diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 42eee91..326fa4f 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -71,14 +71,19 @@ endif()
 # Build
-add_library(spherely MODULE
-  src/spherely.cpp
-  )
+  src/spherely.cpp)
+if(${s2geography_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "0.2.0")
+    set(CPP_SOURCES ${CPP_SOURCES} src/geoarrow.cpp)
+add_library(spherely MODULE ${CPP_SOURCES})
diff --git a/ci/environment-dev.yml b/ci/environment-dev.yml
index f00ca15..a22d803 100644
--- a/ci/environment-dev.yml
+++ b/ci/environment-dev.yml
@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ dependencies:
   - ninja
   - pytest
   - pip
+  - geoarrow-pyarrow
diff --git a/ci/environment.yml b/ci/environment.yml
index 6dca01c..28c8655 100644
--- a/ci/environment.yml
+++ b/ci/environment.yml
@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ dependencies:
   - ninja
   - pytest
   - pip
+  - geoarrow-pyarrow
diff --git a/docs/api.rst b/docs/api.rst
index d96de68..5851fce 100644
--- a/docs/api.rst
+++ b/docs/api.rst
@@ -71,3 +71,4 @@ Input/Output
+   from_geoarrow
diff --git a/src/arrow_abi.h b/src/arrow_abi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8b62b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/arrow_abi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Extra guard for versions of Arrow without the canonical guard
+struct ArrowSchema {
+    // Array type description
+    const char* format;
+    const char* name;
+    const char* metadata;
+    int64_t flags;
+    int64_t n_children;
+    struct ArrowSchema** children;
+    struct ArrowSchema* dictionary;
+    // Release callback
+    void (*release)(struct ArrowSchema*);
+    // Opaque producer-specific data
+    void* private_data;
+struct ArrowArray {
+    // Array data description
+    int64_t length;
+    int64_t null_count;
+    int64_t offset;
+    int64_t n_buffers;
+    int64_t n_children;
+    const void** buffers;
+    struct ArrowArray** children;
+    struct ArrowArray* dictionary;
+    // Release callback
+    void (*release)(struct ArrowArray*);
+    // Opaque producer-specific data
+    void* private_data;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/src/geoarrow.cpp b/src/geoarrow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b434d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/geoarrow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+#include <s2geography.h>
+#include "arrow_abi.h"
+#include "constants.hpp"
+#include "creation.hpp"
+#include "geography.hpp"
+#include "pybind11.hpp"
+namespace py = pybind11;
+namespace s2geog = s2geography;
+using namespace spherely;
+py::array_t<PyObjectGeography> from_geoarrow(py::object input,
+                                             bool oriented,
+                                             bool planar,
+                                             float tessellate_tolerance,
+                                             py::object geometry_encoding) {
+    if (!py::hasattr(input, "__arrow_c_array__")) {
+        throw std::invalid_argument(
+            "input should be an Arrow-compatible array object (i.e. has an '__arrow_c_array__' "
+            "method)");
+    }
+    py::tuple capsules = input.attr("__arrow_c_array__")();
+    py::capsule schema_capsule = capsules[0];
+    py::capsule array_capsule = capsules[1];
+    const ArrowSchema* schema = static_cast<const ArrowSchema*>(schema_capsule);
+    const ArrowArray* array = static_cast<const ArrowArray*>(array_capsule);
+    s2geog::geoarrow::Reader reader;
+    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<s2geog::Geography>> s2geog_vec;
+    s2geog::geoarrow::ImportOptions options;
+    options.set_oriented(oriented);
+    if (planar) {
+        auto tol = S1Angle::Radians(tessellate_tolerance / EARTH_RADIUS_METERS);
+        options.set_tessellate_tolerance(tol);
+    }
+    if (geometry_encoding.is(py::none())) {
+        try {
+            reader.Init(schema, options);
+        } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+            // re-raise RuntimeError as ValueError
+            throw py::value_error(ex.what());
+        }
+    } else if (geometry_encoding.equal(py::str("WKT"))) {
+        reader.Init(s2geog::geoarrow::Reader::InputType::kWKT, options);
+    } else if (geometry_encoding.equal(py::str("WKB"))) {
+        reader.Init(s2geog::geoarrow::Reader::InputType::kWKB, options);
+    } else {
+        throw std::invalid_argument("'geometry_encoding' should be one of None, 'WKT' or 'WKB'");
+    }
+    try {
+        reader.ReadGeography(array, 0, array->length, &s2geog_vec);
+    } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+        // re-raise RuntimeError as ValueError
+        throw py::value_error(ex.what());
+    }
+    // Convert resulting vector to array of python objects
+    auto result = py::array_t<PyObjectGeography>(array->length);
+    py::buffer_info rbuf = result.request();
+    py::object* rptr = static_cast<py::object*>(rbuf.ptr);
+    py::ssize_t i = 0;
+    for (auto& s2geog_ptr : s2geog_vec) {
+        rptr[i] = make_py_geography(std::move(s2geog_ptr));
+        i++;
+    }
+    return result;
+void init_geoarrow(py::module& m) {
+    m.def("from_geoarrow",
+          &from_geoarrow,
+          py::arg("input"),
+          py::pos_only(),
+          py::kw_only(),
+          py::arg("oriented") = false,
+          py::arg("planar") = false,
+          py::arg("tessellate_tolerance") = 100.0,
+          py::arg("geometry_encoding") = py::none(),
+          R"pbdoc(
+        Create an array of geographies from an Arrow array object with a GeoArrow
+        extension type.
