- Download and install newest version of python (if you do the custom install don't forget to install the pip tool)
- recommended path C:\Program Files (x86)\
- Open Control Panel » System » Advanced » Environment Variables.
- Click New and type the path where you have installed Python + /Scripts
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\Scripts
- Download (or clone) the repository
- Go to the scripts folder
- Right click on "windows.ps1" and select "Run as administrator"
- Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\Scripts
- press Shift + Right click and open command window (with admin rights !!) and type
- pip install selenium
- python -m pip install pyvirtualdisplay
- py get-pip.py
- Download the zip-File from the GUI-tool-for-InstaPy-script
- follow the install instructions on this page
- don't forget to copy the *.exe files in the folder InstaPy-master
- Download the newest chrom driver
- copy it in the folder \assets
- Open file instapy.py an disabling the clarifai import
- comment the line "from clarifai.client import ClarifaiApi"
from clarifai.client import ClarifaiApi
Start the Gui by clicking at the file InstaPy.exe
Insert your parameters and press run
After the first run the file quickstart.py is filled with your parameters
now you can edit them manually in a editor (e.g. notepad pro)