NOTE: All of the communication/adapter code has been moved to vexbot
A Python3.5, PyQt chat GUI featuring support for the following websites
Youtube (Selenium based scraper or Youtube API) Twitch (IRC client)
WatchPeopleCode (websocket client)
Livecoding (xmpp client)
pip install chatimusmaximus
- create a settings.yml file using
as guidance chatimusmaximus --settings_path /path/to/your/settings.yml
pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop
python chatimusmaximus
If you run into issues, send me an email [beohoff@gmail] or start an issue!
- change into the
source directory and from the command line runpython chatimusmaximus
- Or run the code from vexbot
. I haven't had time to write up running instructions for vexbot :shame: but feel free to email me about it.
pull requests welcome!
Chatimusmaximus uses Click from lebcraftlp.