Beechat is a facebook like chat for elgg using the XMPP protocol. It requires the XMPP serveur ejabberd.
French Documentation
English Documentation
We are relying on the GitHub issues tracker linked from above for feedback. File bugs or other issues here.
August 18th, 2010
- Fix issue with ie
- Add an alert sound when receiving a new message
August 9th, 2010
- cooked js doesn't cook tokens or languages (separated now to another file)
- db data now can be set from the admin panel
- users can disable the chat in their settings
- migrate.php added that will make the initial sync
- make the get roster js action asynchronous
- fix buddy list issue when reloading page
- fix security issues (XSS)
- works on Elgg 1.6 and 1.7
- user profile picture appears in chat box
We'd like to thank Jean-Manuel Da Silva (, Pablo Martin ( ) and Benjamin H. Graham ( ) for their work and help on Beechat.