- Pie shows grey/others label behind the pie (visual bug), after a 14 assets have been passed
- Algofi staked amounts sometimes are not shown correctly
- Update Freckle VIP-Freckle Tinyman pool data
- Fourth or fifth wallet address in bundle going off screen on mobile
- Algofi LP Tokens are placed in Not evaluated and not split up
- Tinyman 1.1 liquidity amounts are not shown
- Algofi payed off asset is showing up under "not evaluated"
- Open bundle with comma, semicolon and underscore too.
- Invisible chart pie for wallet that does not have other ASA (assets); on mobile
- Position cursor at the end of address upon bundle opening
- Data should be recalculated without crossed ASA, cursor hovering the charts should change
- The "others" section on the pie chart upon click should separate out embedded assets with their corresponding percentage
- Chart legend goes to 2 columns for too many ASA
- Large amounts are rendered below icon on mobile
- Tinyman liquidity pool escrow address shows irrational values
- By tabbing through the links, URLs are not highlighted in the same manner other links are
- Slogan is cut off along the bottom
- Long ASA name text overlapping
- Two addresses switch button bug; values displayed in Algo with USD switch on ( while transiting from a browser tab to the other, containing different wallet)
- Clicked social icons remain focused after reverting from other tab
- iOS browsers links header amount as a telephone number
- Yieldly staking pools are not sorted by value