This is Inside Acropolis, a guide to the Research & Education Space for contributors and developers.
This is an open-content book, licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence, v2.0. Accompanying code and samples are licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
The canonical version of the book can be found at:
Inside Acropolis is written using DocBook 5, an XML-based mark-up language designed for technical publishing. The file book.xml contains the root element, and uses XInclude to combine the various chapters into a single document for processing.
The book is converted to HTML using a set of XSL stylesheets.
The PDF version of the book is generated using wkpdf, which is unfortunately only available for Mac OS X. While wkhtmltopdf shows promise as a cross-platform alternative, at the time of writing the rendering quality is not yet on a par with wkpdf.
To re-build the HTML or PDF, first clone this repository and the RES XSL stylesheets:
$ git clone
$ cd inside-acropolis
$ git clone
Next, after modifying the DocBook sources, you can re-build the HTML with:
$ make -f buildrules.make
If you have wkpdf installed, you can generate the PDF from the HTML with:
$ make -f buildrules.make pdf