<%= t ".job_class" %>
<%= t ".executions" %>
<%= t ".job_class" %>
<%= t ".executions" %>
<%= t ".average_duration" %>
<%= t ".minimum_duration" %>
<%= t ".maximum_duration" %>
<%= t ".average_duration" %>
<%= t ".minimum_duration" %>
<%= t ".maximum_duration" %>
- <% @performances.each do |performance| %>
<%= performance.job_class %>
<%= t ".executions" %>
- <%= performance.executions_count %>
+ <% @performances.each do |performance| %>
<%= performance.job_class %>
<%= t ".executions" %>
+ <%= performance.executions_count %>
<%= t ".average_duration" %>
- <%= format_duration performance.avg_duration %>
<%= t ".minimum_duration" %>
- <%= format_duration performance.min_duration %>
<%= t ".maximum_duration" %>
- <%= format_duration performance.max_duration %>
<%= t ".average_duration" %>
+ <%= format_duration performance.avg_duration %>
<%= t ".minimum_duration" %>
+ <%= format_duration performance.min_duration %>
<%= t ".maximum_duration" %>
+ <%= format_duration performance.max_duration %>
- <% end %>
+ <% end %>
-<% end %>
diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml
index 80669f7d4..693bdd610 100644
--- a/config/locales/de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/de.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ de:
older_batches: Ältere Chargen
- pending_migrations: GoodJob hat ausstehende Datenbankmigrationen.
title: Chargen
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ de:
no_cron_schedules_found: Keine Cron-Zeitpläne gefunden.
title: Cron-Zeitpläne
- pending_migrations: Erfordert ausstehende GoodJob-Datenbankmigration.
cron_entry_key: Cron-Eingabetaste
@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ de:
dark: Dunkel
light: Licht
theme: Thema
+ pending_migrations: GoodJob hat ausstehende Datenbankmigrationen.
inspiration: Denk daran, auch du machst einen guten Job!
last_updated: Zuletzt aktualisiert
@@ -250,5 +249,3 @@ de:
running: Laufend
scheduled: Geplant
succeeded: Erfolgreich
- shared:
- needs_migration: Bitte führen Sie GoodJob-Migrationen aus.
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index b3666352c..84c7b3d56 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ en:
older_batches: Older batches
- pending_migrations: GoodJob has pending database migrations.
title: Batches
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ en:
no_cron_schedules_found: No cron schedules found.
title: Cron Schedules
- pending_migrations: Requires pending GoodJob database migration.
cron_entry_key: Cron Entry Key
@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ en:
dark: Dark
light: Light
theme: Theme
+ pending_migrations: GoodJob has pending database migrations.
inspiration: Remember, you're doing a Good Job too!
last_updated: Last updated
@@ -250,5 +249,3 @@ en:
running: Running
scheduled: Scheduled
succeeded: Succeeded
- shared:
- needs_migration: Please run GoodJob migrations.
diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml
index a295da32e..e269b752b 100644
--- a/config/locales/es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/es.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ es:
older_batches: Batches anteriores
- pending_migrations: GoodJob tiene migraciones pendientes.
title: Batches
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ es:
no_cron_schedules_found: No hay tareas programadas.
title: Tareas Programadas
- pending_migrations: Require las migraciones de GoodJob pendientes.
cron_entry_key: Cron Entry Key
@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ es:
dark: Oscuro
light: Luz
theme: Tema
+ pending_migrations: GoodJob tiene migraciones pendientes.
inspiration: "¡Recuerda, también tú estás haciendo un buen trabajo!"
last_updated: Última actualización
@@ -250,5 +249,3 @@ es:
running: Ejecutando
scheduled: Programado
succeeded: Exitoso
- shared:
- needs_migration: Ejecute las migraciones de GoodJob.
diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml
index e932847af..657eb45f3 100644
--- a/config/locales/fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fr.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ fr:
older_batches: Lots plus anciens
- pending_migrations: GoodJob a des migrations de bases de données en attente.
title: Lots
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ fr:
no_cron_schedules_found: Aucune planification cron trouvée.
title: Entrées Cron
- pending_migrations: Nécessite une migration de la base de données GoodJob en attente.
cron_entry_key: Clé d'entrée Cron
@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ fr:
dark: Sombre
light: Lumière
theme: Thème
+ pending_migrations: GoodJob a des migrations de bases de données en attente.
inspiration: N'oublie pas, toi aussi tu fais du bon boulot !
last_updated: Dernière mise à jour
@@ -250,5 +249,3 @@ fr:
running: En cours
scheduled: Planifiés
succeeded: Réussis
- shared:
- needs_migration: Veuillez exécuter des migrations GoodJob.
diff --git a/config/locales/it.yml b/config/locales/it.yml
index d93cbe7ff..e49845416 100644
--- a/config/locales/it.yml
+++ b/config/locales/it.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ it:
older_batches: Batch più vecchi
- pending_migrations: GoodJob ha migrazioni del database in sospeso.
title: Batch
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ it:
no_cron_schedules_found: Nessuna pianificazione cron trovata.
title: Pianificazioni cron
- pending_migrations: Richiede migrazione del database GoodJob in sospeso.
cron_entry_key: Chiave voce cron
@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ it:
dark: Scuro
light: Chiaro
theme: Tema
+ pending_migrations: GoodJob ha migrazioni del database in sospeso.
inspiration: Ricorda, stai facendo anche tu un Buon Lavoro!
last_updated: Ultimo aggiornamento
@@ -250,5 +249,3 @@ it:
running: In esecuzione
scheduled: Pianificato
succeeded: Riuscito
- shared:
- needs_migration: Esegui le migrazioni GoodJob.
diff --git a/config/locales/ja.yml b/config/locales/ja.yml
index 47a2189cb..2992af9d3 100644
--- a/config/locales/ja.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ja.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ ja:
older_batches: より古いバッチ
- pending_migrations: GoodJobに保留中のデータベースマイグレーションがあります。
title: バッチ
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ ja:
no_cron_schedules_found: cronスケジュールが見つかりませんでした。
title: cronスケジュール
- pending_migrations: GoodJobの保留中のデータベースマイグレーションが必要です。
cron_entry_key: cronエントリキー
@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ ja:
dark: 暗い
light: ライト
theme: テーマ
+ pending_migrations: GoodJobに保留中のデータベースマイグレーションがあります。
inspiration: 覚えておいてください、あなたも良い仕事をしています!
last_updated: 最終更新
@@ -250,5 +249,3 @@ ja:
running: 実行中
scheduled: スケジュール待ち
succeeded: 成功済み
- shared:
- needs_migration: GoodJob 移行を実行してください。
diff --git a/config/locales/ko.yml b/config/locales/ko.yml
index 9a1d28049..43caa2623 100644
--- a/config/locales/ko.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ko.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ ko:
older_batches: 더 오래된 배치
- pending_migrations: GoodJob에 보류 중인 데이터베이스 마이그레이션 작업이 있습니다.
title: 배치
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ ko:
no_cron_schedules_found: cron 스케줄을 찾을 수 없습니다.
title: cron 스케줄
- pending_migrations: 보류 중인 GoodJob 데이터베이스 마이그레이션이 필요합니다.
cron_entry_key: cron 엔트리 키
@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ ko:
dark: 어두운
light: 밝은
theme: 테마
+ pending_migrations: GoodJob에 보류 중인 데이터베이스 마이그레이션 작업이 있습니다.
inspiration: 기억하세요, 당신도 좋은 일을 하고 있습니다!
last_updated: 최종 업데이트
@@ -250,5 +249,3 @@ ko:
running: 실행 중
scheduled: 예정됨
succeeded: 성공함
- shared:
- needs_migration: GoodJob 마이그레이션을 실행하세요.
diff --git a/config/locales/nl.yml b/config/locales/nl.yml
index 39d72fc76..42104bce9 100644
--- a/config/locales/nl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/nl.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ nl:
older_batches: Oudere partijen
- pending_migrations: GoodJob heeft databasemigraties in behandeling.
title: Partijen
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ nl:
no_cron_schedules_found: Geen cron-schema's gevonden.
title: Cron-schema's
- pending_migrations: Vereist GoodJob-databasemigratie in afwachting.
cron_entry_key: Cron-invoersleutel
@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ nl:
dark: Donker
light: Licht
theme: Thema
+ pending_migrations: GoodJob heeft databasemigraties in behandeling.
inspiration: 'Onthoud: jij levert ook goed werk!'
last_updated: Laatst bijgewerkt
@@ -250,5 +249,3 @@ nl:
running: Rennen
scheduled: Gepland
succeeded: Geslaagd
- shared:
- needs_migration: Voer GoodJob-migraties uit.
diff --git a/config/locales/pt-BR.yml b/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
index a08c997b1..105eee616 100644
--- a/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ pt-BR:
older_batches: Lotes antigos
- pending_migrations: O GoodJob tem migrações pendentes no banco de dados.
title: Lotes
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ pt-BR:
no_cron_schedules_found: Nenhuma tarefa programada encontrada.
title: Tarefas Programadas
- pending_migrations: Requer migração pendente do GoodJob no banco de dados.
cron_entry_key: Chave da Tarefa Programada
@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ pt-BR:
dark: Escuro
light: Claro
theme: Tema
+ pending_migrations: O GoodJob tem migrações pendentes no banco de dados.
inspiration: Lembre-se, você também está fazendo uma Boa Tarefa!
last_updated: Última atualização
@@ -250,5 +249,3 @@ pt-BR:
running: Em execução
scheduled: Agendado
succeeded: Concluído com sucesso
- shared:
- needs_migration: Execute migrações GoodJob.
diff --git a/config/locales/ru.yml b/config/locales/ru.yml
index c4fc173f0..d7a0d2a24 100644
--- a/config/locales/ru.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ru.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ ru:
older_batches: Старые группы заданий
- pending_migrations: У GoodJob есть ожидающие миграции базы данных.
title: Группы заданий
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ ru:
no_cron_schedules_found: Расписания cron не найдены.
title: Расписания cron
- pending_migrations: У GoodJob есть ожидающие миграции базы данных.
cron_entry_key: Ключ cron-задания
@@ -266,6 +264,7 @@ ru:
dark: Темный
light: Светлая
theme: Тема офрмдления
+ pending_migrations: У GoodJob есть ожидающие миграции базы данных.
inspiration: Благодаря вам Good Job становится лучше! Спасибо!
last_updated: Последнее обновление
@@ -276,5 +275,3 @@ ru:
running: Исполняется
scheduled: Запланировано
succeeded: Успешно
- shared:
- needs_migration: Пожалуйста, запустите миграцию GoodJob.
diff --git a/config/locales/tr.yml b/config/locales/tr.yml
index 29497591f..2c92e8157 100644
--- a/config/locales/tr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/tr.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ tr:
older_batches: Daha eski toplu işlemler
- pending_migrations: GoodJob'ın bekleyen veritabanı güncellemeleri bulunuyor.
title: Toplu İşlemler
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ tr:
no_cron_schedules_found: Planlanmış Cron bulunamadı.
title: Cron Planları
- pending_migrations: Bekleyen GoodJob veritabanı güncellemesi var.
cron_entry_key: Cron Giriş Anahtarı
@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ tr:
dark: Karanlık
light: Işık
theme: Tema
+ pending_migrations: GoodJob'ın bekleyen veritabanı güncellemeleri bulunuyor.
inspiration: Unutmayın, siz de iyi bir iş yapıyorsunuz!
last_updated: Son güncelleme
@@ -250,5 +249,3 @@ tr:
running: Çalışıyor
scheduled: Planlandı
succeeded: Başarılı
- shared:
- needs_migration: Lütfen GoodJob geçişlerini çalıştırın.
diff --git a/config/locales/uk.yml b/config/locales/uk.yml
index ac0b22f95..3c94ef231 100644
--- a/config/locales/uk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/uk.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ uk:
older_batches: Старі пакети
- pending_migrations: GoodJob має невиконані міграції бази даних.
title: Пакети
@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ uk:
no_cron_schedules_found: Cron-розклади не знайдені.
title: Cron-розклади
- pending_migrations: Вимагає невиконаних міграцій бази даних GoodJob.
cron_entry_key: Ключ cron-запису
@@ -266,6 +264,7 @@ uk:
dark: Темний
light: світло
theme: Тема
+ pending_migrations: GoodJob має невиконані міграції бази даних.
inspiration: Пам'ятайте, ви теж робите хорошу роботу!
last_updated: Останнє оновлення
@@ -276,5 +275,3 @@ uk:
running: Виконується
scheduled: Заплановано
succeeded: Успішно виконано
- shared:
- needs_migration: Запустіть міграції GoodJob.
diff --git a/demo/db/seeds.rb b/demo/db/seeds.rb
index db6fea939..b2526f626 100644
--- a/demo/db/seeds.rb
+++ b/demo/db/seeds.rb
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
break if start_date > Time.current
-puts "Inserted #{jobs_data.size} job records for a total of #{GoodJob::Execution.count} job records."
+puts "Inserted #{jobs_data.size} job records for a total of #{GoodJob::Job.count} job records."
