Simple Riot Layout Manager for Meteor with SSR Support.
With Riot Layout you can easily render riot components both alike in client and server. In the server it uses Flow Router's upcoming SSR apis.
Firstly, add packages baysao:riotjs for support "tag" extension of riotjs template and kadira:flow-router for supporting route
meteor add baysao:riotjs
meteor add kadira:flow-router
Secondly, add package baysao:riot-layout for support RiotLayout
meteor add baysao:riot-layout
Then you use RiotLayout.render()
to render your component with first param is name of component (name in string) , second is custom data pass throught component.
FlowRouter.route("/", {
name: "home",
action: function(params) {
RiotLayout.render('welcome', {name: "Vu Tran"});
<h3>Welcome, { }</h3>
<a href="/dashboard">Dashboard</a>
var name =
Add component string describe in VALUE field into DOM element with ID as KEY field
Router definition
FlowRouter.route("/", {
name: "home",
action: function(params) {
RiotLayout.render('welcome', {
name: "Vu Tran",
title: "Header Here",
powerby: "Footer Here",
name: "Child Name",
header: "<header></header>",
main: "<child1></child1>",
footer: "<footer></footer>"
Welcome layout
<h3>Welcome, { }</h3>
<div id="header"></div>
<div id="main"></div>
<div id="footer"></div>
<a href="/dashboard">Dashboard</a>
<h3>Header is {opts.title} <h3>
<h3>Child is {} <h3>
<h3>Child1 is {} <h3>
<h3>Footer is {opts.powerby} <h3>
Please see example folder for more clear.