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User Stories ‐ External ‐ Administration

Shon edited this page Oct 9, 2024 · 19 revisions

Feature: Administration - Access


The "Administration - Access" feature allows authorized users to enter the Administration section of the BCIERS application.


As an authenticated user with role industry_user, industry_user_admin,
I want to access the Administration section via a BCIERS dashboard tile,
So that I can manage administrative tasks related to the operators, operations, facilities, contacts, and access request.

Expected Results

  • From BCIERS dashboard, clicking the "Administration" tile, or links in the tile, directs to the Administration application.

Feature: Contacts - View


The "Contacts - View" feature allows authenticated users to locate and manage contact information.


As an authenticated user with industry_user_admin role, or industry_user role with access to an operator,
I want to view a contacts grid with a filterable and searchable list of contacts,
So that I can easily find and manage information.

Expected Results

  • Clicking "Contacts" dashboard tile directs to the contacts grid.
  • The grid displays as designed.
  • The grid includes functionality for filtering and searching through the list.
  • The grid has actions: "Add Contact"; "View Details"

Feature: Contacts - Contact - View


The "Contacts - Contact - View" feature allows authenticated users to view information for a specific contact.


As an authorized user with industry_user_admin role, or industry_user role with access to an operator,
I want to view the details of an existing contact,
So that I can review the information.

Expected Results

  • Users can view a contact via the Contacts grid.
  • Clicking "View Details" directs to the form in read-mode.
  • The form displays as designed.

Feature: Contacts - Contact - Add


The "Contacts - Contact - Add" feature allows authenticated users to add new contacts.


As an authorized user with industry_user_admin role,
I want to add a new contact,
So that I can manage the contacts.

Expected Results

  • Users can add a new contact via the Contacts grid.
  • Clicking "Add Contact" directs to the form in edit-mode.
  • The form displays as designed.
  • If the contact is a BCIERS user, their information is pre-populated in the form.
  • Completing fields and clicking "Submit" saves the changes and displays a confirmation message.

Feature: Contacts - Contact - Edit


The "Contacts - Contact - Edit" feature allows authenticated users to edit existing contact information.


As an authorized user with industry_user_admin role,
I want to edit the details of an existing contact,
So that I can update the information as needed.

Expected Results

  • Users can edit a contact via the Contacts grid.
  • Clicking "View Details" directs to the form in read-mode.
  • The form displays as designed.
  • Clicking "Edit" enables editing mode.
  • Clicking "Submit" saves the changes and displays a confirmation message.

Feature: Facilities - View


The "Facilities - View" feature allows authenticated users to locate and manage facility information.


As an authorized user with industry_user_admin role, or industry_user role with access to an operator,
I want to view the facilities of an operation,
So that I can easily find and manage facilities.

Expected Results

  • Users can view facilities via the Operations grid
  • Clicking "View Facilities" directs to the facilities grid.
  • The grid displays as designed.
  • The grid includes functionality for filtering and searching through the list.
  • The grid has actions: "Add Facility"; "View Details"

Feature: Facilities - Facility - View


The "Facilities - Facility - View" feature allows authenticated users to view information for a specific facility.


As an authorized user with industry_user_admin role, or industry_user role with access to an operator,
I want to view the details of an existing facility,
So that I can review the information.

Expected Results

  • Users can view a facility via the Facilities grid
  • Clicking "View Details" directs to the form in read-mode.
  • Form displays as designed

Feature: Facilities - Facility - Add


The "Facilities - Facility - Add" feature allows authenticated users to add new facilities.


As an authorized user with industry_user_admin role, or industry_user role with access to an operator,
I want to add a new facility,
So that I can manage facilities.

Expected Results

  • Users can add a facility via the Facilities grid.
  • Clicking "Add Facility" directs to the form in edit-mode for entering data.
  • The form displays as designed:
  • Completing fields and clicking "Submit" saves the changes and displays a confirmation message.

Feature: Facilities - Facility - Edit


The "Facilities - Facility - Edit" feature allows authenticated users to edit existing facility information.