puts ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter
diff --git a/gemfiles/rails_6.0.gemfile b/gemfiles/rails_6.0.gemfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 40a2d3569..000000000
--- a/gemfiles/rails_6.0.gemfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# This file was generated by Appraisal
-source "https://rubygems.org"
-gem "activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter", platforms: [:jruby]
-gem "appraisal"
-gem "matrix"
-gem "nokogiri"
-gem "pg", platforms: [:mri, :mingw, :x64_mingw]
-gem "rack", "~> 2.2"
-gem "rails", "~> 6.0.0"
-gem "traces", "~> 0.9.1"
-gem "puma", "~> 5.6"
-platforms :ruby do
- gem "bootsnap"
- gem "dotenv-rails"
- gem "foreman"
- gem "gem-release"
- gem "github_changelog_generator", require: false
- gem "net-imap", require: false
- gem "net-pop", require: false
- gem "net-smtp", require: false
- group :debug do
- gem "activerecord-explain-analyze", require: false
- gem "pry-byebug"
- gem "rack-mini-profiler"
- gem "rbtrace"
- gem "stackprof"
- end
- group :lint do
- gem "easy_translate"
- gem "erb_lint"
- gem "i18n-tasks"
- gem "mdl"
- gem "rubocop"
- gem "rubocop-performance"
- gem "rubocop-rails"
- gem "rubocop-rspec"
- gem "sorbet"
- gem "sorbet-runtime"
- gem "spoom", require: false
- gem "tapioca", require: false
- end
- group :demo, :production do
- gem "skylight"
- end
-gemspec path: "../"
diff --git a/good_job.gemspec b/good_job.gemspec
index 4bbd571cb..fa68188fb 100644
--- a/good_job.gemspec
+++ b/good_job.gemspec
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
- spec.required_ruby_version = ">= 2.6.0"
+ spec.required_ruby_version = ">= 3.0.0"
- spec.add_runtime_dependency "activejob", ">= 6.0.0"
- spec.add_runtime_dependency "activerecord", ">= 6.0.0"
- spec.add_runtime_dependency "concurrent-ruby", ">= 1.0.2"
- spec.add_runtime_dependency "fugit", ">= 1.1"
- spec.add_runtime_dependency "railties", ">= 6.0.0"
- spec.add_runtime_dependency "thor", ">= 0.14.1"
+ spec.add_runtime_dependency "activejob", ">= 6.1.0"
+ spec.add_runtime_dependency "activerecord", ">= 6.1.0"
+ spec.add_runtime_dependency "concurrent-ruby", ">= 1.3.1"
+ spec.add_runtime_dependency "fugit", ">= 1.11.0"
+ spec.add_runtime_dependency "railties", ">= 6.1.0"
+ spec.add_runtime_dependency "thor", ">= 1.0.0"
spec.add_development_dependency "capybara"
spec.add_development_dependency "kramdown"
diff --git a/i18n-tasks.yml b/i18n-tasks.yml
index 3f9797ab5..f6a4cd4cf 100644
--- a/i18n-tasks.yml
+++ b/i18n-tasks.yml
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ ignore_unused:
- "good_job.error_event.*"
- "good_job.number.*"
- "good_job.shared.boolean.*"
+ - "good_job.shared.pending_migrations"
## Exclude these keys from the `i18n-tasks eq-base' report:
# ignore_eq_base:
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/01_create_good_jobs.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/01_create_good_jobs.rb.erb
index d7788af77..ab5da0a01 100644
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/01_create_good_jobs.rb.erb
+++ b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/01_create_good_jobs.rb.erb
@@ -21,20 +21,82 @@ class CreateGoodJobs < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
t.text :cron_key
t.uuid :retried_good_job_id
t.datetime :cron_at
+ t.uuid :batch_id
+ t.uuid :batch_callback_id
+ t.boolean :is_discrete
+ t.integer :executions_count
+ t.text :job_class
+ t.integer :error_event, limit: 2
+ t.text :labels, array: true
+ t.uuid :locked_by_id
+ t.datetime :locked_at
+ end
+ create_table :good_job_batches, id: :uuid do |t|
+ t.timestamps
+ t.text :description
+ t.jsonb :serialized_properties
+ t.text :on_finish
+ t.text :on_success
+ t.text :on_discard
+ t.text :callback_queue_name
+ t.integer :callback_priority
+ t.datetime :enqueued_at
+ t.datetime :discarded_at
+ t.datetime :finished_at
+ end
+ create_table :good_job_executions, id: :uuid do |t|
+ t.timestamps
+ t.uuid :active_job_id, null: false
+ t.text :job_class
+ t.text :queue_name
+ t.jsonb :serialized_params
+ t.datetime :scheduled_at
+ t.datetime :finished_at
+ t.text :error
+ t.integer :error_event, limit: 2
+ t.text :error_backtrace, array: true
+ t.uuid :process_id
+ t.interval :duration
create_table :good_job_processes, id: :uuid do |t|
t.jsonb :state
+ t.integer :lock_type, limit: 2
+ end
+ create_table :good_job_settings, id: :uuid do |t|
+ t.timestamps
+ t.text :key
+ t.jsonb :value
+ t.index :key, unique: true
add_index :good_jobs, :scheduled_at, where: "(finished_at IS NULL)", name: :index_good_jobs_on_scheduled_at
add_index :good_jobs, [:queue_name, :scheduled_at], where: "(finished_at IS NULL)", name: :index_good_jobs_on_queue_name_and_scheduled_at
add_index :good_jobs, [:active_job_id, :created_at], name: :index_good_jobs_on_active_job_id_and_created_at
add_index :good_jobs, :concurrency_key, where: "(finished_at IS NULL)", name: :index_good_jobs_on_concurrency_key_when_unfinished
- add_index :good_jobs, [:cron_key, :created_at], name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at
- add_index :good_jobs, [:cron_key, :cron_at], name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at, unique: true
- add_index :good_jobs, [:active_job_id], name: :index_good_jobs_on_active_job_id
+ add_index :good_jobs, [:cron_key, :created_at], where: "(cron_key IS NOT NULL)", name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at_cond
+ add_index :good_jobs, [:cron_key, :cron_at], where: "(cron_key IS NOT NULL)", unique: true, name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at_cond
add_index :good_jobs, [:finished_at], where: "retried_good_job_id IS NULL AND finished_at IS NOT NULL", name: :index_good_jobs_jobs_on_finished_at
+ add_index :good_jobs, [:priority, :created_at], order: { priority: "DESC NULLS LAST", created_at: :asc },
+ where: "finished_at IS NULL", name: :index_good_jobs_jobs_on_priority_created_at_when_unfinished
+ add_index :good_jobs, [:priority, :created_at], order: { priority: "ASC NULLS LAST", created_at: :asc },
+ where: "finished_at IS NULL", name: :index_good_job_jobs_for_candidate_lookup
+ add_index :good_jobs, [:batch_id], where: "batch_id IS NOT NULL"
+ add_index :good_jobs, [:batch_callback_id], where: "batch_callback_id IS NOT NULL"
+ add_index :good_jobs, :labels, using: :gin, where: "(labels IS NOT NULL)", name: :index_good_jobs_on_labels
+ add_index :good_job_executions, [:active_job_id, :created_at], name: :index_good_job_executions_on_active_job_id_and_created_at
+ add_index :good_jobs, [:priority, :scheduled_at], order: { priority: "ASC NULLS LAST", scheduled_at: :asc },
+ where: "finished_at IS NULL AND locked_by_id IS NULL", name: :index_good_jobs_on_priority_scheduled_at_unfinished_unlocked
+ add_index :good_jobs, :locked_by_id,
+ where: "locked_by_id IS NOT NULL", name: "index_good_jobs_on_locked_by_id"
+ add_index :good_job_executions, [:process_id, :created_at], name: :index_good_job_executions_on_process_id_and_created_at
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/02_create_good_job_settings.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/02_create_good_job_settings.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2988c42f1..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/02_create_good_job_settings.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateGoodJobSettings < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- # Ensure this incremental update migration is idempotent
- # with monolithic install migration.
- return if connection.table_exists?(:good_job_settings)
- end
- end
- create_table :good_job_settings, id: :uuid do |t|
- t.timestamps
- t.text :key
- t.jsonb :value
- t.index :key, unique: true
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/03_create_index_good_jobs_jobs_on_priority_created_at_when_unfinished.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/03_create_index_good_jobs_jobs_on_priority_created_at_when_unfinished.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 31e7292ee..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/03_create_index_good_jobs_jobs_on_priority_created_at_when_unfinished.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateIndexGoodJobsJobsOnPriorityCreatedAtWhenUnfinished < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- disable_ddl_transaction!
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- # Ensure this incremental update migration is idempotent
- # with monolithic install migration.
- return if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_jobs_on_priority_created_at_when_unfinished)
- end
- end
- add_index :good_jobs, [:priority, :created_at], order: { priority: "DESC NULLS LAST", created_at: :asc },
- where: "finished_at IS NULL", name: :index_good_jobs_jobs_on_priority_created_at_when_unfinished,
- algorithm: :concurrently
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/04_create_good_job_batches.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/04_create_good_job_batches.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 801573abe..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/04_create_good_job_batches.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateGoodJobBatches < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- # Ensure this incremental update migration is idempotent
- # with monolithic install migration.
- return if connection.table_exists?(:good_job_batches)
- end
- end
- create_table :good_job_batches, id: :uuid do |t|
- t.timestamps
- t.text :description
- t.jsonb :serialized_properties
- t.text :on_finish
- t.text :on_success
- t.text :on_discard
- t.text :callback_queue_name
- t.integer :callback_priority
- t.datetime :enqueued_at
- t.datetime :discarded_at
- t.datetime :finished_at
- end
- change_table :good_jobs do |t|
- t.uuid :batch_id
- t.uuid :batch_callback_id
- t.index :batch_id, where: "batch_id IS NOT NULL"
- t.index :batch_callback_id, where: "batch_callback_id IS NOT NULL"
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/05_create_good_job_executions.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/05_create_good_job_executions.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 051d6f8f7..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/05_create_good_job_executions.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateGoodJobExecutions < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- # Ensure this incremental update migration is idempotent
- # with monolithic install migration.
- return if connection.table_exists?(:good_job_executions)
- end
- end
- create_table :good_job_executions, id: :uuid do |t|
- t.timestamps
- t.uuid :active_job_id, null: false
- t.text :job_class
- t.text :queue_name
- t.jsonb :serialized_params
- t.datetime :scheduled_at
- t.datetime :finished_at
- t.text :error
- t.index [:active_job_id, :created_at], name: :index_good_job_executions_on_active_job_id_and_created_at
- end
- change_table :good_jobs do |t|
- t.boolean :is_discrete
- t.integer :executions_count
- t.text :job_class
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/06_create_good_jobs_error_event.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/06_create_good_jobs_error_event.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 45bd61e53..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/06_create_good_jobs_error_event.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateGoodJobsErrorEvent < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- # Ensure this incremental update migration is idempotent
- # with monolithic install migration.
- return if connection.column_exists?(:good_jobs, :error_event)
- end
- end
- add_column :good_jobs, :error_event, :integer, limit: 2
- add_column :good_job_executions, :error_event, :integer, limit: 2
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/07_recreate_good_job_cron_indexes_with_conditional.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/07_recreate_good_job_cron_indexes_with_conditional.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 56a6e7ce5..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/07_recreate_good_job_cron_indexes_with_conditional.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class RecreateGoodJobCronIndexesWithConditional < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- disable_ddl_transaction!
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- unless connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at_cond)
- add_index :good_jobs, [:cron_key, :created_at], where: "(cron_key IS NOT NULL)",
- name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at_cond, algorithm: :concurrently
- end
- unless connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at_cond)
- add_index :good_jobs, [:cron_key, :cron_at], where: "(cron_key IS NOT NULL)", unique: true,
- name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at_cond, algorithm: :concurrently
- end
- if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at)
- remove_index :good_jobs, name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at
- end
- if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at)
- remove_index :good_jobs, name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at
- end
- end
- dir.down do
- unless connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at)
- add_index :good_jobs, [:cron_key, :created_at],
- name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at, algorithm: :concurrently
- end
- unless connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at)
- add_index :good_jobs, [:cron_key, :cron_at], unique: true,
- name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at, algorithm: :concurrently
- end
- if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at_cond)
- remove_index :good_jobs, name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_created_at_cond
- end
- if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at_cond)
- remove_index :good_jobs, name: :index_good_jobs_on_cron_key_and_cron_at_cond
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/08_create_good_job_labels.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/08_create_good_job_labels.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bc3ec97e..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/08_create_good_job_labels.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateGoodJobLabels < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- # Ensure this incremental update migration is idempotent
- # with monolithic install migration.
- return if connection.column_exists?(:good_jobs, :labels)
- end
- end
- add_column :good_jobs, :labels, :text, array: true
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/09_create_good_job_labels_index.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/09_create_good_job_labels_index.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index e069bd9c5..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/09_create_good_job_labels_index.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateGoodJobLabelsIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- disable_ddl_transaction!
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- unless connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_labels)
- add_index :good_jobs, :labels, using: :gin, where: "(labels IS NOT NULL)",
- name: :index_good_jobs_on_labels, algorithm: :concurrently
- end
- end
- dir.down do
- if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_labels)
- remove_index :good_jobs, name: :index_good_jobs_on_labels
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/10_remove_good_job_active_id_index.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/10_remove_good_job_active_id_index.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3163e0a07..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/10_remove_good_job_active_id_index.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class RemoveGoodJobActiveIdIndex < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- disable_ddl_transaction!
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_active_job_id)
- remove_index :good_jobs, name: :index_good_jobs_on_active_job_id
- end
- end
- dir.down do
- unless connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_active_job_id)
- add_index :good_jobs, :active_job_id, name: :index_good_jobs_on_active_job_id
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/11_create_index_good_job_jobs_for_candidate_lookup.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/11_create_index_good_job_jobs_for_candidate_lookup.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b65bf031..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/11_create_index_good_job_jobs_for_candidate_lookup.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateIndexGoodJobJobsForCandidateLookup < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- disable_ddl_transaction!
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- # Ensure this incremental update migration is idempotent
- # with monolithic install migration.
- return if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_job_jobs_for_candidate_lookup)
- end
- end
- add_index :good_jobs, [:priority, :created_at], order: { priority: "ASC NULLS LAST", created_at: :asc },
- where: "finished_at IS NULL", name: :index_good_job_jobs_for_candidate_lookup,
- algorithm: :concurrently
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/12_create_good_job_execution_error_backtrace.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/12_create_good_job_execution_error_backtrace.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index ffcde1558..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/12_create_good_job_execution_error_backtrace.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateGoodJobExecutionErrorBacktrace < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- # Ensure this incremental update migration is idempotent
- # with monolithic install migration.
- return if connection.column_exists?(:good_job_executions, :error_backtrace)
- end
- end
- add_column :good_job_executions, :error_backtrace, :text, array: true
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/13_create_good_job_process_lock_ids.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/13_create_good_job_process_lock_ids.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index a42ec5117..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/13_create_good_job_process_lock_ids.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateGoodJobProcessLockIds < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- # Ensure this incremental update migration is idempotent
- # with monolithic install migration.
- return if connection.column_exists?(:good_jobs, :locked_by_id)
- end
- end
- add_column :good_jobs, :locked_by_id, :uuid
- add_column :good_jobs, :locked_at, :datetime
- add_column :good_job_executions, :process_id, :uuid
- add_column :good_job_processes, :lock_type, :integer, limit: 2
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/14_create_good_job_process_lock_indexes.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/14_create_good_job_process_lock_indexes.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index efb3509d9..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/14_create_good_job_process_lock_indexes.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateGoodJobProcessLockIndexes < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- disable_ddl_transaction!
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- unless connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_priority_scheduled_at_unfinished_unlocked)
- add_index :good_jobs, [:priority, :scheduled_at],
- order: { priority: "ASC NULLS LAST", scheduled_at: :asc },
- where: "finished_at IS NULL AND locked_by_id IS NULL",
- name: :index_good_jobs_on_priority_scheduled_at_unfinished_unlocked,
- algorithm: :concurrently
- end
- unless connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_locked_by_id)
- add_index :good_jobs, :locked_by_id,
- where: "locked_by_id IS NOT NULL",
- name: :index_good_jobs_on_locked_by_id,
- algorithm: :concurrently
- end
- unless connection.index_name_exists?(:good_job_executions, :index_good_job_executions_on_process_id_and_created_at)
- add_index :good_job_executions, [:process_id, :created_at],
- name: :index_good_job_executions_on_process_id_and_created_at,
- algorithm: :concurrently
- end
- end
- dir.down do
- remove_index(:good_jobs, name: :index_good_jobs_on_priority_scheduled_at_unfinished_unlocked) if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_priority_scheduled_at_unfinished_unlocked)
- remove_index(:good_jobs, name: :index_good_jobs_on_locked_by_id) if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_jobs, :index_good_jobs_on_locked_by_id)
- remove_index(:good_job_executions, name: :index_good_job_executions_on_process_id_and_created_at) if connection.index_name_exists?(:good_job_executions, :index_good_job_executions_on_process_id_and_created_at)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/15_create_good_job_execution_duration.rb.erb b/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/15_create_good_job_execution_duration.rb.erb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d8919750..000000000
--- a/lib/generators/good_job/templates/update/migrations/15_create_good_job_execution_duration.rb.erb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-class CreateGoodJobExecutionDuration < ActiveRecord::Migration<%= migration_version %>
- def change
- reversible do |dir|
- dir.up do
- # Ensure this incremental update migration is idempotent
- # with monolithic install migration.
