To use ediarum an eXist-db installation is required. The latest version can be downloaded here. Please note that installation requirements must be fulfilled. A detailed installation guide can be found in the online documentation.
On Linux eXist can be installed with the command java -jar eXist-{version}.jar -console
target path
is the absolute path to the subdirectory (e.g./path/to/exist_db
data dir
is the absolute path to the subdirectory (e.g./path/to/data
).You will be asked to set the admin password.
You can leave the default settings for maximum memory (1024 MB) and cache (128 MB).
Note: With Windows 10 there may be a problem if you leave the default memory of 2048 MB. If you face this problem reduce the memory to 1024 MB during installation. It can also lead to problems if exist is installed as a service at startup.
The database initially runs under the standard port 8080, but this can be adjusted (see Setup). eXist-db can be started via the console:
nohup bin/ $
Once the DB is started, it can be accessed via browser under http://server:port/exist
The latest version of ediarum.DB can be downloaded here.
With an existing eXist-db installation the ediarum.DB app can be accessed via the package manager. To do this, run the package manager fom the eXist-dashboard. Click the symbol at the top left to open "Upload Packages" dialog. Add your current ediarum.xar.
The resources of the ediarum.DB app are added to the eXist installation.
Then the xQuery pre-install.xql
is automatically called and executed.
It creates the user groups "website" and "oxygen", as well as the standard users "exist-bot", "oxygen-bot" and "website-user" with identical passwords.
After the app has been installed post-install.xql
is called and executed.
This sets up access permissions to the different system directories and necessary routines.