- dlq-jms-spring-boot
- dlq-jms-spring-boot-example
Annotation for sending messages to the Dead Letter Queue if there is an exception.
public class MessageServiceImpl implements MessageService {
@NonNull private JmsOperations jmsOperations;
@JmsListener(destination = "${queues.origin.queue}")
@Dlq(destination = "${queues.origin.dlq}", retry = 3, exponentialBackoff = 1000)
public void processMessage(Message message) {
// Throw an exception here to test the DLQ annotation.
throw new RuntimeException("TODO - Method has not been implemented.");
Depending on your project, you may need to setup component scanning to find DlqAspect.java.
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.github.radtin")
In this example, I'm using IBM MQ to place a message on the queue and having the Spring Boot app grab the message and throw an exception causing the message to go to the DLQ.
- Start IBM MQ
$ docker-compose up
- Run the JAR
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Open your web browser and navigate to IBM MQ Web Console and use the following
credentials to login.
- User: admin
- Password: passw0rd
Put a message on the queue 'DEV.QUEUE.1'.
Now you can watch the DLQ annotation do it's magic.