- return if connection.column_exists?(:good_job_executions, :duration)
- end
- end
- add_column :good_job_executions, :duration, :interval
- end
diff --git a/lib/good_job.rb b/lib/good_job.rb
index 09126c137..b25ed027a 100644
--- a/lib/good_job.rb
+++ b/lib/good_job.rb
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module GoodJob
# @!attribute [rw] active_record_parent_class
# @!scope class
- # The ActiveRecord parent class inherited by +GoodJob::Execution+ (default: +ActiveRecord::Base+).
+ # The ActiveRecord parent class inherited by +GoodJob::Job+ (default: +ActiveRecord::Base+).
# Use this when using multiple databases or other custom ActiveRecord configuration.
# @return [ActiveRecord::Base]
# @example Change the base class:
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ def self._on_thread_error(exception)
def self.configure_active_record(&block)
self._active_record_configuration = block
mattr_accessor :_active_record_configuration, default: nil
# Stop executing jobs.
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ def self.cleanup_preserved_jobs(older_than: nil, in_batches_of: 1_000)
include_discarded = GoodJob.configuration.cleanup_discarded_jobs?
ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("cleanup_preserved_jobs.good_job", { older_than: older_than, timestamp: timestamp }) do |payload|
- deleted_executions_count = 0
+ deleted_jobs_count = 0
deleted_batches_count = 0
deleted_discrete_executions_count = 0
@@ -218,31 +219,27 @@ def self.cleanup_preserved_jobs(older_than: nil, in_batches_of: 1_000)
active_job_ids = jobs_query.pluck(:active_job_id)
break if active_job_ids.empty?
- if GoodJob::Execution.discrete_support?
- deleted_discrete_executions = GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.where(active_job_id: active_job_ids).delete_all
- deleted_discrete_executions_count += deleted_discrete_executions
- end
+ deleted_discrete_executions = GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.where(active_job_id: active_job_ids).delete_all
+ deleted_discrete_executions_count += deleted_discrete_executions
- deleted_executions = GoodJob::Execution.where(active_job_id: active_job_ids).delete_all
- deleted_executions_count += deleted_executions
+ deleted_jobs = GoodJob::Job.where(active_job_id: active_job_ids).delete_all
+ deleted_jobs_count += deleted_jobs
- if GoodJob::BatchRecord.migrated?
- batches_query = GoodJob::BatchRecord.finished_before(timestamp).limit(in_batches_of)
- batches_query = batches_query.succeeded unless include_discarded
- loop do
- deleted = batches_query.delete_all
- break if deleted.zero?
+ batches_query = GoodJob::BatchRecord.finished_before(timestamp).limit(in_batches_of)
+ batches_query = batches_query.succeeded unless include_discarded
+ loop do
+ deleted = batches_query.delete_all
+ break if deleted.zero?
- deleted_batches_count += deleted
- end
+ deleted_batches_count += deleted
payload[:destroyed_batches_count] = deleted_batches_count
payload[:destroyed_discrete_executions_count] = deleted_discrete_executions_count
- payload[:destroyed_executions_count] = deleted_executions_count
+ payload[:destroyed_jobs_count] = deleted_jobs_count
- destroyed_records_count = deleted_batches_count + deleted_discrete_executions_count + deleted_executions_count
+ destroyed_records_count = deleted_batches_count + deleted_discrete_executions_count + deleted_jobs_count
payload[:destroyed_records_count] = destroyed_records_count
@@ -291,9 +288,7 @@ def self.deprecator
# For use in tests/CI to validate GoodJob is up-to-date.
# @return [Boolean]
def self.migrated?
- # Always update with the most recent migration check
- GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.reset_column_information
- GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.duration_interval_migrated?
+ true
ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:good_job, self)
diff --git a/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/batches.rb b/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/batches.rb
index a7d7218fc..831c041b2 100644
--- a/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/batches.rb
+++ b/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/batches.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module Batches
def batch
- @_batch ||= CurrentThread.execution&.batch&.to_batch if CurrentThread.execution.present? && CurrentThread.execution.active_job_id == job_id
+ @_batch ||= CurrentThread.job&.batch&.to_batch if CurrentThread.job.present? && CurrentThread.job.active_job_id == job_id
alias batch? batch
diff --git a/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/concurrency.rb b/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/concurrency.rb
index 4a5abb460..45625d052 100644
--- a/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/concurrency.rb
+++ b/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/concurrency.rb
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def deserialize(job_data)
perform_throttle = job.class.good_job_concurrency_config[:perform_throttle]
perform_throttle = instance_exec(&perform_throttle) if perform_throttle.respond_to?(:call)
- perform_throttle = nil unless GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.migrated? && perform_throttle.present? && perform_throttle.is_a?(Array) && perform_throttle.size == 2
+ perform_throttle = nil unless perform_throttle.present? && perform_throttle.is_a?(Array) && perform_throttle.size == 2
limit = perform_limit || total_limit
throttle = perform_throttle
@@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ def deserialize(job_data)
key = job.good_job_concurrency_key
next if key.blank?
- if CurrentThread.execution.blank? || CurrentThread.execution.active_job_id != job_id
+ if CurrentThread.job.blank? || CurrentThread.job.active_job_id != job_id
logger.debug("Ignoring concurrency limits because the job is executed with `perform_now`.")
- GoodJob::Execution.advisory_lock_key(key, function: "pg_advisory_lock") do
+ GoodJob::Job.advisory_lock_key(key, function: "pg_advisory_lock") do
if limit
- allowed_active_job_ids = GoodJob::Execution.unfinished.where(concurrency_key: key)
- .advisory_locked
- .order(Arel.sql("COALESCE(performed_at, scheduled_at, created_at) ASC"))
- .limit(limit).pluck(:active_job_id)
+ allowed_active_job_ids = GoodJob::Job.unfinished.where(concurrency_key: key)
+ .advisory_locked
+ .order(Arel.sql("COALESCE(performed_at, scheduled_at, created_at) ASC"))
+ .limit(limit).pluck(:active_job_id)
# The current job has already been locked and will appear in the previous query
raise GoodJob::ActiveJobExtensions::Concurrency::ConcurrencyExceededError unless allowed_active_job_ids.include?(job.job_id)
@@ -172,12 +172,12 @@ def good_job_enqueue_concurrency_check(job, on_abort:, on_enqueue:)
throttle = enqueue_throttle
return on_enqueue&.call unless limit || throttle
- GoodJob::Execution.advisory_lock_key(key, function: "pg_advisory_lock") do
+ GoodJob::Job.advisory_lock_key(key, function: "pg_advisory_lock") do
if limit
enqueue_concurrency = if enqueue_limit
- GoodJob::Execution.where(concurrency_key: key).unfinished.advisory_unlocked.count
+ GoodJob::Job.where(concurrency_key: key).unfinished.advisory_unlocked.count
- GoodJob::Execution.where(concurrency_key: key).unfinished.count
+ GoodJob::Job.where(concurrency_key: key).unfinished.count
# The job has not yet been enqueued, so check if adding it will go over the limit
diff --git a/lib/good_job/adapter.rb b/lib/good_job/adapter.rb
index c7a6bda7b..dae9276f9 100644
--- a/lib/good_job/adapter.rb
+++ b/lib/good_job/adapter.rb
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def initialize(execution_mode: nil, _capsule: GoodJob.capsule) # rubocop:disable
# Enqueues the ActiveJob job to be performed.
# For use by Rails; you should generally not call this directly.
# @param active_job [ActiveJob::Base] the job to be enqueued from +#perform_later+
- # @return [GoodJob::Execution]
+ # @return [GoodJob::Job]
def enqueue(active_job)
enqueue_at(active_job, nil)
@@ -58,28 +58,17 @@ def enqueue_all(active_jobs)
Rails.application.executor.wrap do
current_time = Time.current
executions = active_jobs.map do |active_job|
- GoodJob::Execution.build_for_enqueue(active_job).tap do |execution|
- if GoodJob::Execution.discrete_support?
- execution.make_discrete
- execution.scheduled_at = current_time if execution.scheduled_at == execution.created_at
- end
- execution.created_at = current_time
- execution.updated_at = current_time
+ GoodJob::Job.build_for_enqueue(active_job).tap do |job|
+ job.scheduled_at = current_time if job.scheduled_at == job.created_at
+ job.created_at = current_time
+ job.updated_at = current_time
inline_executions = []
- GoodJob::Execution.transaction(requires_new: true, joinable: false) do
- execution_attributes = executions.map do |execution|
- if GoodJob::Execution.error_event_migrated?
- execution.attributes
- else
- execution.attributes.except('error_event')
- end
- end
- results = GoodJob::Execution.insert_all(execution_attributes, returning: %w[id active_job_id]) # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations
+ GoodJob::Job.transaction(requires_new: true, joinable: false) do
+ execution_attributes = executions.map(&:attributes)
+ results = GoodJob::Job.insert_all(execution_attributes, returning: %w[id active_job_id]) # rubocop:disable Rails/SkipsModelValidations
job_id_to_provider_job_id = results.each_with_object({}) { |result, hash| hash[result['active_job_id']] = result['id'] }
active_jobs.each do |active_job|
@@ -146,7 +135,7 @@ def enqueue_all(active_jobs)
# For use by Rails; you should generally not call this directly.
# @param active_job [ActiveJob::Base] the job to be enqueued from +#perform_later+
# @param timestamp [Integer, nil] the epoch time to perform the job
- # @return [GoodJob::Execution]
+ # @return [GoodJob::Job]
def enqueue_at(active_job, timestamp)
scheduled_at = timestamp ? Time.zone.at(timestamp) : nil
@@ -156,15 +145,15 @@ def enqueue_at(active_job, timestamp)
Rails.application.executor.wrap do
will_execute_inline = execute_inline? && (scheduled_at.nil? || scheduled_at <= Time.current)
- will_retry_inline = will_execute_inline && CurrentThread.execution&.active_job_id == active_job.job_id && !CurrentThread.retry_now
+ will_retry_inline = will_execute_inline && CurrentThread.job&.active_job_id == active_job.job_id && !CurrentThread.retry_now
if will_retry_inline
- execution = GoodJob::Execution.enqueue(
+ execution = GoodJob::Job.enqueue(
scheduled_at: scheduled_at
elsif will_execute_inline
- execution = GoodJob::Execution.enqueue(
+ execution = GoodJob::Job.enqueue(
scheduled_at: scheduled_at,
create_with_advisory_lock: true
@@ -186,7 +175,7 @@ def enqueue_at(active_job, timestamp)
raise result.unhandled_error if result.unhandled_error
- execution = GoodJob::Execution.enqueue(
+ execution = GoodJob::Job.enqueue(
scheduled_at: scheduled_at
diff --git a/lib/good_job/current_thread.rb b/lib/good_job/current_thread.rb
index 9078d40b0..eb1cb3db1 100644
--- a/lib/good_job/current_thread.rb
+++ b/lib/good_job/current_thread.rb
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module CurrentThread
- execution
+ job
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ module CurrentThread
# @return [Exception, nil]
thread_mattr_accessor :error_on_retry_stopped
- # @!attribute [rw] executions
+ # @!attribute [rw] jobs
# @!scope class
# Execution
- # @return [GoodJob::Execution, nil]
- thread_mattr_accessor :execution
+ # @return [GoodJob::Job, nil]
+ thread_mattr_accessor :job
# @!attribute [rw] execution_interrupted
# @!scope class
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ def self.to_h
- # @return [String] UUID of the currently executing GoodJob::Execution
+ # @return [String] UUID of the currently executing GoodJob::Job
def self.active_job_id
- execution&.active_job_id
+ job&.active_job_id
# @return [Integer] Current process ID
diff --git a/lib/good_job/job_performer.rb b/lib/good_job/job_performer.rb
index a0a6c734b..f5ed4a4cb 100644
--- a/lib/good_job/job_performer.rb
+++ b/lib/good_job/job_performer.rb
@@ -108,11 +108,11 @@ def reset_stats
attr_reader :queue_string
def job_query
- @_job_query ||= GoodJob::Execution.queue_string(queue_string)
+ @_job_query ||= GoodJob::Job.queue_string(queue_string)
def parsed_queues
- @_parsed_queues ||= GoodJob::Execution.queue_parser(queue_string)
+ @_parsed_queues ||= GoodJob::Job.queue_parser(queue_string)
diff --git a/lib/good_job/log_subscriber.rb b/lib/good_job/log_subscriber.rb
index 95dc2771d..6e3527c95 100644
--- a/lib/good_job/log_subscriber.rb
+++ b/lib/good_job/log_subscriber.rb
@@ -18,14 +18,6 @@ class LogSubscriber < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber
# Responds to the +$0.good_job+ notification.
# @param event [ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event]
# @return [void]
- def create(event)
- # FIXME: This method does not match any good_job notifications.
