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306 lines (250 loc) · 13.7 KB


This is a library for implementing both statically-configured and dynamic clusters of nodes which need to be able to identify themselves within the cluster. Each node can be single- or multi-threaded (or multi-process).

The API design is such that a cluster connection object is created (with cluster_create()), has callbacks and parameters set based upon the application's configuration, and then the cluster is joined with cluster_join(). The application can then proceed with its normal processing, during which libcluster will invoke a callback whenever it determines that the cluster shape has changed (i.e., because nodes have joined or departed).

An example cluster of three nodes (with two, one, and four workers respectively) might look like this:-

| Index | Node           | Worker |
|     0 | node1          | 0      |
|     1 | node1          | 1      |
|     2 | node2          | 0      |
|     3 | node3          | 0      |
|     4 | node3          | 1      |
|     5 | node3          | 2      |
|     6 | node3          | 3      |

Thus in this cluster, there are a total of seven workers.

The aim of libcluster is for each worker thread or process within the cluster to be able to obtain this total, its cluster-wide index, and be notified when either changes. In this example, the second worker of node3 is #4, while the only worker of node2 is #2. With a consistent snapshot of the combination of cluster-wide worker index and total worker count, applications can effectively divide work between nodes.

Applications using libcluster do not have to be multi-threaded, although depending upon the clustering type in use, it may launch and manage its own threads for housekeeping.

Cluster connections are configured with:

  • A cluster key: an identifier which identifies the cluster (typically the application name)
  • A cluster environment: an identifier which differentiates different environments (e.g., production, dev, etc.)
  • An instance identifier: a value unique to this specific instance (by default, a UUID is generated for the instance, but applications can override this)
  • An instance worker count: the number of worker threads or sub-processes this instance is responsible for (by default, this is set to one, but applications which use worker thread or sub-process pools can specify different values)

For static clusters (that is, clusters where nodes do not directly co-ordinate, but the same fixed configuration is applied to all members of the cluster), each node is also configured with:

  • The base worker index for this member: the numeric index from ( of the first thread of this node within the cluster.
  • The total worker count: the total number of workers in the whole cluster.

It is the administrator's responsibility to ensure that all members of the cluster are configured identically. Depending upon the application, the effects of mismatches may trigger very undesirable effects (for example, if the worker indices are used for partitioning a work queue, a mismatch might mean that some jobs are never processed, while two or members compete over the same jobs).

For dynamic clusters, libcluster uses etcd to coordinate membership and determine the thread indices and totals. Rather than statically configuring the base worker index and total count as with static clusters, applications instead provide the base URI of the etcd server (or proxy).

When configured in this fashion, libcluster on each node launches 'ping' and 'balancer' house-keeping threads. The ping thread periodically writes to a key in an etcd directory, where the key's name is the instance identifier and the key's value is the per-instance worker count. The key's TTL is set so that if the application unexpectedly terminates, the entry will eventually vanish.

Meanwhile, the 'balancer' thread monitors the same etcd directory for changes. When they occur, the list of instances is retrieved and sorted, and the 'balancing' callback provided by the application is invoked if either the base thread index or total thread count have changed.

When using etcd-based clustering, the directory that libcluster uses is /v2/keys/CLUSTER-KEY/CLUSTER-ENV relative to the supplied registry URI.

See cluster-test.c for a complete example of how to work with the API.


Cluster re-balancing may not occur at precisely the same time on every node, for a variety of factors. Applications should therefore ensure that the worker index is treated as should-be unique: in other words, under normal circumstances conflicts should not occur, but steps should be taken to avoid race conditions in operations which depend upon them. For example, if multiple nodes use the worker index as a key in a database update, the update should be wrapped in a transaction with appropriate rollback and retry mechanisms.

As the cost of implementing this is generally minimal, a normally-operating cluster can divide work extremely efficiently, while still providing safety during a re-balancing event.

Example - using cluster-test

Using cluster-test, one can simulate a cluster of as many nodes as might be desirable. cluster-test does not actually perform any work itself (that is, it simply sleeps and waits to be terminated), but invokes the libcluster API as a real-world application.

cluster-test has the following usage:

Usage: cluster-test [OPTIONS]

OPTIONS are one or more of:
  -h                        Print this message and exit
  -v                        Be more verbose
  -k KEY                    Set the cluster key to KEY
  -e ENV                    Set the cluster environment to ENV
  -i ID                     Set the instance identifier to ID
  -n COUNT                  Set the number of workers to COUNT
 etcd-based clustering:
  -r URI                    Set the cluster registry URI
 Static clustering:
  -I INDEX                  Set this instance base index to INDEX
  -T COUNT                  Set the cluster worker total to COUNT

Assuming an etcd server or proxy running on, you might invoke cluster-test as follows:

$ cluster-test -v -k mycluster -e dev -r
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: re-balancing cluster mycluster/dev:
libcluster<7>: * 2014f53242aa4b56b5292bb755123436 [0]
libcluster<5>: libcluster: etcd: cluster mycluster/dev has re-balanced: new base is 0 (was -1), new total is 1 (was 0)
libcluster<7>: libcluster: re-balanced; this instance has base index 0 (1 workers) from a total of 1
cluster-test: cluster has re-balanced:
   first worker index:         0
   worker count:               1
   total cluster worker count: 1
cluster-test: cluster joined; sleeping until terminated
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: re-balancing thread started for mycluster/dev at <>
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: ping thread starting with ttl=120, refresh=30
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: re-balancing cluster mycluster/dev:
libcluster<7>: * 2014f53242aa4b56b5292bb755123436 [0]

(Some libcurl output has been removed from the above transcript for brevity)

In the example above, 2014f53242aa4b56b5292bb755123436 was the automatically-generated unique identifier for this node.

