Releases: bcgov/common-object-management-service
Releases · bcgov/common-object-management-service
A microservice for managing access control to S3 Objects
v0.4.0 - Multi-tenant Bucket support
- Multi-bucket support
- Database refactor
- Permission cascade/inheritance refactor
- API shape extensions
Checkout our roadmap here.
What's Changed
- Postman collection for endpoints up to v.0.3 by @TimCsaky in #75
- Add endpoints for searching only metadata and tags by @kamorel in #76
- Add schemas for GET metadata/tag endpoints. by @kamorel in #77
- Implement Encrypt/Decrypt component support by @jujaga in #79
- Implement Skeleton Multi-bucket CRUD operation support by @jujaga in #80
- Implement Bucket Permission Enforcement by @jujaga in #83
- Remount GET /object/metadata to /metadata by @jujaga in #91
- add 'bucketId' as input param for GET permission/object by @TimCsaky in #94
- Swap out S3 upload library and general infrastructure updates by @jujaga in #96
- Feat/2927 bucket object permissions by @dc-bcgov in #98
- Expose GET /object and /bucket endpoints by @TimCsaky in #95
- Refactor getPath utility and fix public access in middleware by @jujaga in #99
- Refactor upload bucket contextual behavior by @jujaga in #100
- General GA Pipeline maintenance by @jujaga in #101
- Use database default for delete-marker version by @TimCsaky in #102
- Do not convert identityId to uuid by @kamorel in #103
- Updating (swagger) api spec to comply with current endpoint(s) implementation by @dc-bcgov in #104
- Extending get object permissions api by @dc-bcgov in #108
- Add deleteMarker and latest object search params by @TimCsaky in #106
- Extend Joi to handle comma-separated lists and/or arrays by @TimCsaky in #109
- Joi Validation updates by @TimCsaky in #110
- Change perm required to list permissions by @loneil in #112
- Get metadata for versions by @TimCsaky in #111
- Minor Helm Chart Maintenance and Patroni Bump by @jujaga in #113
- API endpoint to get tags for versions by @TimCsaky in #114
- Extend object/tagging by @TimCsaky in #115
- Extend object bucketPerms filtering by @TimCsaky in #117
- Check upload to bucket permission by @TimCsaky in #124
- PrivacyMask implementation by @TimCsaky in #123
- userId param typo by @TimCsaky in #127
- Joi validation for implicit permission search by @TimCsaky in #128
- Filter out system user from user search result by @TimCsaky in #129
- API spec update by @TimCsaky in #125
- List object versions from DB by @TimCsaky in #130
- Use helm-docs to generate helm charts docs from chart and values file by @pbolduc in #132
- Object search permissions join by @TimCsaky in #133
- Accept S3 and COMS version ID's by @TimCsaky in #136
- Database schema realignment and Routine security maintenance by @jujaga in #137
- DB migration to add indexes to version table by @TimCsaky in #138
- Rename query and path parameter
by @TimCsaky in #140 - OpenAPI Spec v0.4.0 final pass by @TimCsaky in #139
- Get bucketId and pass to storage service with GET /object/:objId request by @TimCsaky in #143
- Release COMS v0.4.0 by @jujaga in #144
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0
A microservice for managing access control to S3 Objects
A microservice for managing access control to S3 Objects
A microservice for managing access control to S3 Objects
A microservice for managing access control to S3 Objects
A microservice for managing access control to S3 Objects
A microservice for managing access control to S3 Objects
v0.3.0 - Metadata & Tagging
- Object metadata
- Object tagging
- Object discovery via metadata/tagging
Checkout our roadmap here.
What's Changed
- Metadata and Tag database migration and models by @TimCsaky in #47
- CI/CD: Implement Github Actions Helm Chart deployment flow by @jujaga in #51
- Helm: Force basicAuth secrets to always be release scoped by @jujaga in #53
- Object tagging by @kamorel in #50
- CI/CD: Implement Github Actions Pull Request flow support by @jujaga in #55
- Metadata and Tag service layer, object controller refactor by @TimCsaky in #52
- Consolidate build-push-container action to multi-registry deploy by @jujaga in #58
- Bump minimum supported version docs by @jujaga in #59
- Generate internal uuid for COMS user, getCurrentUserId function by @TimCsaky in #57
- Add explicit wait step to deployment by @jujaga in #60
- Prevent workflows from running in parallel by @jujaga in #61
- Expose x-amz-meta-* headers in object controller by @TimCsaky in #62
- Implement metadata search functionality by @jujaga in #63
- Update Keycloak environment variables in pipeline by @TimCsaky in #64
- Implement Tagging/TagSet Search Functionality by @jujaga in #65
- Refactor general CORS behavior by @jujaga in #66
- Allow signedUrl to be emitted as content by @jujaga in #68
- Bugfix documentation incorrectly requiring keycloak serverUrl and realm by @jujaga in #70
- Improved Joi validation for objects by @kamorel in #71
- Separate tag service layer by @TimCsaky in #67
- Routine supply-chain updates and v0.3.0 release chores by @jujaga in #72
- Separate Metadata and Metadada joins in service by @TimCsaky in #73
- Fix meta/tag updates for 'no-db' mode and with non-versioned objects by @TimCsaky in #74
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.0
A microservice for managing access control to S3 Objects