diff --git a/lib/utils.bash b/lib/utils.bash
index b179bc7..110dd85 100644
--- a/lib/utils.bash
+++ b/lib/utils.bash
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # The pattern for resource types
-# (pod, PODs, complex.crd.resource, etc.)
+# (pod, PODs, complex.crd.resource, ec2nodeclass, etc.)
 # The regex for the "try" key word
 try_regex_verify_is="^at +most +([0-9]+) +times +every +([0-9]+)s +to +get +($resource_type_pattern) +named +'([^']+)' +and +verify +that +'([^']+)' +is +'([^']+)'$"
diff --git a/tests/test.detik.verify.bats b/tests/test.detik.verify.bats
index c467fa8..8aaab42 100755
--- a/tests/test.detik.verify.bats
+++ b/tests/test.detik.verify.bats
@@ -677,3 +677,12 @@ mytest_with_namespace() {
 	[ "${lines[0]}" = "Valid expression. Verification in progress..." ]
 	[ "${lines[1]}" = "Found 2 pods named nginx (instead of less than 1 expected)." ]
+@test "verifying the number of ec2nodeclass with the lower-case syntax (resource name with a number)" {
+	run verify "there are 2 ec2nodeclass named 'nginx'"
+	[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
+	[ ${#lines[@]} -eq 2 ]
+	[ "${lines[0]}" = "Valid expression. Verification in progress..." ]
+	[ "${lines[1]}" = "Found 2 ec2nodeclass named nginx (as expected)." ]