Current Symfony version: Symfony 4.3.11
to check:
bin/console --version
Find the PEM file in 1Password and store it on your local hard drive. Chmod it 400, then :
ssh -i ./path/to/learning2gether-platform.pem [email protected]
Once on the server, switch to the www-data user
sudo -u www-data bash
(use CTRL+D to exit and switch back to the ubuntu user)
ssh into the server, cd into /var/www/l2g-prod and pull as www-data
sudo -u www-data git pull
sudo ./bin/console l2g:upgrade-partner $emailadres
./bin/console cache:clear --env=prod
./bin/console liip:imagine:cache:resolve da305b9a0fee3eb7bdc5bfc9b64e88ff.jpeg --filter=learningModuleImage
I'm using MAMP PRO but apparently Symfony has built-in tools.
Create a "l2g" mysql database with a user and password.
Put the credentials in the .env
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Then import the dependencies via composer.
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer install
cd /into/project/root/folder
sass --watch sass/app.scss:public/assets/css/app.css
Plain old javascript, to be included in base.html.twig
or directly in /public/assets/js/script.js
- Install Symfony binary
- Install certificates
symfony server:ca:install
- Run local server :
symfony server:start
./bin/console debug:router
----------------------------- ---------- -------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------
Name Method Scheme Host Path
----------------------------- ---------- -------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------
api_module ANY ANY ANY /api/module/{module}
category ANY ANY ANY /portal/forum/{category}
create_chapter ANY ANY ANY /partner/create/module/{module}/chapter/{chapter}
create_module ANY ANY ANY /partner/create/module
create_page ANY ANY ANY /partner/create/module/{module}/chapter/{chapter}/page
dashboard_chapter ANY ANY ANY /partner/dashboard/chapter/{chapter}
dashboard ANY ANY ANY /partner/dashboard
dashboard_module ANY ANY ANY /partner/dashboard/module/{module}
dashboard_question ANY ANY ANY /partner/dashboard/chapter/{chapter}/question/{question}
delete_chapter ANY ANY ANY /partner/delete/chapter/{chapter}
delete_module ANY ANY ANY /partner/delete/module/{module}
delete_page ANY ANY ANY /partner/delete/{module}/{chapter}/{page}
edit_chapter ANY ANY ANY /partner/edit/module/{module}/chapter/{chapter}
edit_module ANY ANY ANY /partner/edit/module/{module}
edit_module_translation ANY ANY ANY /partner/edit/translation/module/{module}
edit_page ANY ANY ANY /partner/edit/module/{module}/chapter/{chapter}/page/{page}
faq ANY ANY ANY /faq
forum ANY ANY ANY /portal/forum
searchbar ANY ANY ANY /portal/forum/searchbar
homepage ANY ANY ANY /{_locale}/
homepage_default ANY ANY ANY /
language_switcher ANY ANY ANY /languageswitcher
modal ANY ANY ANY /modal
module ANY ANY ANY /portal/module/{module}
module_view_page ANY ANY ANY /portal/module/view-page/{chapterPage}/
partner ANY ANY ANY /partner
password_reset ANY ANY ANY /password-reset
password_new ANY ANY ANY /password-new
portal ANY ANY ANY /portal
profile ANY ANY ANY /profile
publish_module ANY ANY ANY /partner/publish/module/{module}
question ANY ANY ANY /portal/forum/{category}/{chapter}/{question}
upvote ANY ANY ANY /forum/{category}/{chapter}/{question}/upvote
post ANY ANY ANY /forum/{category}/{chapter}/{question}/post
post_delete DELETE ANY ANY /deletePost/{id}
question_delete DELETE ANY ANY /deleteQuestion/{id}
quiz_answer_index GET ANY ANY /partner/quiz/answer
quiz_answer_new GET|POST ANY ANY /partner/quiz/answer/new/{id}
quiz_answer_show GET ANY ANY /partner/quiz/answer/{id}
quiz_answer_edit GET|POST ANY ANY /partner/quiz/answer/{id}/edit
quiz_answer_delete DELETE ANY ANY /partner/quiz/answer/{id}
quiz_show GET ANY ANY /partner/quiz/{id}
quiz_show_user ANY ANY ANY /portal/quiz/{quiz}
quiz_send ANY ANY ANY /portal/quiz/{quiz}/send
quiz_question_index GET ANY ANY /partner/quiz/question/
quiz_question_new GET|POST ANY ANY /partner/quiz/question/new/{id}
quiz_question_show GET ANY ANY /partner/quiz/question/{id}
quiz_question_edit GET|POST ANY ANY /partner/quiz/question/{id}/edit
quiz_question_delete DELETE ANY ANY /partner/quiz/question/{id}
app_register ANY ANY ANY /{_locale}/register
app_login ANY ANY ANY /{_locale}/login
app_logout ANY ANY ANY /{_locale}/logout
topic ANY ANY ANY /portal/forum/{category}/{chapter}
addQuestion ANY ANY ANY /forum/{category}/{chapter}/addQuestion
upload_content ANY ANY ANY /partner/upload/content
fos_js_routing_js GET ANY ANY /js/routing.{_format}
liip_imagine_filter_runtime GET ANY ANY /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/rc/{hash}/{path}
liip_imagine_filter GET ANY ANY /media/cache/resolve/{filter}/{path}
----------------------------- ---------- -------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------