+        See https://geoarrow.org/ for details on the GeoArrow specification.
+        This functions accepts any Arrow array object implementing
+        the `Arrow PyCapsule Protocol`_ (i.e. having an ``__arrow_c_array__``
+        method).
+        .. _Arrow PyCapsule Protocol: https://arrow.apache.org/docs/format/CDataInterface/PyCapsuleInterface.html
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        input : pyarrow.Array, Arrow array
+            Any array object implementing the Arrow PyCapsule Protocol
+            (i.e. has a ``__arrow_c_array__`` method). The type of the array
+            should be one of the geoarrow geometry types.
+        oriented : bool, default False
+            Set to True if polygon ring directions are known to be correct
+            (i.e., exterior rings are defined counter clockwise and interior
+            rings are defined clockwise).
+            By default (False), it will return the polygon with the smaller
+            area.
+        planar : bool, default False
+            If set to True, the edges of linestrings and polygons are assumed
+            to be linear on the plane. In that case, additional points will
+            be added to the line while creating the geography objects, to
+            ensure every point is within 100m of the original line.
+            By default (False), it is assumed that the edges are spherical
+            (i.e. represent the shortest path on the sphere between two points).
+        tessellate_tolerance : float, default 100.0
+            The maximum distance in meters that a point must be moved to
+            satisfy the planar edge constraint. This is only used if `planar`
+            is set to True.
+        geometry_encoding : str, default None
+            By default, the encoding is inferred from the GeoArrow extension
+            type of the input array.
+            However, for parsing WKT and WKB it is also possible to pass an
+            Arrow array without geoarrow type but with a plain string or
+            binary type, if specifying this keyword with "WKT" or "WKB",
+            respectively.
+    )pbdoc");
diff --git a/src/spherely.cpp b/src/spherely.cpp
index f8ac02e..16c14ef 100644
--- a/src/spherely.cpp
+++ b/src/spherely.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ void init_creation(py::module&);
 void init_predicates(py::module&);
 void init_accessors(py::module&);
 void init_io(py::module&);
+#if defined(S2GEOGRAPHY_VERSION_MAJOR) && \
+void init_geoarrow(py::module&);
 PYBIND11_MODULE(spherely, m) {
     m.doc() = R"pbdoc(
@@ -25,6 +29,10 @@ PYBIND11_MODULE(spherely, m) {
+#if defined(S2GEOGRAPHY_VERSION_MAJOR) && \
+    init_geoarrow(m);
     m.attr("__version__") = MACRO_STRINGIFY(VERSION_INFO);
diff --git a/src/spherely.pyi b/src/spherely.pyi
index 883b1f3..eb818ce 100644
--- a/src/spherely.pyi
+++ b/src/spherely.pyi
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ from typing import (
+    Protocol,
+    Tuple,
@@ -196,3 +198,18 @@ def from_wkt(
     planar: bool = False,
     tessellate_tolerance: float = 100.0,
 ) -> npt.NDArray[Any]: ...
+class ArrowArrayExportable(Protocol):
+    def __arrow_c_array__(
+        self, requested_schema: object | None = None
+    ) -> Tuple[object, object]: ...