- execution = event.payload[:execution]
- debug do
- "GoodJob created job resource with id #{execution.id}"
- end
- end
# @!macro notification_responder
def finished_timer_task(event)
@@ -110,12 +102,12 @@ def scheduler_restart_pools(event)
# @!macro notification_responder
def perform_job(event)
- execution = event.payload[:execution]
+ job = event.payload[:job]
process_id = event.payload[:process_id]
thread_name = event.payload[:thread_name]
info(tags: [process_id, thread_name]) do
- "Executed GoodJob #{execution.id}"
+ "Executed GoodJob #{job.id}"
diff --git a/lib/good_job/notifier.rb b/lib/good_job/notifier.rb
index 99cf99f71..2a8621b48 100644
--- a/lib/good_job/notifier.rb
+++ b/lib/good_job/notifier.rb
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class Notifier
# Send a message via Postgres NOTIFY
# @param message [#to_json]
def self.notify(message)
- connection = ::GoodJob::Execution.connection
+ connection = ::GoodJob::Job.connection
connection.exec_query <<~SQL.squish
NOTIFY #{CHANNEL}, #{connection.quote(message.to_json)}
@@ -251,8 +251,8 @@ def create_listen_task(delay: 0)
def with_connection
Rails.application.executor.wrap do
- self.connection = ::GoodJob::Execution.connection_pool.checkout.tap do |conn|
- ::GoodJob::Execution.connection_pool.remove(conn)
+ self.connection = ::GoodJob::Job.connection_pool.checkout.tap do |conn|
+ ::GoodJob::Job.connection_pool.remove(conn)
connection.execute("SET application_name = #{connection.quote(self.class.name)}")
diff --git a/sorbet/rbi/todo.rbi b/sorbet/rbi/todo.rbi
index 3c3d55f43..d4c1fee99 100644
--- a/sorbet/rbi/todo.rbi
+++ b/sorbet/rbi/todo.rbi
@@ -38,7 +38,9 @@ module ::TestJob::Error; end
module ::TestJob::ExpectedError; end
module ::TestJob::RunError; end
module ::TestJob::SuccessCallbackJob; end
+module ::TestRecord; end
module ::WrapperJob; end
module GoodJob::Job::ERROR_EVENT_INTERRUPTED; end
module GoodJob::Job::ERROR_EVENT_RETRIED; end
module Rails::Server; end
diff --git a/spec/app/filters/good_job/jobs_filter_spec.rb b/spec/app/filters/good_job/jobs_filter_spec.rb
index 83daa3c8f..0b5c2c421 100644
--- a/spec/app/filters/good_job/jobs_filter_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/app/filters/good_job/jobs_filter_spec.rb
@@ -26,16 +26,16 @@
- running_job = ExampleJob.perform_later('success')
- running_execution = GoodJob::Execution.find(running_job.provider_job_id)
- running_execution.update!(
+ running_active_job = ExampleJob.perform_later('success')
+ running_job = GoodJob::Job.find(running_active_job.provider_job_id)
+ running_job.update!(
finished_at: nil
- running_execution.advisory_lock
+ running_job.advisory_lock
after do
- GoodJob::Execution.advisory_unlock_session
+ GoodJob::Job.advisory_unlock_session
describe '#job_classes' do
diff --git a/spec/app/jobs/example_job_spec.rb b/spec/app/jobs/example_job_spec.rb
index 7e0b2f604..ed4a43293 100644
--- a/spec/app/jobs/example_job_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/app/jobs/example_job_spec.rb
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
describe "SUCCESS_TYPE" do
it 'completes successfully' do
active_job = described_class.perform_later(described_class::SUCCESS_TYPE)
- execution = GoodJob::Execution.find(active_job.provider_job_id)
- expect(execution.error).to be_nil
+ job = GoodJob::Job.find(active_job.provider_job_id)
+ expect(job.error).to be_nil
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
active_job = described_class.perform_later(described_class::SLOW_TYPE)
- execution = GoodJob::Execution.find(active_job.provider_job_id)
- expect(execution.error).to be_nil
+ job = GoodJob::Job.find(active_job.provider_job_id)
+ expect(job.error).to be_nil
diff --git a/spec/app/models/concerns/good_job/advisory_lockable_spec.rb b/spec/app/models/concerns/good_job/advisory_lockable_spec.rb
index d52eea314..57333601e 100644
--- a/spec/app/models/concerns/good_job/advisory_lockable_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/app/models/concerns/good_job/advisory_lockable_spec.rb
@@ -3,9 +3,17 @@
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe GoodJob::AdvisoryLockable do
- let(:model_class) { GoodJob::Execution }
- let!(:execution) { model_class.create(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, queue_name: "default") }
- let!(:another_execution) { model_class.create(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, queue_name: "default") }
+ before do
+ stub_const "TestRecord", (Class.new(GoodJob::BaseRecord) do
+ include GoodJob::AdvisoryLockable
+ self.table_name = "good_jobs"
+ self.advisory_lockable_column = "active_job_id"
+ end)
+ end
+ let(:model_class) { TestRecord }
+ let!(:job) { model_class.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, queue_name: "default") }
+ let!(:another_job) { model_class.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, queue_name: "default") }
describe '.advisory_lock' do
around do |example|
@@ -101,53 +109,53 @@
it 'returns first row of the query with a lock' do
- execution.update!(queue_name: "aaaaaa")
- another_execution.update!(queue_name: "bbbbbb")
+ job.update!(queue_name: "aaaaaa")
+ another_job.update!(queue_name: "bbbbbb")
- expect(execution).not_to be_advisory_locked
- result_execution = model_class.order(queue_name: :asc).limit(1).advisory_lock.first
- expect(result_execution).to eq execution
- expect(execution).to be_advisory_locked
- expect(another_execution).not_to be_advisory_locked
+ expect(job).not_to be_advisory_locked
+ result_job = model_class.order(queue_name: :asc).limit(1).advisory_lock.first
+ expect(result_job).to eq job
+ expect(job).to be_advisory_locked
+ expect(another_job).not_to be_advisory_locked
- execution.advisory_unlock
+ job.advisory_unlock
it 'can lock an alternative column' do
- expect(execution).not_to be_advisory_locked
- result_execution = model_class.order(created_at: :asc).limit(1).advisory_lock(column: :queue_name).first
- expect(result_execution).to eq execution
- expect(execution).to be_advisory_locked(key: "good_jobs-default")
- expect(execution).not_to be_advisory_locked # on default key
+ expect(job).not_to be_advisory_locked
+ result_job = model_class.order(created_at: :asc).limit(1).advisory_lock(column: :queue_name).first
+ expect(result_job).to eq job
+ expect(job).to be_advisory_locked(key: "good_jobs-default")
+ expect(job).not_to be_advisory_locked # on default key
- execution.advisory_unlock(key: "good_jobs-default")
+ job.advisory_unlock(key: "good_jobs-default")
describe '.advisory_lock_key' do
it 'locks a key' do
- model_class.advisory_lock_key(execution.lockable_key)
- expect(execution).to be_advisory_locked
- expect(model_class.advisory_locked_key?(execution.lockable_key)).to be true
- model_class.advisory_unlock_key(execution.lockable_key)
+ model_class.advisory_lock_key(job.lockable_key)
+ expect(job).to be_advisory_locked
+ expect(model_class.advisory_locked_key?(job.lockable_key)).to be true
+ model_class.advisory_unlock_key(job.lockable_key)
context 'when a block is passed' do
it 'locks that key for the bloc and then unlocks it' do
- model_class.advisory_lock_key(execution.lockable_key) do
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
- expect(execution.owns_advisory_lock?).to be true
+ model_class.advisory_lock_key(job.lockable_key) do
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be true
+ expect(job.owns_advisory_lock?).to be true
expect(PgLock.current_database.advisory_lock.count).to eq 1
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be false
- expect(execution.owns_advisory_lock?).to be false
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be false
+ expect(job.owns_advisory_lock?).to be false
it 'does not invoke the block if the key is already locked' do
- model_class.advisory_lock_key(execution.lockable_key) do
+ model_class.advisory_lock_key(job.lockable_key) do
promise = rails_promise do
- result = model_class.advisory_lock_key(execution.lockable_key) { raise }
+ result = model_class.advisory_lock_key(job.lockable_key) { raise }
expect(result).to be_nil
expect { promise.value! }.not_to raise_error
@@ -175,8 +183,8 @@
done_event = Concurrent::Event.new
promise = rails_promise do
- model_class.advisory_lock_key(execution.lockable_key) do
- expect(execution.owns_advisory_lock?).to be true
+ model_class.advisory_lock_key(job.lockable_key) do
+ expect(job.owns_advisory_lock?).to be true
@@ -184,7 +192,7 @@
- expect(execution.owns_advisory_lock?).to be false
+ expect(job.owns_advisory_lock?).to be false
@@ -198,7 +206,7 @@
model_class.limit(2).with_advisory_lock do |results|
records = results
- expect(records).to include(execution)
+ expect(records).to include(job)
expect(records).to all be_advisory_locked
@@ -250,85 +258,85 @@
describe '.includes_advisory_locks' do
it 'includes the locktable data' do
- execution.advisory_lock!
+ job.advisory_lock!
- record = model_class.where(id: execution.id).includes_advisory_locks.first
+ record = model_class.where(id: job.id).includes_advisory_locks.first
expect(record['locktype']).to eq "advisory"
expect(record['owns_advisory_lock']).to be true
- execution.advisory_unlock
+ job.advisory_unlock
describe '#advisory_lock' do
it 'results in a locked record' do
- execution.advisory_lock!
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
- expect(execution.owns_advisory_lock?).to be true
+ job.advisory_lock!
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be true
+ expect(job.owns_advisory_lock?).to be true
- other_thread_owns_advisory_lock = rails_promise(execution, &:owns_advisory_lock?).value!
+ other_thread_owns_advisory_lock = rails_promise(job, &:owns_advisory_lock?).value!
expect(other_thread_owns_advisory_lock).to be false
- execution.advisory_unlock
+ job.advisory_unlock
it 'returns true or false if the lock is acquired' do
- expect(execution.advisory_lock).to be true
+ expect(job.advisory_lock).to be true
- expect(rails_promise(execution, &:advisory_lock).value!).to be false
+ expect(rails_promise(job, &:advisory_lock).value!).to be false
- execution.advisory_unlock
+ job.advisory_unlock
it 'can lock alternative values' do
- execution.advisory_lock!(key: "alternative")
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?(key: "alternative")).to be true
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be false
+ job.advisory_lock!(key: "alternative")
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?(key: "alternative")).to be true
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be false
- execution.advisory_unlock(key: "alternative")
+ job.advisory_unlock(key: "alternative")
it 'can lock alternative postgres functions' do
- execution.advisory_lock!(function: "pg_advisory_lock")
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
- execution.advisory_unlock
+ job.advisory_lock!(function: "pg_advisory_lock")
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be true
+ job.advisory_unlock
describe '#advisory_unlock' do
it 'unlocks the record' do
- execution.advisory_lock!
+ job.advisory_lock!
expect do
- execution.advisory_unlock
- end.to change(execution, :advisory_locked?).from(true).to(false)
+ job.advisory_unlock
+ end.to change(job, :advisory_locked?).from(true).to(false)
it 'unlocks the record only once' do
- execution.advisory_lock!
- execution.advisory_lock!
+ job.advisory_lock!
+ job.advisory_lock!
expect do
- execution.advisory_unlock
- end.not_to change(execution, :advisory_locked?).from(true)
+ job.advisory_unlock
+ end.not_to change(job, :advisory_locked?).from(true)
- execution.advisory_unlock
+ job.advisory_unlock
it 'unlocks the record even after the record is destroyed' do
- execution.advisory_lock!
- execution.destroy!
+ job.advisory_lock!
+ job.destroy!
expect do
- execution.advisory_unlock
- end.to change(execution, :advisory_locked?).from(true).to(false)
+ job.advisory_unlock
+ end.to change(job, :advisory_locked?).from(true).to(false)
it 'returns true or false if the unlock operation is successful' do
- execution.advisory_lock
+ job.advisory_lock
- expect(rails_promise(execution, &:advisory_unlock).value!).to be false
- expect(execution.advisory_unlock).to be true
+ expect(rails_promise(job, &:advisory_unlock).value!).to be false
+ expect(job.advisory_unlock).to be true
unless RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('java')
expect(POSTGRES_NOTICES.first).to include "you don't own a lock of type ExclusiveLock"
@@ -339,53 +347,53 @@
describe '#advisory_locked?' do
it 'reflects whether the record is locked' do
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be false
- execution.advisory_lock
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
- execution.advisory_unlock
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be false
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be false
+ job.advisory_lock
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be true
+ job.advisory_unlock
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be false
- it 'is accurate even if the execution has been destroyed' do
- execution.advisory_lock
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
- execution.destroy!
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
- execution.advisory_unlock
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be false
+ it 'is accurate even if the job has been destroyed' do
+ job.advisory_lock
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be true
+ job.destroy!
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be true
+ job.advisory_unlock
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be false
describe '#advisory_unlock!' do
it 'unlocks the record entirely' do
- execution.advisory_lock!
- execution.advisory_lock!
+ job.advisory_lock!
+ job.advisory_lock!
expect do
- execution.advisory_unlock!
- end.to change(execution, :advisory_locked?).from(true).to(false)
+ job.advisory_unlock!
+ end.to change(job, :advisory_locked?).from(true).to(false)
describe '.advisory_unlock_session' do
it 'unlocks all locks in the session' do
- execution.advisory_lock!
+ job.advisory_lock!
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be false
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be false
describe 'create_with_advisory_lock' do
- it 'causes the execution to be saved and locked' do
- execution = model_class.new
- execution.create_with_advisory_lock = true
- execution.save!
+ it 'causes the job to be saved and locked' do
+ job = model_class.new
+ job.create_with_advisory_lock = true
+ job.save!
- expect(execution).to be_advisory_locked
+ expect(job).to be_advisory_locked
- execution.advisory_unlock
+ job.advisory_unlock
it 'aborts when the lock already exists' do
@@ -401,13 +409,13 @@
it 'is lockable' do
- execution.advisory_lock!
+ job.advisory_lock!
expect do
- rails_promise(execution, &:advisory_lock!).value!
+ rails_promise(job, &:advisory_lock!).value!
end.to raise_error GoodJob::AdvisoryLockable::RecordAlreadyAdvisoryLockedError
- execution.advisory_unlock
+ job.advisory_unlock
describe 'Advisory Lock behavior' do
@@ -418,10 +426,10 @@
done_event = Concurrent::Event.new
promise = rails_promise do
- execution.class.connection # <= This is necessary to fixate the connection in the thread
+ job.class.connection # <= This is necessary to fixate the connection in the thread
- execution.class.transaction do
- execution.advisory_lock
+ job.class.transaction do
+ job.advisory_lock
@@ -429,15 +437,15 @@
- execution.advisory_unlock
+ job.advisory_unlock
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be true
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be true
@@ -450,8 +458,8 @@
done_event = Concurrent::Event.new
promise = rails_promise do
- execution.class.transaction do
- execution.advisory_lock(function: "pg_advisory_xact_lock")
+ job.class.transaction do
+ job.advisory_lock(function: "pg_advisory_xact_lock")
@@ -462,11 +470,11 @@
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be true
- expect(execution.advisory_locked?).to be false
+ expect(job.advisory_locked?).to be false
diff --git a/spec/app/models/concerns/good_job/filterable_spec.rb b/spec/app/models/concerns/good_job/filterable_spec.rb
index 5c6cbfa44..be812b229 100644
--- a/spec/app/models/concerns/good_job/filterable_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/app/models/concerns/good_job/filterable_spec.rb
@@ -5,12 +5,15 @@
RSpec.describe GoodJob::Filterable do
let(:model_class) { GoodJob::Job }
let!(:job) do
- model_class.create(
+ model_class.create!(
active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid,
queue_name: "default",
+ job_class: "ExampleJob",
+ scheduled_at: Time.current,
serialized_params: { example_key: 'example_value' },
labels: %w[buffalo gopher],
- error: "ExampleJob::ExampleError: a message"
+ error: "ExampleJob::ExampleError: a message",
+ error_event: GoodJob::ErrorEvents::ERROR_EVENT_RETRIED
diff --git a/spec/app/models/good_job/batch_spec.rb b/spec/app/models/good_job/batch_spec.rb
index 1ff1ad32c..df117e07e 100644
--- a/spec/app/models/good_job/batch_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/app/models/good_job/batch_spec.rb
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def perform(batch, params)
it 'can serialize GlobalId objects' do
- globalid = GoodJob::Execution.create!
+ globalid = GoodJob::Job.create!
batch = described_class.new
diff --git a/spec/app/models/good_job/cron_entry_spec.rb b/spec/app/models/good_job/cron_entry_spec.rb
index 4215d5bb5..e356ebc48 100644
--- a/spec/app/models/good_job/cron_entry_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/app/models/good_job/cron_entry_spec.rb
@@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ def perform(meaning, name:)
cron_at = 10.minutes.ago
- execution = GoodJob::Execution.last
- expect(execution.cron_key).to eq 'test'
- expect(execution.cron_at).to be_within(0.001.seconds).of(cron_at)
+ job = GoodJob::Job.last
+ expect(job.cron_key).to eq 'test'
+ expect(job.cron_at).to be_within(0.001.seconds).of(cron_at)
diff --git a/spec/app/models/good_job/execution_spec.rb b/spec/app/models/good_job/execution_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2604ac640..000000000
--- a/spec/app/models/good_job/execution_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,833 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'rails_helper'
-RSpec.describe GoodJob::Execution do
- let(:process_id) { SecureRandom.uuid }
- around do |example|
- Rails.application.executor.wrap { example.run }
- end
- before do
- allow(described_class).to receive(:discrete_support?).and_return(false)
- stub_const "RUN_JOBS", Concurrent::Array.new
- stub_const 'TestJob', (Class.new(ActiveJob::Base) do
- self.queue_name = 'test'
- self.priority = 50
- def perform(result_value = nil, raise_error: false)
- RUN_JOBS << provider_job_id
- raise TestJob::ExpectedError, "Raised expected error" if raise_error
- result_value
- end
- end)
- stub_const 'TestJob::ExpectedError', Class.new(StandardError)
- end
- describe 'implicit sort order' do
- it 'is by created at' do
- first_job = described_class.create(active_job_id: '67160140-1bec-4c3b-bc34-1a8b36f87b21')
- described_class.create(active_job_id: '3732d706-fd5a-4c39-b1a5-a9bc6d265811')
- last_job = described_class.create(active_job_id: '4fbae77c-6f22-488f-ad42-5bd20f39c28c')
- result = described_class.all
- expect(result.first).to eq first_job
- expect(result.last).to eq last_job
- end
- end
- describe '.enqueue' do
- let(:active_job) { TestJob.new }
- context 'when discrete' do
- before do
- allow(described_class).to receive(:discrete_support?).and_return(true)
- end
- it 'assigns is discrete, id, scheduled_at' do
- expect { described_class.enqueue(active_job) }.to change(described_class, :count).by(1)
- execution = described_class.last
- expect(execution).to have_attributes(
- is_discrete: true,
- id: active_job.job_id,
- active_job_id: active_job.job_id,
- created_at: execution.scheduled_at,
- scheduled_at: execution.created_at
- )
- end
- end
- context 'when NOT discrete' do
- before { allow(described_class).to receive(:discrete_support?).and_return(false) }
- it 'does not assign id, scheduled_at' do
- expect { described_class.enqueue(active_job) }.to change(described_class, :count).by(1)
- execution = described_class.last
- expect(execution.id).not_to eq(active_job.job_id)
- expect(execution).to have_attributes(
- is_discrete: nil,
- active_job_id: active_job.job_id,
- scheduled_at: nil
- )
- end
- end
- it 'creates a new GoodJob record' do
- execution = nil
- expect do
- execution = described_class.enqueue(active_job)
- end.to change(described_class, :count).by(1)
- expect(execution).to have_attributes(
- active_job_id: a_kind_of(String),
- serialized_params: a_kind_of(Hash),
- queue_name: 'test',
- priority: 50,
- scheduled_at: nil
- )
- end
- it 'is schedulable' do
- execution = described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: 1.day.from_now)
- expect(execution).to have_attributes(
- scheduled_at: within(1.second).of(1.day.from_now)
- )
- end
- it 'can be created with an advisory lock' do
- unlocked_execution = described_class.enqueue(active_job)
- expect(unlocked_execution.advisory_locked?).to be false
- locked_execution = described_class.enqueue(active_job, create_with_advisory_lock: true)
- expect(locked_execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
- locked_execution.advisory_unlock
- end
- describe 'deprecation of higher is higher priority order, change to smaller is higher priority' do
- before { allow(GoodJob.deprecator).to receive(:warn) }
- context 'when smaller_number_higher_priority is not set' do
- before { allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:good_job).and_return({}) }
- it 'does not warn when priority is not set' do
- active_job.priority = nil
- described_class.enqueue(active_job)
- expect(GoodJob.deprecator).not_to have_received(:warn)
- end
- it 'does warn when priority is set' do
- active_job.priority = 50
- described_class.enqueue(active_job)
- expect(GoodJob.deprecator).to have_received(:warn)
- end
- end
- context 'when smaller_number_higher_priority=true' do
- before { allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:good_job).and_return(smaller_number_is_higher_priority: true) }
- it 'does not warn' do
- active_job.priority = 50
- described_class.enqueue(active_job)
- expect(GoodJob.deprecator).not_to have_received(:warn)
- end
- end
- context 'when smaller_number_higher_priority=false' do
- before { allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:good_job).and_return(smaller_number_is_higher_priority: false) }
- it 'warns to ensure the upgrade is obvious' do
- active_job.priority = 50
- described_class.enqueue(active_job)
- expect(GoodJob.deprecator).to have_received(:warn)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe '.perform_with_advisory_lock' do
- context 'with one job' do
- let(:active_job) { TestJob.new('a string') }
- let!(:good_job) { described_class.enqueue(active_job) }
- it 'performs one job' do
- good_job_2 = described_class.create!(serialized_params: {})
- described_class.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(good_job.reload.finished_at).to be_present
- expect(good_job_2.reload.finished_at).to be_blank
- end
- it 'returns the result or nil if not' do
- result = described_class.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(result).to be_a GoodJob::ExecutionResult
- expect(result.value).to eq 'a string'
- expect(result.unhandled_error).to be_nil
- described_class.enqueue(TestJob.new(true, raise_error: true))
- errored_result = described_class.all.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(result).to be_a GoodJob::ExecutionResult
- expect(errored_result.value).to be_nil
- expect(errored_result.unhandled_error).to be_an TestJob::ExpectedError
- end
- end
- context 'with multiple jobs' do
- def job_params
- { active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, queue_name: "default", priority: 0, serialized_params: { job_class: "TestJob" } }
- end
- let!(:older_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(created_at: 10.minutes.ago)) }
- let!(:newer_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(created_at: 5.minutes.ago)) }
- let!(:low_priority_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(priority: 20)) }
- let!(:high_priority_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(priority: -20)) }
- it "orders by priority ascending and creation descending" do
- 4.times do
- described_class.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id)
- end
- expect(described_class.order(finished_at: :asc).to_a).to eq([
- high_priority_job,
- older_job,
- newer_job,
- low_priority_job,
- ])
- end
- end
- context "with multiple jobs and ordered queues" do
- def job_params
- { active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, queue_name: "default", priority: 0, serialized_params: { job_class: "TestJob" } }
- end
- let(:parsed_queues) { { include: %w{one two}, ordered_queues: true } }
- let!(:queue_two_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(queue_name: "two", created_at: 10.minutes.ago, priority: 100)) }
- let!(:queue_one_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(queue_name: "one", created_at: 1.minute.ago, priority: 1)) }
- it "orders by queue order" do
- described_class.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id, parsed_queues: parsed_queues) do |execution|
- expect(execution).to eq queue_one_job
- end
- described_class.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id, parsed_queues: parsed_queues) do |execution|
- expect(execution).to eq queue_two_job
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe '.queue_parser' do
- it 'creates an intermediary hash' do
- result = described_class.queue_parser('first,second')
- expect(result).to eq({
- include: %w[first second],
- })
- result = described_class.queue_parser('-first,second')
- expect(result).to eq({
- exclude: %w[first second],
- })
- result = described_class.queue_parser('')
- expect(result).to eq({
- all: true,
- })
- result = described_class.queue_parser('+first,second')
- expect(result).to eq({
- include: %w[first second],
- ordered_queues: true,
- })
- end
- end
- describe '.queue_string' do
- it 'separates commas' do
- query = described_class.queue_string('first,second')
- expect(query.to_sql).to eq described_class.where(queue_name: %w[first second]).to_sql
- end
- it 'excludes queues commas' do
- query = described_class.queue_string('-first,second')
- expect(query.to_sql).to eq described_class.where.not(queue_name: %w[first second]).or(described_class.where(queue_name: nil)).to_sql
- end
- it 'accepts empty strings' do
- query = described_class.queue_string('')
- expect(query.to_sql).to eq described_class.all.to_sql
- end
- end
- describe '.queue_ordered' do
- it "produces SQL to order by queue order" do
- query_sql = described_class.queue_ordered(%w{one two three}).to_sql
- expect(query_sql).to include(
- "ORDER BY (CASE WHEN queue_name = 'one' THEN 0 WHEN queue_name = 'two' THEN 1 WHEN queue_name = 'three' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END)"
- )
- end
- end
- describe '.priority_ordered' do
- let!(:small_priority_job) { described_class.create!(priority: -50) }
- let!(:large_priority_job) { described_class.create!(priority: 50) }
- it 'smaller_number_is_higher_priority=true orders with smaller number being HIGHER priority' do
- allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:good_job).and_return({ smaller_number_is_higher_priority: true })
- expect(described_class.priority_ordered.pluck(:priority)).to eq([-50, 50])
- end
- it 'smaller_number_is_higher_priority=false orders with smaller priority being LOWER priority' do
- allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:good_job).and_return({ smaller_number_is_higher_priority: false })
- expect(described_class.priority_ordered.pluck(:priority)).to eq([50, -50])
- end
- it 'smaller_number_is_higher_priority=false orders with lower priority being LOWER priority' do
- allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:good_job).and_return({})
- expect(described_class.priority_ordered.pluck(:priority)).to eq([50, -50])
- end
- end
- describe '.next_scheduled_at' do
- let(:active_job) { TestJob.new }
- it 'returns an empty array when nothing is scheduled' do
- expect(described_class.all.next_scheduled_at).to eq []
- end
- it 'returns previously scheduled and unscheduled jobs' do
- described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: 1.day.ago)
- Timecop.travel 5.minutes.ago do
- described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: nil)
- end
- expect(described_class.all.next_scheduled_at(now_limit: 5)).to contain_exactly(
- within(2.seconds).of(1.day.ago),
- within(2.seconds).of(5.minutes.ago)
- )
- end
- it 'returns future scheduled jobs' do
- 2.times do
- described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: 1.day.from_now)
- end
- expect(described_class.all.next_scheduled_at(limit: 1)).to contain_exactly(
- within(2.seconds).of(1.day.from_now)
- )
- end
- it 'contains both past and future jobs' do
- 2.times { described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: 1.day.ago) }
- 2.times { described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: 1.day.from_now) }
- expect(described_class.all.next_scheduled_at(limit: 1, now_limit: 1)).to contain_exactly(
- within(2.seconds).of(1.day.ago),
- within(2.seconds).of(1.day.from_now)
- )
- end
- end
- describe '.display_all' do
- let(:active_job) { TestJob.new }
- it 'does not return jobs after last scheduled at' do
- described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: '2021-05-14 09:33:16 +0200')
- expect(described_class.display_all(after_scheduled_at: Time.zone.parse('2021-05-14 09:33:16 +0200')).count).to eq(0)
- end
- it 'does not return jobs after last scheduled at and job id' do
- described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: '2021-05-14 09:33:16 +0200')
- job_id = described_class.last!.id
- expect(
- described_class.display_all(after_scheduled_at: Time.zone.parse('2021-05-14 09:33:16 +0200'), after_id: job_id).count
- ).to eq(0)
- end
- end
- describe '#executable?' do
- let(:good_job) { described_class.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid) }
- it 'is true when locked' do
- good_job.with_advisory_lock do
- expect(good_job.executable?).to be true
- end
- end
- it 'is false when job no longer exists' do
- good_job.with_advisory_lock do
- good_job.destroy!
- expect(good_job.executable?).to be false
- end
- end
- it 'is false when the job has finished' do
- good_job.with_advisory_lock do
- good_job.update! finished_at: Time.current
- expect(good_job.executable?).to be false
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#perform' do
- let(:active_job) { TestJob.new("a string") }
- let!(:good_job) { described_class.enqueue(active_job) }
- describe 'return value' do
- it 'returns the results of the job' do
- result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(result.value).to eq "a string"
- expect(result.unhandled_error).to be_nil
- end
- context 'when there is an error' do
- let(:active_job) { TestJob.new("whoops", raise_error: true) }
- let(:batch_id) { SecureRandom.uuid }
- let!(:good_job) do
- execution = nil
- GoodJob::CurrentThread.within do
- GoodJob::Batch.within_thread(batch_id: batch_id) do
- GoodJob::CurrentThread.cron_key = 'test_key'
- execution = described_class.enqueue(active_job)
- end
- end
- execution
- end
- it 'returns the error' do
- result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(result.value).to be_nil
- expect(result.unhandled_error).to be_an_instance_of TestJob::ExpectedError
- end
- context 'when there is a retry handler' do
- before do
- ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :inline)
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
- TestJob.retry_on(TestJob::ExpectedError, attempts: 2)
- end
- it 'copies job info, including the cron key to the new record' do
- new_record = described_class.order(created_at: :asc).last
- expect(new_record.active_job_id).to eq good_job.active_job_id
- expect(new_record.cron_key).to eq "test_key"
- expect(new_record.batch_id).to eq batch_id
- end
- it 'records the new job UUID on the executing record' do
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(good_job.reload.retried_good_job_id).to be_present
- end
- end
- context 'when there is an retry handler with exhausted attempts' do
- before do
- TestJob.retry_on(TestJob::ExpectedError, attempts: 1)
- good_job.serialized_params["exception_executions"] = { "[TestJob::ExpectedError]" => 1 }
- good_job.save!
- end
- it 'does not modify the original good_job serialized params' do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
- expect do
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- end.not_to change { good_job.reload.serialized_params["exception_executions"]["[TestJob::ExpectedError]"] }
- end
- end
- context 'when error monitoring service intercepts exception' do
- before do
- # Similar to Sentry monitor's implementation
- # https://github.com/getsentry/raven-ruby/blob/20b260a6d04e0ca01d5cddbd9728e6fc8ae9a90c/lib/raven/integrations/rails/active_job.rb#L21-L31
- TestJob.around_perform do |_job, block|
- block.call
- rescue StandardError => e
- next if rescue_with_handler(e)
- raise e
- ensure
- nil
- end
- end
- it 'returns the error' do
- result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(result.value).to be_nil
- expect(result.unhandled_error).to be_an_instance_of TestJob::ExpectedError
- end
- context 'when retry_on is used' do
- before do
- TestJob.retry_on(StandardError, wait: 0, attempts: Float::INFINITY) { nil }
- end
- it 'returns the error' do
- result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(result.value).to be_nil
- expect(result.handled_error).to be_an_instance_of TestJob::ExpectedError
- end
- end
- context 'when discard_on is used' do
- before do
- TestJob.discard_on(StandardError) { nil }
- end
- it 'returns the error' do
- result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(result.value).to be_nil
- expect(result.handled_error).to be_an_instance_of TestJob::ExpectedError
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- it 'preserves the job by default' do
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
- performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
- )
- end
- it 'can destroy the job when preserve_job_records is false' do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(false)
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect { good_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- end
- it 'destroys the job when preserving record only on error' do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(:on_unhandled_error)
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect { good_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- end
- context 'when there are prior executions' do
- let!(:prior_execution) do
- described_class.enqueue(active_job).tap do |job|
- job.update!(
- error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
- performed_at: Time.current,
- finished_at: Time.current
- )
- end
- end
- it 'destroys the job and prior executions when preserving record only on error' do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(:on_unhandled_error)
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect { good_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- expect { prior_execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- end
- end
- context 'when the job is directly re-enqueued' do
- before do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(false)
- TestJob.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :inline)
- TestJob.after_perform do
- enqueue(wait: 1.minute)
- end
- end
- it 'does not destroy the execution records' do
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect { good_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
- expect(described_class.where(active_job_id: good_job.active_job_id).count).to eq 2
- end
- end
- context 'when the job is a cron job and records are not preserved' do
- before do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(false)
- TestJob.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :inline)
- good_job.update(cron_key: "test_key", cron_at: Time.current)
- end
- it 'preserves the job record anyway' do
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
- performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
- )
- end
- end
- it 'raises an error if the job is attempted to be re-run' do
- good_job.update!(finished_at: Time.current)
- expect { good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id) }.to raise_error described_class::PreviouslyPerformedError
- end
- context 'when ActiveJob rescues an error' do
- let(:active_job) { TestJob.new("a string", raise_error: true) }
- before do
- TestJob.retry_on(StandardError, wait: 0, attempts: Float::INFINITY) { nil }
- end
- it 'returns the results of the job' do
- result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(result.value).to be_nil
- expect(result.handled_error).to be_a(TestJob::ExpectedError)
- end
- it 'can preserves the job' do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
- error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
- performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
- )
- end
- end
- context 'when ActiveJob raises an error' do
- let(:active_job) { TestJob.new("a string", raise_error: true) }
- it 'returns the results of the job' do
- result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(result.value).to be_nil
- expect(result.unhandled_error).to be_a(TestJob::ExpectedError)
- end
- describe 'GoodJob.retry_on_unhandled_error behavior' do
- context 'when true' do
- before do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:retry_on_unhandled_error).and_return(true)
- end
- it 'leaves the job record unfinished' do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
- error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
- performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- finished_at: nil
- )
- end
- it 'does not destroy the job record' do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(false)
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect { good_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
- end
- end
- context 'when false' do
- before do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:retry_on_unhandled_error).and_return(false)
- end
- it 'destroys the job' do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(false)
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect { good_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- end
- it 'can preserve the job' do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
- error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
- performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
- )
- end
- it 'preserves the job when preserving record only on error' do
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(:on_unhandled_error)
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
- error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
- performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
- )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- context 'when Discrete' do
- before do
- ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :inline)
- allow(described_class).to receive(:discrete_support?).and_return(true)
- good_job.update!(is_discrete: true)
- end
- it 'updates the Execution record and creates a DiscreteExecution record' do
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
- executions_count: 1,
- finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
- )
- dexecution = good_job.discrete_executions.first
- expect(dexecution).to be_present
- expect(dexecution).to have_attributes(
- active_job_id: good_job.active_job_id,
- job_class: good_job.job_class,
- queue_name: good_job.queue_name,
- created_at: within(0.001).of(good_job.performed_at),
- scheduled_at: within(0.001).of(good_job.created_at),
- finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- duration: GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.duration_interval_usable? ? be_present : nil,
- error: nil,
- serialized_params: good_job.serialized_params
- )
- end
- context 'when ActiveJob rescues an error' do
- let(:active_job) { TestJob.new("a string", raise_error: true) }
- let!(:good_job) { described_class.enqueue(active_job) }
- before do
- allow(described_class).to receive(:discrete_support?).and_return(true)
- allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
- TestJob.retry_on(StandardError, wait: 1.hour, attempts: 2) { nil }
- good_job.update!(is_discrete: true)
- end
- it 'updates the existing Execution/Job record instead of creating a new one' do
- expect { good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id) }
- .to not_change(described_class, :count)
- .and change { good_job.reload.serialized_params["executions"] }.by(1)
- .and not_change { good_job.reload.id }
- .and not_change { described_class.count }
- expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
- error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
- created_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- performed_at: nil,
- finished_at: nil,
- scheduled_at: within(10.minutes).of(1.hour.from_now) # interval because of retry jitter
- )
- expect(GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.count).to eq(1)
- discrete_execution = good_job.discrete_executions.first
- expect(discrete_execution).to have_attributes(
- active_job_id: good_job.active_job_id,
- error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
- created_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- scheduled_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- duration: GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.duration_interval_usable? ? be_present : nil
- )
- end
- end
- context 'when retry_job is invoked directly during execution' do
- before do
- TestJob.after_perform do |job|
- job.retry_job wait: 1.second
- end
- end
- it 'finishes the execution but does not finish the job' do
- good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
- performed_at: nil,
- finished_at: nil,
- scheduled_at: within(0.5).of(1.second.from_now)
- )
- expect(good_job.discrete_executions.size).to eq(1)
- expect(good_job.discrete_executions.first).to have_attributes(
- performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
- duration: GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.duration_interval_usable? ? be_present : nil
- )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#destroy_job' do
- let!(:execution) { described_class.create! active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid }
- let!(:prior_execution) { described_class.create! active_job_id: execution.active_job_id }
- let!(:other_job) { described_class.create! active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid }
- it 'destroys all of the job executions' do
- execution.destroy_job
- expect { execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- expect { prior_execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- expect { other_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
- end
- end
- describe '#queue_latency' do
- let(:execution) { described_class.create! }
- it 'is nil for future scheduled execution' do
- execution.scheduled_at = 1.minute.from_now
- expect(execution.queue_latency).to be_nil
- end
- it 'is distance between scheduled_at and now for past scheduled job' do
- execution.scheduled_at = 1.minute.ago
- expect(execution.queue_latency).to be_within(0.1).of(Time.zone.now - execution.scheduled_at)
- end
- it 'is distance between created_at and now for queued job' do
- execution.scheduled_at = nil
- expect(execution.queue_latency).to be_within(0.1).of(Time.zone.now - execution.created_at)
- end
- it 'is distance between created_at and performed_at for started job' do
- execution.scheduled_at = nil
- execution.performed_at = 10.seconds.ago
- expect(execution.queue_latency).to eq(execution.performed_at - execution.created_at)
- end
- end
- describe "#runtime_latency" do
- let(:execution) { described_class.create! }
- it 'is nil for queued job' do
- expect(execution.runtime_latency).to be_nil
- end
- it 'is distance between performed_at and now for started job' do
- execution.performed_at = 10.seconds.ago
- execution.finished_at = nil
- expect(execution.runtime_latency).to be_within(0.1).of(Time.zone.now - execution.performed_at)
- end
- it 'is distance between performed_at and finished_at' do
- execution.performed_at = 5.seconds.ago
- execution.finished_at = 1.second.ago
- expect(execution.runtime_latency).to eq(execution.finished_at - execution.performed_at)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/app/models/good_job/job_spec.rb b/spec/app/models/good_job/job_spec.rb
index 5e2664396..e2e675b96 100644
--- a/spec/app/models/good_job/job_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/app/models/good_job/job_spec.rb
@@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
let(:job) do
- is_discrete: true,
+ id: active_job_id,
active_job_id: active_job_id,
scheduled_at: 10.minutes.from_now,
queue_name: 'mice',
priority: 10,
+ job_class: "TestJob",
serialized_params: {
'job_id' => active_job_id,
'job_class' => 'TestJob',
@@ -31,48 +32,6 @@
- let(:undiscrete_job) { described_class.find(head_execution.active_job_id) }
- let(:tail_execution) do
- GoodJob::Execution.create!(
- active_job_id: active_job_id,
- created_at: 1.minute.ago,
- queue_name: 'mice',
- priority: 10,
- serialized_params: {
- 'job_id' => active_job_id,
- 'job_class' => 'TestJob',
- 'executions' => 0,
- 'queue_name' => 'mice',
- 'priority' => 10,
- 'arguments' => ['cat', { 'canine' => 'dog' }],
- }
- )
- end
- let(:head_execution) do
- GoodJob::Execution.create!(
- active_job_id: tail_execution.active_job_id,
- scheduled_at: 10.minutes.from_now,
- queue_name: 'mice',
- priority: 10,
- serialized_params: {
- 'job_id' => tail_execution.active_job_id,
- 'job_class' => 'TestJob',
- 'executions' => 1,
- 'exception_executions' => { 'TestJob::Error' => 1 },
- 'queue_name' => 'mice',
- 'priority' => 10,
- 'arguments' => ['cat', { 'canine' => 'dog' }],
- }
- ).tap do |execution|
- tail_execution.update!(
- retried_good_job_id: execution.id,
- error: "TestJob::Error: TestJob::Error",
- finished_at: execution.created_at
- )
- end
- end
before do
allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
@@ -87,13 +46,6 @@ def perform(*)
stub_const 'TestJob::Error', Class.new(StandardError)
- describe '.find' do
- it 'returns a record that is the same as the head execution' do
- job = described_class.find(head_execution.active_job_id)
- expect(job.executions.last).to eq head_execution
- end
- end
describe '#id' do
it 'is the ActiveJob ID' do
expect(job.id).to eq job.active_job_id
@@ -113,50 +65,6 @@ def perform(*)
- describe '#job_class' do
- it 'is the job class' do
- expect(job.id).to eq head_execution.active_job_id
- end
- end
- describe '#reload' do
- it 'reloads the job execution' do
- job = undiscrete_job
- original_head_execution = job.head_execution
- new_execution = GoodJob::Execution.create!(
- active_job_id: job.active_job_id,
- queue_name: 'newnewnew'
- )
- original_head_execution.update!(retried_good_job_id: new_execution.id)
- expect do
- job.reload
- end.to change { job.queue_name }.from('mice').to('newnewnew')
- end
- end
- describe '#head_execution' do
- it 'is the head execution (which should be the same record)' do
- job = undiscrete_job
- expect(job.head_execution).to eq head_execution
- expect(job._execution_id).to eq head_execution.id
- end
- end
- describe '#tail_execution' do
- it 'is the tail execution' do
- job = undiscrete_job
- expect(job.tail_execution).to eq tail_execution
- end
- end
- describe '#recent_error' do
- it 'is the current executions error or the previous jobs error' do
- expect(job.recent_error).to eq tail_execution.error
- end
- end
describe '#running?' do
context 'when advisory_locks are NOT eagerloaded' do
it 'is true if the job is Advisory Locked' do
@@ -229,8 +137,6 @@ def perform(*)
it 'updates the original job' do
- expect(job).to be_discrete
expect do
end.to change { job.reload.finished? }.from(true).to(false)
@@ -242,37 +148,6 @@ def perform(*)
- context 'when job is not discrete' do
- let(:job) { undiscrete_job }
- before do
- head_execution.update!(
- finished_at: Time.current,
- error: "TestJob::Error: TestJob::Error"
- )
- end
- it 'enqueues another execution and updates the original job' do
- original_head_execution = undiscrete_job.head_execution
- expect do
- job.retry_job
- end.to change { job.executions.reload.size }.by(1)
- expect(job.reload).not_to be_finished
- new_head_execution = job.head_execution(reload: true)
- expect(new_head_execution.serialized_params).to include(
- "executions" => 2,
- "queue_name" => "mice",
- "priority" => 10,
- "arguments" => ['cat', hash_including('canine' => 'dog')]
- )
- original_head_execution.reload
- expect(original_head_execution.retried_good_job_id).to eq new_head_execution.id
- end
- end
context 'when run inline' do
before do
stub_const "TestJob", (Class.new(ActiveJob::Base) do
@@ -290,8 +165,8 @@ def perform(*)
expect(job).to be_finished
- executions = job.discrete_executions.order(:created_at).to_a
+ executions = job.discrete_executions.order(created_at: :asc).to_a
expect(executions.size).to eq 3 # initial execution isn't created in test
expect(executions.map(&:error)).to eq ["TestJob::Error: TestJob::Error", "TestJob::Error: TestJob::Error", nil]
expect(executions[0].finished_at).to be < executions[1].finished_at
@@ -354,7 +229,7 @@ def perform(*)
job.discard_job("Discarded in test")
end.to change { job.reload.status }.from(:scheduled).to(:discarded)
- expect(job.head_execution(reload: true)).to have_attributes(
+ expect(job.reload).to have_attributes(
error: "GoodJob::Job::DiscardJobError: Discarded in test",
error_event: "discarded",
finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
@@ -364,7 +239,7 @@ def perform(*)
context 'when a job is not in scheduled/queued state' do
before do
- job.head_execution.update! finished_at: Time.current
+ job.update! finished_at: Time.current
it 'raises an ActionForStateMismatchError' do
@@ -442,7 +317,7 @@ def perform(*)
end.to change { job.reload.status }.from(:scheduled).to(:queued)
- expect(job.head_execution(reload: true)).to have_attributes(
+ expect(job.reload).to have_attributes(
scheduled_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
@@ -450,7 +325,7 @@ def perform(*)
context 'when a job is not in scheduled/queued state' do
before do
- job.head_execution.update! finished_at: Time.current
+ job.update! finished_at: Time.current
it 'raises an ActionForStateMismatchError' do
@@ -474,29 +349,743 @@ def perform(*)
expect { job.destroy_job }.to raise_error GoodJob::Job::ActionForStateMismatchError
+ end
+ describe "behavior adopted from v3 Execution" do
+ let(:process_id) { SecureRandom.uuid }
+ around do |example|
+ Rails.application.executor.wrap { example.run }
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(described_class).to receive(:discrete_support?).and_return(false)
+ stub_const "RUN_JOBS", Concurrent::Array.new
+ stub_const 'TestJob', (Class.new(ActiveJob::Base) do
+ self.queue_name = 'test'
+ self.priority = 50
+ def perform(result_value = nil, raise_error: false)
+ RUN_JOBS << provider_job_id
+ raise TestJob::ExpectedError, "Raised expected error" if raise_error
+ result_value
+ end
+ end)
+ stub_const 'TestJob::ExpectedError', Class.new(StandardError)
+ end
+ describe 'implicit sort order' do
+ it 'is by created at' do
+ first_job = described_class.create(active_job_id: '67160140-1bec-4c3b-bc34-1a8b36f87b21')
+ described_class.create(active_job_id: '3732d706-fd5a-4c39-b1a5-a9bc6d265811')
+ last_job = described_class.create(active_job_id: '4fbae77c-6f22-488f-ad42-5bd20f39c28c')
+ result = described_class.all
+ expect(result.first).to eq first_job
+ expect(result.last).to eq last_job
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.enqueue' do
+ let(:active_job) { TestJob.new }
+ context 'when discrete' do
+ it 'assigns is discrete, id, scheduled_at' do
+ expect { described_class.enqueue(active_job) }.to change(described_class, :count).by(1)
+ job = described_class.last
+ expect(job).to have_attributes(
+ id: active_job.job_id,
+ active_job_id: active_job.job_id,
+ created_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ scheduled_at: job.created_at
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ it 'creates a new GoodJob record' do
+ job = nil
+ expect do
+ job = described_class.enqueue(active_job)
+ end.to change(described_class, :count).by(1)
+ expect(job).to have_attributes(
+ active_job_id: job.id,
+ serialized_params: a_kind_of(Hash),
+ queue_name: 'test',
+ priority: 50,
+ scheduled_at: job.created_at
+ )
+ end
+ it 'is schedulable' do
+ execution = described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: 1.day.from_now)
+ expect(execution).to have_attributes(
+ scheduled_at: within(1.second).of(1.day.from_now)
+ )
+ end
+ it 'can be created with an advisory lock' do
+ unlocked_execution = described_class.enqueue(TestJob.new)
+ expect(unlocked_execution.advisory_locked?).to be false
+ locked_execution = described_class.enqueue(TestJob.new, create_with_advisory_lock: true)
+ expect(locked_execution.advisory_locked?).to be true
+ locked_execution.advisory_unlock
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.perform_with_advisory_lock' do
+ context 'with one job' do
+ let(:active_job) { TestJob.new('a string') }
+ let!(:good_job) { described_class.enqueue(active_job) }
+ it 'performs one job' do
+ good_job_2 = described_class.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, serialized_params: {})
+ described_class.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(good_job.reload.finished_at).to be_present
+ expect(good_job_2.reload.finished_at).to be_blank
+ end
+ it 'returns the result or nil if not' do
+ result = described_class.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(result).to be_a GoodJob::ExecutionResult
+ expect(result.value).to eq 'a string'
+ expect(result.unhandled_error).to be_nil
+ described_class.enqueue(TestJob.new(true, raise_error: true))
+ errored_result = described_class.all.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(result).to be_a GoodJob::ExecutionResult
+ expect(errored_result.value).to be_nil
+ expect(errored_result.unhandled_error).to be_an TestJob::ExpectedError
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with multiple jobs' do
+ def job_params
+ {
+ active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid,
+ queue_name: "default",
+ priority: 0,
+ job_class: "TestJob",
+ scheduled_at: Time.current,
+ serialized_params: { job_class: "TestJob" },
+ }
+ end
+ let!(:older_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(created_at: 10.minutes.ago)) }
+ let!(:newer_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(created_at: 5.minutes.ago)) }
+ let!(:low_priority_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(priority: 20)) }
+ let!(:high_priority_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(priority: -20)) }
+ it "orders by priority ascending and creation descending" do
+ 4.times do
+ described_class.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id)
+ end
+ expect(described_class.order(finished_at: :asc).to_a).to eq([
+ high_priority_job,
+ older_job,
+ newer_job,
+ low_priority_job,
+ ])
+ end
+ end
+ context "with multiple jobs and ordered queues" do
+ def job_params
+ { active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, queue_name: "default", priority: 0, serialized_params: { job_class: "TestJob" } }
+ end
+ let(:parsed_queues) { { include: %w{one two}, ordered_queues: true } }
+ let!(:queue_two_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(queue_name: "two", created_at: 10.minutes.ago, priority: 100)) }
+ let!(:queue_one_job) { described_class.create!(job_params.merge(queue_name: "one", created_at: 1.minute.ago, priority: 1)) }
+ it "orders by queue order" do
+ described_class.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id, parsed_queues: parsed_queues) do |job|
+ expect(job).to eq queue_one_job
+ end
+ described_class.perform_with_advisory_lock(lock_id: process_id, parsed_queues: parsed_queues) do |job|
+ expect(job).to eq queue_two_job
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.queue_parser' do
+ it 'creates an intermediary hash' do
+ result = described_class.queue_parser('first,second')
+ expect(result).to eq({
+ include: %w[first second],
+ })
+ result = described_class.queue_parser('-first,second')
+ expect(result).to eq({
+ exclude: %w[first second],
+ })
+ result = described_class.queue_parser('')
+ expect(result).to eq({
+ all: true,
+ })
+ result = described_class.queue_parser('+first,second')
+ expect(result).to eq({
+ include: %w[first second],
+ ordered_queues: true,
+ })
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.queue_string' do
+ it 'separates commas' do
+ query = described_class.queue_string('first,second')
+ expect(query.to_sql).to eq described_class.where(queue_name: %w[first second]).to_sql
+ end
+ it 'excludes queues commas' do
+ query = described_class.queue_string('-first,second')
+ expect(query.to_sql).to eq described_class.where.not(queue_name: %w[first second]).or(described_class.where(queue_name: nil)).to_sql
+ end
+ it 'accepts empty strings' do
+ query = described_class.queue_string('')
+ expect(query.to_sql).to eq described_class.all.to_sql
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.queue_ordered' do
+ it "produces SQL to order by queue order" do
+ query_sql = described_class.queue_ordered(%w{one two three}).to_sql
+ expect(query_sql).to include(
+ "ORDER BY (CASE WHEN queue_name = 'one' THEN 0 WHEN queue_name = 'two' THEN 1 WHEN queue_name = 'three' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END)"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.priority_ordered' do
+ let!(:small_priority_job) { described_class.create!(priority: -50) }
+ let!(:large_priority_job) { described_class.create!(priority: 50) }
+ it 'smaller_number_is_higher_priority=true orders with smaller number being HIGHER priority' do
+ allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:good_job).and_return({ smaller_number_is_higher_priority: true })
+ expect(described_class.priority_ordered.pluck(:priority)).to eq([-50, 50])
+ end
+ it 'smaller_number_is_higher_priority=false orders with smaller priority being LOWER priority' do
+ allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:good_job).and_return({ smaller_number_is_higher_priority: false })
+ expect(described_class.priority_ordered.pluck(:priority)).to eq([50, -50])
+ end
+ it 'smaller_number_is_higher_priority=false orders with lower priority being LOWER priority' do
+ allow(Rails.application.config).to receive(:good_job).and_return({})
+ expect(described_class.priority_ordered.pluck(:priority)).to eq([50, -50])
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.next_scheduled_at' do
+ let(:active_job) { TestJob.new }
+ it 'returns an empty array when nothing is scheduled' do
+ expect(described_class.all.next_scheduled_at).to eq []
+ end
+ it 'returns previously scheduled and unscheduled jobs' do
+ described_class.enqueue(TestJob.new, scheduled_at: 1.day.ago)
+ Timecop.travel 5.minutes.ago do
+ described_class.enqueue(TestJob.new, scheduled_at: nil)
+ end
+ expect(described_class.all.next_scheduled_at(now_limit: 5)).to contain_exactly(
+ within(2.seconds).of(1.day.ago),
+ within(2.seconds).of(5.minutes.ago)
+ )
+ end
+ it 'returns future scheduled jobs' do
+ 2.times do
+ described_class.enqueue(TestJob.new, scheduled_at: 1.day.from_now)
+ end
+ expect(described_class.all.next_scheduled_at(limit: 1)).to contain_exactly(
+ within(2.seconds).of(1.day.from_now)
+ )
+ end
+ it 'contains both past and future jobs' do
+ 2.times { described_class.enqueue(TestJob.new, scheduled_at: 1.day.ago) }
+ 2.times { described_class.enqueue(TestJob.new, scheduled_at: 1.day.from_now) }
+ expect(described_class.all.next_scheduled_at(limit: 1, now_limit: 1)).to contain_exactly(
+ within(2.seconds).of(1.day.ago),
+ within(2.seconds).of(1.day.from_now)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.display_all' do
+ let(:active_job) { TestJob.new }
+ it 'does not return jobs after last scheduled at' do
+ described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: '2021-05-14 09:33:16 +0200')
+ expect(described_class.display_all(after_scheduled_at: Time.zone.parse('2021-05-14 09:33:16 +0200')).count).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it 'does not return jobs after last scheduled at and job id' do
+ described_class.enqueue(active_job, scheduled_at: '2021-05-14 09:33:16 +0200')
+ job_id = described_class.last!.id
+ expect(
+ described_class.display_all(after_scheduled_at: Time.zone.parse('2021-05-14 09:33:16 +0200'), after_id: job_id).count
+ ).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#executable?' do
+ let(:good_job) { described_class.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid) }
+ it 'is true when locked' do
+ good_job.with_advisory_lock do
+ expect(good_job.executable?).to be true
+ end
+ end
+ it 'is false when job no longer exists' do
+ good_job.with_advisory_lock do
+ good_job.destroy!
+ expect(good_job.executable?).to be false
+ end
+ end
+ it 'is false when the job has finished' do
+ good_job.with_advisory_lock do
+ good_job.update! finished_at: Time.current
+ expect(good_job.executable?).to be false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#perform' do
+ let(:active_job) { TestJob.new("a string") }
+ let!(:good_job) { described_class.enqueue(active_job) }
+ describe 'return value' do
+ it 'returns the results of the job' do
+ result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(result.value).to eq "a string"
+ expect(result.unhandled_error).to be_nil
+ end
+ context 'when there is an error' do
+ let(:active_job) { TestJob.new("whoops", raise_error: true) }
+ let(:batch_id) { SecureRandom.uuid }
+ let!(:good_job) do
+ execution = nil
+ GoodJob::CurrentThread.within do
+ GoodJob::Batch.within_thread(batch_id: batch_id) do
+ GoodJob::CurrentThread.cron_key = 'test_key'
+ execution = described_class.enqueue(active_job)
+ end
+ end
+ execution
+ end
+ it 'returns the error' do
+ result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(result.value).to be_nil
+ expect(result.unhandled_error).to be_an_instance_of TestJob::ExpectedError
+ end
+ context 'when there is a retry handler' do
+ before do
+ ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :inline)
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
+ TestJob.retry_on(TestJob::ExpectedError, attempts: 2)
+ end
+ it 'copies job info, including the cron key to the new record' do
+ new_record = described_class.order(created_at: :asc).last
+ expect(new_record.active_job_id).to eq good_job.active_job_id
+ expect(new_record.cron_key).to eq "test_key"
+ expect(new_record.batch_id).to eq batch_id
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when there is an retry handler with exhausted attempts' do
+ before do
+ TestJob.retry_on(TestJob::ExpectedError, attempts: 1)
+ good_job.serialized_params["exception_executions"] = { "[TestJob::ExpectedError]" => 1 }
+ good_job.save!
+ end
+ it 'does not modify the original good_job serialized params' do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
+ expect do
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ end.not_to change { good_job.reload.serialized_params["exception_executions"]["[TestJob::ExpectedError]"] }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when error monitoring service intercepts exception' do
+ before do
+ # Similar to Sentry monitor's implementation
+ # https://github.com/getsentry/raven-ruby/blob/20b260a6d04e0ca01d5cddbd9728e6fc8ae9a90c/lib/raven/integrations/rails/active_job.rb#L21-L31
+ TestJob.around_perform do |_job, block|
+ block.call
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ next if rescue_with_handler(e)
+ raise e
+ ensure
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ it 'returns the error' do
+ result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(result.value).to be_nil
+ expect(result.unhandled_error).to be_an_instance_of TestJob::ExpectedError
+ end
+ context 'when retry_on is used' do
+ before do
+ TestJob.retry_on(StandardError, wait: 0, attempts: Float::INFINITY) { nil }
+ end
+ it 'returns the error' do
+ result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(result.value).to be_nil
+ expect(result.handled_error).to be_an_instance_of TestJob::ExpectedError
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when discard_on is used' do
+ before do
+ TestJob.discard_on(StandardError) { nil }
+ end
+ it 'returns the error' do
+ result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(result.value).to be_nil
+ expect(result.handled_error).to be_an_instance_of TestJob::ExpectedError
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'preserves the job by default' do
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
+ performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
+ )
+ end
+ it 'can destroy the job when preserve_job_records is false' do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(false)
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect { good_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ end
+ it 'destroys the job when preserving record only on error' do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(:on_unhandled_error)
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect { good_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ end
+ context 'when the job is directly re-enqueued' do
+ before do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(false)
+ TestJob.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :inline)
+ TestJob.after_perform do
+ enqueue(wait: 1.minute)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'does not destroy the execution records' do
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect { good_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the job is a cron job and records are not preserved' do
+ before do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(false)
+ TestJob.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :inline)
+ good_job.update(cron_key: "test_key", cron_at: Time.current)
+ end
+ it 'preserves the job record anyway' do
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
+ performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
+ )
+ end
+ end
- context "when undiscrete job" do
- let(:job) { undiscrete_job }
+ it 'raises an error if the job is attempted to be re-run' do
+ good_job.update!(finished_at: Time.current)
+ expect { good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id) }.to raise_error described_class::PreviouslyPerformedError
+ end
+ context 'when ActiveJob rescues an error' do
+ let(:active_job) { TestJob.new("a string", raise_error: true) }
- context 'when a job is finished' do
before do
- job.head_execution.update! finished_at: Time.current
+ TestJob.retry_on(StandardError, wait: 0, attempts: Float::INFINITY) { nil }
+ end
+ it 'returns the results of the job' do
+ result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(result.value).to be_nil
+ expect(result.handled_error).to be_a(TestJob::ExpectedError)
+ end
+ it 'can preserves the job' do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
+ error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
+ performed_at: nil,
+ finished_at: nil
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when ActiveJob raises an error' do
+ let(:active_job) { TestJob.new("a string", raise_error: true) }
+ it 'returns the results of the job' do
+ result = good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(result.value).to be_nil
+ expect(result.unhandled_error).to be_a(TestJob::ExpectedError)
- it 'destroys all the job executions' do
- job.destroy_job
+ describe 'GoodJob.retry_on_unhandled_error behavior' do
+ context 'when true' do
+ before do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:retry_on_unhandled_error).and_return(true)
+ end
+ it 'leaves the job record unfinished' do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
+ error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
+ performed_at: nil,
+ finished_at: nil
+ )
+ end
+ it 'does not destroy the job record' do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(false)
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect { good_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when false' do
+ before do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:retry_on_unhandled_error).and_return(false)
+ end
+ it 'destroys the job' do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(false)
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect { good_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ end
+ it 'can preserve the job' do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
+ error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
+ performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
+ )
+ end
+ it 'preserves the job when preserving record only on error' do
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(:on_unhandled_error)
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