As an authorized user with industry_user_admin role, or industry_user role with access to an operator,
I want to edit the details of an existing facility,
So that I can update the information as needed.

Expected Results

  • Users can view a facility via the Facilities grid
  • Clicking "View Details" directs to the form in read-mode.
  • Form displays as designed
  • Clicking "Edit" enables editing mode.
  • Clicking "Submit" saves the changes and displays a confirmation message.

Feature: Operations - View


The "Operations - View" feature allows authenticated users to locate and manage operation information.


As an authorized user with industry_user_admin role, or industry_user role with access to an operator,
I want to view the operations associated with my operator,
So that I can easily find and manage operations.

Expected Results

  • Clicking "Operations" dashboard tile directs to the operations grid.
  • The gird displays as designed.
  • The grid includes functionality for filtering and searching through the list.
  • The grid has action columns: "View Facilities" and "View Operation Information".

Feature: Operations - Operation - View


The "Operations - Operation - View" feature allows authenticated users to view information for a specific operation.


As an authorized user withindustry_user_admin role, or industry_user role with access to an operator,
I want to view the details of an existing operation,
So that I can review the information.

Expected Results

  • Users can view an operation via the Operations grid
  • Clicking "View Details" directs to the form in read-mode.
  • Form displays as designed
  • Clicking "Edit" enables editing mode.
  • Clicking "Submit" saves the changes and displays a confirmation message.

Feature: Operations - Operation - Edit


The "Operations - Operation - Edit" feature allows authenticated users to edit a registered operation's information.


As an authorized user with industry_user_admin role, or industry_user role with access to an operator,
I want to edit the details of a registered operation,
So that I can update the information as needed.

Expected Results

  • Users can view an operation via the Operations grid
  • Clicking "View Details" directs to the form in read-mode.
  • Form displays as designed
  • Clicking "Edit" enables editing mode.
  • Clicking "Submit" saves the changes and displays a confirmation message.

Feature: Operator - Select an Operator


The "Operator - Select" feature guides authenticated users through the process of selecting an operator within the system. This is a prerequisite to accessing and requesting access to the selected operator.


As an authenticated user with industry_user role, without access to an operator, I want to select an existing operator,
So that I can be approved to have access to the selected operator.

Expected Results

  • Clicking "Select an Operator" dashboard tile directs to form in edit-mode.
  • Form displays as designed.
  • Users are guided through the process of selecting an operator, and requesting either operator access or operator administrative setup if the selected operator does not have a prime admin.

Feature: Operator - Add an Operator


The "Add Operator" feature


As an authenticated user with industry_user role, without access to an operator, I want to add an operator,
So that I can be an admin for an "Approved" operator.

Expected Results

  • Clicking "Select an Operator" dashboard tile directs to the form.
  • Form displays link Add Operator.
  • Clicking link Add Operator directs to the Operator form.
  • Form displays as designed
  • Completing fields and clicking "Submit" saves the changes, creates a new approved Operator with the user assigned as admin and displays a confirmation message.

Feature: Operator - My Operator


The "Operator - View" feature allows authenticated users with approved access to an operator to view and update their operator information.


As an authorized user with industry_user_admin role, or industry_user role with access to an operator,
I want to view the details of my operator,
So that I can review the information.

Expected Results

  • Clicking "My Operator" dashboard tile directs to form in read-mode.
  • Form displays as designed

Feature: Users and Access Requests - View


The "Users and Access Requests - View" feature allows authenticated users to locate and manage users and user access requests.


As an authenticated user with industry_user_admin role,
I want to view a users and user access grid with a filterable and searchable list of users and user requests,
So that I can easily find and manage information.

Expected Results

  • Clicking "Users and User Access" dashboard tile directs to the users and user access grid.
  • The grid displays as designed
  • The grid has column cell actions: "User Role":"Approve":"Decline"
  • For requests with status "Pending" column cell actions allow:
    • "User Role" - can set role to: "Admin":"Reporter"
    • "Approve" - sets request status to: "Approved"
    • "Decline" - sets request status to: "Declined"