Model objects are represented by Julia type SVM which gives you easy access to model features and can be saved e.g. as JLD file
  • Supports ScikitLearn.jl API



This provides a lower level API similar to LIBSVM C-interface. See ?svmtrain for options.

using LIBSVM
using RDatasets
using Printf
using Statistics

# Load Fisher's classic iris data
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")

# First four dimension of input data is features
X = Matrix(iris[:, 1:4])'

# LIBSVM handles multi-class data automatically using a one-against-one strategy
y = iris.Species

# Split the dataset into training set and testing set
Xtrain = X[:, 1:2:end]
Xtest  = X[:, 2:2:end]
ytrain = y[1:2:end]
ytest  = y[2:2:end]

# Train SVM on half of the data using default parameters. See documentation
# of svmtrain for options
model = svmtrain(Xtrain, ytrain)

# Test model on the other half of the data.
ŷ, decision_values = svmpredict(model, Xtest);

# Compute accuracy
@printf "Accuracy: %.2f%%\n" mean.== ytest) * 100

ScikitLearn API

You can alternatively use ScikitLearn.jl API with same options as svmtrain:

using LIBSVM
using RDatasets

# Classification C-SVM
iris = dataset("datasets", "iris")
X = Matrix(iris[:, 1:4])
y = iris.Species

Xtrain = X[1:2:end, :]
Xtest  = X[2:2:end, :]
ytrain = y[1:2:end]
ytest  = y[2:2:end]

model = fit!(SVC(), Xtrain, ytrain)
ŷ = predict(model, Xtest)
# Epsilon-Regression

whiteside = RDatasets.dataset("MASS", "whiteside")
X = Matrix(whiteside[:, 3:3])  # the `Gas` column
y = whiteside.Temp

model = fit!(EpsilonSVR(cost = 10., gamma = 1.), X, y)
ŷ = predict(model, X)


The library is currently developed and maintained by Matti Pastell. It was originally developed by Simon Kornblith.

LIBSVM by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin