- Refactoring
- Fix issues
- Add retro-compatibility with tijsverkoyen library (namespace changes)
- Complete the README (examples, broken links, ...)
- Change API URL (api.bpost.be -> api-parcel.bpost.be)
- Labels features
- Possibility to append field "order reference"
- Possibility to force printing
- Geo6 features
- Geo6 is now called via HTTPS
- Send data to API via POST
- Add Geo6::getPointType() to calculate point types
- Products features
- Add "bpack World Easy Return" to international products
- Box At247 can contain a product bpack 24/7
- Use bpost API version 3.3 (yet, bpack part only)
- Change namespace TijsVerkoyen\Bpost to Bpost\BpostApiClient
- Add more unit tests to perform code coverage
- Begin to based the unit tests on XML examples given by bpost
- Allowed SaturdayDelivery, see tijsverkoyen#11
- Bugfix: removed usage of undefined constant, see tijsverkoyen#8
- Made the classes compliant with PSR
- Using Namespaces
- From now on we will follow the versionnumbers that bpost is using, so we will skip a major version
- Introduction of the GEO-services
- Introduction of the Bpack24/7-services
- Composer support
- Decent objects