- Build123d: successor to CadQuerycad
- pythonscad: native python interpreter for scad renderer
- anchorscad: Openscad python generator with nice syntax
- pySdfScad: Openscad python interpreter based on Forgleman Sdf library, also including an openscad parser in python. ** pysdf: sdf library fork with several extensions, also available on pypi
- py_scadparser: openscad parser in python
- blenderSCAD: openscad within blender
- FreeCAD Includes openscad python .csg import
- python-brlcad: python bindings to BRL-CAD solid construction geometry library trusted by US Army since 1983.
- libfivepy: python bindings to 3d modeling library libfive
- geogram: mesh library. Native support for .csg input format (easily derivable from .scad), )targeting having python bindings pygeogram
- point cloud utils: easy-to-use Python library for processing and manipulating 3D point clouds and meshes
- Vapory: povray image generation of solid geometry
- Playable Ukulele
- Soprano Ukulele
- Mini Pocket Ukulele: acoustic sopranino ukulele
- Soprano Ukulele: Acoustic Soprano ukulele with FreeCAD
- Travelele: the compact travel ukulele
- Improved travelele with pickup
- Electric travel guitar
- ukulele.scad: openscad acoustic ukulele with customizable body and headstock shape
- ParamUKE: openscad acoustic ukulele with customizable body
- LightningUke: electric 3d printed ukulele
- Ukulele 3d print
- Solid Body Ukulele (2.5D CNC Project)
- Ukulelin
- PolyGear - openscad library for gears
- Chamfers for OpenSCAD - everything in the name
- agentscad -screws, snap joints, bevel for openscad
- paths2openscad - convert .svg to openscad
- scad-utils - fillet, shell, rounding functions for openscad
- nutsnbolts - scres, nuts and bolts for openscad
- FunctionalOpenSCAD - Implement OpenSCAD in OpenSCAD