An introductory notebook on using Amazon SageMaker to train and use LDA models.
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The example used in these notebooks come from the following paper:
- Thomas Griffiths and Mark Steyvers. Finding Scientific Topics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 101(suppl 1):5228-5235, 2004.
For more details about LDA and information about the algorithm used in the Amazon SageMaker LDA algorithm consult the following papers:
- David Blei, Andrew Ng, and Michael Jordan. Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 3(Jan):993-1022, 2003.
- Animashree Anandkumar, Rong Ge, Daniel Hsu, Sham Kakade, and Matus Talgersy. Tensor Decompositions for Learning Latent Variable Models. Jounrla of Machine Learning Research, 15:2773-2832, 2014.
- Tamara Kolda and Brett Bader. Tensor Decompositions and Applications. SIAM REview, 51(3):455-500, 2009.