+def from_geoarrow(
+    input: ArrowArrayExportable,
+    /,
+    *,
+    oriented: bool = False,
+    planar: bool = False,
+    tessellate_tolerance: float = 100.0,
+    geometry_encoding: str | None = None,
+) -> npt.NDArray[Any]: ...
diff --git a/tests/test_geoarrow.py b/tests/test_geoarrow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb0b28b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_geoarrow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+from packaging.version import Version
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+import spherely
+pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(
+    Version(spherely.__s2geography_version__) < Version("0.2.0"),
+    reason="Needs s2geography >= 0.2.0",
+pa = pytest.importorskip("pyarrow")
+ga = pytest.importorskip("geoarrow.pyarrow")
+def test_from_geoarrow_wkt():
+    arr = ga.as_wkt(["POINT (1 1)", "POINT(2 2)", "POINT(3 3)"])
+    result = spherely.from_geoarrow(arr)
+    expected = spherely.points([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])
+    # object equality does not yet work
+    # np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, expected)
+    assert spherely.equals(result, expected).all()
+    # without extension type
+    arr = pa.array(["POINT (1 1)", "POINT(2 2)", "POINT(3 3)"])
+    result = spherely.from_geoarrow(arr, geometry_encoding="WKT")
+    assert spherely.equals(result, expected).all()
+def test_from_geoarrow_wkb():
+    arr = ga.as_wkt(["POINT (1 1)", "POINT(2 2)", "POINT(3 3)"])
+    arr_wkb = ga.as_wkb(arr)
+    result = spherely.from_geoarrow(arr_wkb)
+    expected = spherely.points([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])
+    assert spherely.equals(result, expected).all()
+    # without extension type
+    arr_wkb = ga.as_wkb(["POINT (1 1)", "POINT(2 2)", "POINT(3 3)"])
+    arr = arr_wkb.cast(pa.binary())
+    result = spherely.from_geoarrow(arr, geometry_encoding="WKB")
+    assert spherely.equals(result, expected).all()
+def test_from_geoarrow_native():
+    arr = ga.as_wkt(["POINT (1 1)", "POINT(2 2)", "POINT(3 3)"])
+    arr_point = ga.as_geoarrow(arr)
+    result = spherely.from_geoarrow(arr_point)
+    expected = spherely.points([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3])
+    assert spherely.equals(result, expected).all()
+polygon_with_bad_hole_wkt = (
+    "POLYGON "
+    "((20 35, 10 30, 10 10, 30 5, 45 20, 20 35),"
+    "(30 20, 20 25, 20 15, 30 20))"
+def test_from_geoarrow_oriented():
+    # by default re-orients the inner ring
+    arr = ga.as_geoarrow([polygon_with_bad_hole_wkt])
+    result = spherely.from_geoarrow(arr)
+    assert (
+        str(result[0])
+        == "POLYGON ((20 35, 10 30, 10 10, 30 5, 45 20, 20 35), (20 15, 20 25, 30 20, 20 15))"
+    )
+    # if we force to not orient, we get an error
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Inconsistent loop orientations detected"):
+        spherely.from_geoarrow(arr, oriented=True)
+def test_from_wkt_planar():
+    arr = ga.as_geoarrow(["LINESTRING (-64 45, 0 45)"])
+    result = spherely.from_geoarrow(arr)
+    assert spherely.distance(result, spherely.point(-30.1, 45)) > 10000
+    result = spherely.from_geoarrow(arr, planar=True)
+    assert spherely.distance(result, spherely.point(-30.1, 45)) < 100
+    result = spherely.from_geoarrow(arr, planar=True, tessellate_tolerance=10)
+    assert spherely.distance(result, spherely.point(-30.1, 45)) < 10
+def test_from_geoarrow_no_extension_type():
+    arr = pa.array(["POINT (1 1)", "POINT(2 2)", "POINT(3 3)"])
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Expected extension type"):
+        spherely.from_geoarrow(arr)
+def test_from_geoarrow_invalid_encoding():
+    arr = pa.array(["POINT (1 1)", "POINT(2 2)", "POINT(3 3)"])
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="'geometry_encoding' should be one"):
+        spherely.from_geoarrow(arr, geometry_encoding="point")
+def test_from_geoarrow_no_arrow_object():
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="input should be an Arrow-compatible array"):
+        spherely.from_geoarrow(np.array(["POINT (1 1)"], dtype=object))