In another window, you can then run a second copy of cluster-test with the same parameters:

$ cluster-test -v -k mycluster -e dev -r
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: re-balancing cluster mycluster/dev:
libcluster<7>:   2014f53242aa4b56b5292bb755123436 [0]
libcluster<7>: * 976f8500b22d4e7e9db3468b97d677cd [1]
libcluster<5>: libcluster: etcd: cluster mycluster/dev has re-balanced: new base is 1 (was -1), new total is 2 (was 0)
libcluster<7>: libcluster: re-balanced; this instance has base index 1 (1 workers) from a total of 2
cluster-test: cluster has re-balanced:
   first worker index:         1
   worker count:               1
   total cluster worker count: 2
cluster-test: cluster joined; sleeping until terminated
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: re-balancing thread started for mycluster/dev at <>
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: ping thread starting with ttl=120, refresh=30
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: re-balancing cluster mycluster/dev:
libcluster<7>:   2014f53242aa4b56b5292bb755123436 [0]
libcluster<7>: * 976f8500b22d4e7e9db3468b97d677cd [1]

Here, 976f8500b22d4e7e9db3468b97d677cd is the unique identifier for the second instance. The asterisk next to the identifier indicates that it corresponds to the current instance. The number in square brackets is the base thread index for that instance.

In the first window, we can see that the initial node is aware of the second instance:

libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: re-balancing cluster mycluster/dev:
libcluster<7>: * 2014f53242aa4b56b5292bb755123436 [0]
libcluster<7>:   976f8500b22d4e7e9db3468b97d677cd [1]
libcluster<5>: libcluster: etcd: cluster mycluster/dev has re-balanced: new base is 0 (was 0), new total is 2 (was 1)
libcluster<7>: libcluster: re-balanced; this instance has base index 0 (1 workers) from a total of 2
cluster-test: cluster has re-balanced:
   first worker index:         0
   worker count:               1
   total cluster worker count: 2

Both instances will continue running (doing essentially nothing) until you press Ctrl+C. When you do, the instance will be removed from the cluster and the other instances will re-balance themselves accordingly. In the first window (assuming this is first one that you terminate):

^Ccluster-test: signal received, will terminate
cluster-test: will now leave the cluster
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: 'leaving' flag has been set, will terminate ping thread
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: ping thread is terminating
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: wait result was 0
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: reading state from registry directory
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: re-balancing cluster cluster-test/production:
libcluster<7>:   976f8500b22d4e7e9db3468b97d677cd [0]
libcluster<5>: libcluster: etcd: this instance is no longer a member of cluster-test/production
libcluster<7>: libcluster: re-balanced; this instance has base index -1 (1 workers) from a total of 1
cluster-test: cluster has re-balanced:
   first worker index:         -1
   worker count:               1
   total cluster worker count: 1
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: 'leaving' flag has been set, will terminate balancing thread
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: balancing thread is terminating
cluster-test: successfully left the cluster

Meanwhile, in the second, as the first instance terminates:

libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: wait result was 0
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: reading state from registry directory
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: re-balancing cluster cluster-test/production:
libcluster<7>: * 976f8500b22d4e7e9db3468b97d677cd [0]
libcluster<5>: libcluster: etcd: cluster cluster-test/production has re-balanced: new base is 0 (was 1), new total is 1 (was 2)
libcluster<7>: libcluster: re-balanced; this instance has base index 0 (1 workers) from a total of 1
cluster-test: cluster has re-balanced:
   first worker index:         0
   worker count:               1
   total cluster worker count: 1
libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: waiting for changes to cluster-test/production

You can also try the -n option to cluster-test, which specifies the worker count that is passed to libcluster. For example, three instances which match the arrangement given at the beginning of this document could be started with:

$ cluster-test -i node1 -n 2 -r
$ cluster-test -i node2 -r
$ cluster-test -i node3 -n 4 -r

Note that cluster-test does not actually create the specified number of worker threads - because it does not really perform any work, it only passes the value to libcluster to adjust the worker numbering.

The above commands would result in output similar to the following, if invoked one-by-one:-

libcluster<7>: libcluster: etcd: re-balancing cluster cluster-test/production:
libcluster<7>: * node1 [0]
libcluster<7>:   node2 [2]
libcluster<7>:   node3 [3]
libcluster<5>: libcluster: etcd: cluster cluster-test/production has re-balanced: new base is 0 (was 0), new total is 7 (was 3)
libcluster<7>: libcluster: re-balanced; this instance has base index 0 (2 workers) from a total of 7
cluster-test: cluster has re-balanced:
   first worker index:         0
   worker count:               2
   total cluster worker count: 7

This transcript was from node1, after both node2 and node3 were started. We can see that the base index of node2 is 2, because node1 has worker indices 0 and 1; meanwhile node3 has worker indices 3..6, giving a total thread count of 7.

Building libcluster

To build from a git checkout:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure [usual configure options]
$ make
$ sudo make install

You will need liburi to build libcluster; if you check out a copy as a subdirectory of this source tree, it will be built and installed automatically as part of libcluster.

You will also need Jansson, a library for parsing and manipulating JSON. Jansson is packaged with most major distributions, but can be built and installed from source if necessary.


Copyright © 2014-2015 BBC.

libcluster is an open source project released under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.

libcluster was developed as part of the Research & Education Space, and was originally part of the Anansi project.