- expect { head_execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- expect { tail_execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- expect { job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
+ error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
+ performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
+ )
+ end
+ end
- context 'when a job is not finished' do
- it 'raises an ActionForStateMismatchError' do
- expect { job.destroy_job }.to raise_error GoodJob::Job::ActionForStateMismatchError
+ context 'when Discrete' do
+ before do
+ ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = GoodJob::Adapter.new(execution_mode: :inline)
+ allow(described_class).to receive(:discrete_support?).and_return(true)
+ good_job.update!(is_discrete: true)
+ end
+ it 'updates the Execution record and creates a DiscreteExecution record' do
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
+ executions_count: 1,
+ finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current)
+ )
+ dexecution = good_job.discrete_executions.first
+ expect(dexecution).to be_present
+ expect(dexecution).to have_attributes(
+ active_job_id: good_job.active_job_id,
+ job_class: good_job.job_class,
+ queue_name: good_job.queue_name,
+ created_at: within(0.001).of(good_job.performed_at),
+ scheduled_at: within(0.001).of(good_job.created_at),
+ finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ duration: be_present,
+ error: nil,
+ serialized_params: good_job.serialized_params
+ )
+ end
+ context 'when ActiveJob rescues an error' do
+ let(:active_job) { TestJob.new("a string", raise_error: true) }
+ let!(:good_job) { described_class.enqueue(active_job) }
+ before do
+ allow(described_class).to receive(:discrete_support?).and_return(true)
+ allow(GoodJob).to receive(:preserve_job_records).and_return(true)
+ TestJob.retry_on(StandardError, wait: 1.hour, attempts: 2) { nil }
+ good_job.update!(is_discrete: true)
+ end
+ it 'updates the existing Execution/Job record instead of creating a new one' do
+ expect { good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id) }
+ .to not_change(described_class, :count)
+ .and change { good_job.reload.serialized_params["executions"] }.by(1)
+ .and not_change { good_job.reload.id }
+ .and not_change { described_class.count }
+ expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
+ error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
+ created_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ performed_at: nil,
+ finished_at: nil,
+ scheduled_at: within(10.minutes).of(1.hour.from_now) # interval because of retry jitter
+ )
+ expect(GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.count).to eq(1)
+ discrete_execution = good_job.discrete_executions.first
+ expect(discrete_execution).to have_attributes(
+ active_job_id: good_job.active_job_id,
+ error: "TestJob::ExpectedError: Raised expected error",
+ created_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ scheduled_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ duration: be_present
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when retry_job is invoked directly during execution' do
+ before do
+ TestJob.after_perform do |job|
+ job.retry_job wait: 1.second
+ end
+ end
+ it 'finishes the execution but does not finish the job' do
+ good_job.perform(lock_id: process_id)
+ expect(good_job.reload).to have_attributes(
+ performed_at: nil,
+ finished_at: nil,
+ scheduled_at: within(0.5).of(1.second.from_now)
+ )
+ expect(good_job.discrete_executions.size).to eq(1)
+ expect(good_job.discrete_executions.first).to have_attributes(
+ performed_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ finished_at: within(1.second).of(Time.current),
+ duration: be_present
+ )
+ end
+ describe '#queue_latency' do
+ let(:execution) { described_class.create! }
+ it 'is nil for future scheduled execution' do
+ execution.scheduled_at = 1.minute.from_now
+ expect(execution.queue_latency).to be_nil
+ end
+ it 'is distance between scheduled_at and now for past scheduled job' do
+ execution.scheduled_at = 1.minute.ago
+ expect(execution.queue_latency).to be_within(0.1).of(Time.zone.now - execution.scheduled_at)
+ end
+ it 'is distance between created_at and now for queued job' do
+ execution.scheduled_at = nil
+ expect(execution.queue_latency).to be_within(0.1).of(Time.zone.now - execution.created_at)
+ end
+ it 'is distance between created_at and performed_at for started job' do
+ execution.scheduled_at = nil
+ execution.performed_at = 10.seconds.ago
+ expect(execution.queue_latency).to eq(execution.performed_at - execution.created_at)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#runtime_latency" do
+ let(:execution) { described_class.create! }
+ it 'is nil for queued job' do
+ expect(execution.runtime_latency).to be_nil
+ end
+ it 'is distance between performed_at and now for started job' do
+ execution.performed_at = 10.seconds.ago
+ execution.finished_at = nil
+ expect(execution.runtime_latency).to be_within(0.1).of(Time.zone.now - execution.performed_at)
+ end
+ it 'is distance between performed_at and finished_at' do
+ execution.performed_at = 5.seconds.ago
+ execution.finished_at = 1.second.ago
+ expect(execution.runtime_latency).to eq(execution.finished_at - execution.performed_at)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/generators/good_job/update_generator_spec.rb b/spec/generators/good_job/update_generator_spec.rb
index 7ed2e2fcb..d97d8a3d5 100644
--- a/spec/generators/good_job/update_generator_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/generators/good_job/update_generator_spec.rb
@@ -18,19 +18,20 @@
expect(Dir.glob("#{example_app_path}/db/migrate/[0-9]*_create_good_jobs.rb")).not_to be_empty
# TODO: remove/replace this when migrations are removed/re-added
- expect(Dir.glob("#{example_app_path}/db/migrate/[0-9]*_create_good_job_settings.rb")).not_to be_empty
+ # expect(Dir.glob("#{example_app_path}/db/migrate/[0-9]*_create_good_job_settings.rb")).not_to be_empty
quiet do
run_in_example_app 'rails db:migrate'
+ # TODO: update this when a new migration exists in v4
# Check that `GoodJob.migrated?` is updated
- expect(GoodJob.migrated?).to be true
- quiet do
- run_in_example_app 'rails db:rollback'
- expect(GoodJob.migrated?).to be false
- run_in_example_app 'rails db:migrate'
- end
+ # expect(GoodJob.migrated?).to be true
+ # quiet do
+ # run_in_example_app 'rails db:rollback'
+ # expect(GoodJob.migrated?).to be false
+ # run_in_example_app 'rails db:migrate'
+ # end
expect(GoodJob.migrated?).to be true
diff --git a/spec/integration/adapter_spec.rb b/spec/integration/adapter_spec.rb
index bfb063a55..f42d804ba 100644
--- a/spec/integration/adapter_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/integration/adapter_spec.rb
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def perform(*_args, **_kwargs)
describe '#perform_later' do
it 'assigns a provider_job_id' do
enqueued_job = TestJob.perform_later
- execution = GoodJob::Execution.find(enqueued_job.provider_job_id)
+ execution = GoodJob::Job.find(enqueued_job.provider_job_id)
expect(enqueued_job.provider_job_id).to eq execution.id
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ def perform(*_args, **_kwargs)
it 'without a scheduled time' do
expect do
TestJob.perform_later('first', 'second', keyword_arg: 'keyword_arg')
- end.to change(GoodJob::Execution, :count).by(1)
+ end.to change(GoodJob::Job, :count).by(1)
- execution = GoodJob::Execution.last
- expect(execution).to be_present
- expect(execution).to have_attributes(
+ job = GoodJob::Job.last
+ expect(job).to be_present
+ expect(job).to have_attributes(
queue_name: 'test',
priority: 50,
scheduled_at: within(1).of(Time.current)
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ def perform(*_args, **_kwargs)
it 'with a scheduled time' do
expect do
TestJob.set(wait: 1.minute, priority: 100).perform_later('first', 'second', keyword_arg: 'keyword_arg')
- end.to change(GoodJob::Execution, :count).by(1)
+ end.to change(GoodJob::Job, :count).by(1)
- execution = GoodJob::Execution.last
- expect(execution).to have_attributes(
+ job = GoodJob::Job.last
+ expect(job).to have_attributes(
queue_name: 'test',
priority: 100,
scheduled_at: be_within(1.second).of(1.minute.from_now)
diff --git a/spec/integration/batch_spec.rb b/spec/integration/batch_spec.rb
index 5665852eb..58aa0cf30 100644
--- a/spec/integration/batch_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/integration/batch_spec.rb
@@ -216,12 +216,11 @@ def perform(*_args, **_kwargs)
expect(GoodJob::Job.count).to eq 3
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.count).to eq 3
expect(GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.count).to eq 5
expect(GoodJob::Job.where(batch_id: batch.id).count).to eq 1
expect(GoodJob::Job.where(batch_callback_id: batch.id).count).to eq 2
- callback_arguments = GoodJob::Job.where(batch_callback_id: batch.id).map { |job| job.head_execution.active_job.arguments.second }
+ callback_arguments = GoodJob::Job.where(batch_callback_id: batch.id).map { |job| job.active_job.arguments.second }
expect(callback_arguments).to contain_exactly({ event: :discard }, { event: :finish })
@@ -232,12 +231,11 @@ def perform(*_args, **_kwargs)
expect(GoodJob::Job.count).to eq 3
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.count).to eq 3
expect(GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.count).to eq 5
expect(GoodJob::Job.where(batch_id: batch.id).count).to eq 1
expect(GoodJob::Job.where(batch_callback_id: batch.id).count).to eq 2
- callback_arguments = GoodJob::Job.where(batch_callback_id: batch.id).map { |job| job.head_execution.active_job.arguments.second }
+ callback_arguments = GoodJob::Job.where(batch_callback_id: batch.id).map { |job| job.active_job.arguments.second }
expect(callback_arguments).to contain_exactly({ event: :success }, { event: :finish })
diff --git a/spec/integration/scheduler_spec.rb b/spec/integration/scheduler_spec.rb
index de68e92d3..4683891fc 100644
--- a/spec/integration/scheduler_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/integration/scheduler_spec.rb
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ def perform(*_args, **_kwargs)
puts "Thread #{thread_name} owns #{locks_count} locks."
puts "GoodJobs locked by this connection:"
- GoodJob::Execution.owns_advisory_locked.select('good_jobs.id', 'good_jobs.active_job_id', 'pg_locks.*').each do |execution|
+ GoodJob::Job.owns_advisory_locked.select('good_jobs.id', 'good_jobs.active_job_id', 'pg_locks.*').each do |execution|
puts " - GoodJob #{execution.id} / ActiveJob #{execution.active_job_id} / #{execution.attributes.to_json}"
@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ def perform(*args, **kwargs)
scheduler = GoodJob::Scheduler.new(performer, max_threads: max_threads)
max_threads.times { scheduler.create_thread }
- wait_until(max: 60, increments_of: 0.5) { expect(GoodJob::Execution.unfinished.count).to be_zero }
+ wait_until(max: 60, increments_of: 0.5) { expect(GoodJob::Job.unfinished.count).to be_zero }
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.unfinished.count).to eq(0), -> { "Unworked jobs are #{GoodJob::Execution.unfinished.map(&:id)}" }
+ expect(GoodJob::Job.unfinished.count).to eq(0), -> { "Unworked jobs are #{GoodJob::Job.unfinished.map(&:id)}" }
expect(RUN_JOBS.size).to eq(number_of_jobs), lambda {
jobs_tally = RUN_JOBS.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) do |(provider_job_id, _job_id, _thread_name), hash|
hash[provider_job_id] += 1
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def perform(*args, **kwargs)
sleep_until(max: 10, increments_of: 0.5) do
- GoodJob::Execution.unfinished.count.zero?
+ GoodJob::Job.unfinished.count.zero?
expect(scheduler).to be_shutdown
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def perform(*args, **kwargs)
wait_until(max: 5, increments_of: 0.5) do
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.unfinished.count).to eq 0
+ expect(GoodJob::Job.unfinished.count).to eq 0
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ def perform(*args, **kwargs)
performer = GoodJob::JobPerformer.new('*')
scheduler = GoodJob::Scheduler.new(performer, max_threads: 5, max_cache: 5)
- sleep_until(max: 5, increments_of: 0.5) { GoodJob::Execution.unfinished.count.zero? }
+ sleep_until(max: 5, increments_of: 0.5) { GoodJob::Job.unfinished.count.zero? }
expect(scheduler).to be_shutdown
diff --git a/spec/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/concurrency_spec.rb b/spec/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/concurrency_spec.rb
index e6c951633..d58f7b8e6 100644
--- a/spec/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/concurrency_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/concurrency_spec.rb
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ def perform(name:)
expect(TestJob.perform_later(name: "Alice")).to be_present
Rails.application.executor.wrap do
- GoodJob::Execution.all.with_advisory_lock do
+ GoodJob::Job.all.with_advisory_lock do
expect(TestJob.perform_later(name: "Alice")).to be false
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ def perform(name:)
# Usage of different key does enqueue
expect(TestJob.perform_later(name: "Bob")).to be_present
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.where(concurrency_key: "Alice").count).to eq 2
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.where(concurrency_key: "Bob").count).to eq 1
+ expect(GoodJob::Job.where(concurrency_key: "Alice").count).to eq 2
+ expect(GoodJob::Job.where(concurrency_key: "Bob").count).to eq 1
expect(TestJob.logger.formatter).to have_received(:call).with("INFO", anything, anything, a_string_matching(/Aborted enqueue of TestJob \(Job ID: .*\) because the concurrency key 'Alice' has reached its enqueue limit of 2 jobs/)).exactly(:once)
if ActiveJob.gem_version >= Gem::Version.new("6.1.0")
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def perform(name:)
# Lock one of the jobs
Rails.application.executor.wrap do
- GoodJob::Execution.first.with_advisory_lock do
+ GoodJob::Job.first.with_advisory_lock do
# Third usage does enqueue
expect(TestJob.perform_later(name: "Alice")).to be_present
@@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ def perform(*)
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.count).to eq 1
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.first.concurrency_key).to be_present
+ expect(GoodJob::Job.count).to eq 1
+ expect(GoodJob::Job.first.concurrency_key).to be_present
expect(GoodJob::Job.first).not_to be_finished
@@ -254,15 +254,16 @@ def perform(*)
TestJob.set(wait_until: 5.minutes.ago).perform_later(name: "Alice")
GoodJob::Job.first.update!(is_discrete: false)
+ original_concurrency_key = GoodJob::Job.last.concurrency_key
+ expect(original_concurrency_key).to be_present
rescue StandardError
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.count).to eq 2
- first_execution, retried_execution = GoodJob::Execution.order(created_at: :asc).to_a
- expect(retried_execution.concurrency_key).to eq first_execution.concurrency_key
+ expect(GoodJob::Job.last.concurrency_key).to eq original_concurrency_key
diff --git a/spec/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/interrupt_errors_spec.rb b/spec/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/interrupt_errors_spec.rb
index b406d4cb4..e5cea4f50 100644
--- a/spec/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/interrupt_errors_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/good_job/active_job_extensions/interrupt_errors_spec.rb
@@ -30,47 +30,15 @@ def perform
- context 'when discrete execution is NOT enabled' do
- before do
- allow(GoodJob::Execution).to receive(:discrete_support?).and_return(false)
- end
- it 'is rescuable' do
- TestJob.retry_on GoodJob::InterruptError
- expect { GoodJob.perform_inline }.not_to raise_error
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.count).to eq(2)
- job = GoodJob::Job.first
- expect(job.executions.order(created_at: :asc).to_a).to contain_exactly(have_attributes(
- performed_at: be_present,
- finished_at: be_present,
- error: start_with('GoodJob::InterruptError: Interrupted after starting perform at'),
- error_event: GoodJob::Job::ERROR_EVENT_RETRIED
- ), have_attributes(
- performed_at: nil,
- finished_at: nil,
- error: nil,
- error_event: nil
- ))
- end
- end
context 'when discrete execution is enabled' do
- before do
- allow(GoodJob::Execution).to receive(:discrete_support?).and_return(true)
- end
it 'does not create a new execution' do
TestJob.retry_on GoodJob::InterruptError
expect { GoodJob.perform_inline }.not_to raise_error
expect(GoodJob::Job.count).to eq(1)
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.count).to eq(1)
expect(GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.count).to eq(2)
job = GoodJob::Job.first
- expect(job.executions.count).to eq(1)
expect(job.discrete_executions.count).to eq(2)
expect(job).to have_attributes(
performed_at: be_blank,
@@ -83,7 +51,7 @@ def perform
expect(initial_discrete_execution).to have_attributes(
performed_at: be_present,
finished_at: be_present,
- duration: GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.duration_interval_usable? ? be_present : nil,
+ duration: be_present,
error: start_with('GoodJob::InterruptError: Interrupted after starting perform at'),
error_event: GoodJob::Job::ERROR_EVENT_INTERRUPTED
@@ -92,7 +60,7 @@ def perform
expect(retried_discrete_execution).to have_attributes(
performed_at: be_present,
finished_at: be_present,
- duration: GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.duration_interval_usable? ? be_present : nil,
+ duration: be_present,
error: start_with('GoodJob::InterruptError: Interrupted after starting perform at'),
error_event: GoodJob::Job::ERROR_EVENT_RETRIED
diff --git a/spec/lib/good_job/adapter_spec.rb b/spec/lib/good_job/adapter_spec.rb
index 589c23acd..19cc515d4 100644
--- a/spec/lib/good_job/adapter_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/good_job/adapter_spec.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
RSpec.describe GoodJob::Adapter do
let(:adapter) { described_class.new(execution_mode: :external) }
let(:active_job) { instance_double(ActiveJob::Base) }
- let(:good_job) { instance_double(GoodJob::Execution, queue_name: 'default', scheduled_at: nil, job_state: { queue_name: 'default' }) }
+ let(:good_job) { instance_double(GoodJob::Job, queue_name: 'default', scheduled_at: nil, job_state: { queue_name: 'default' }) }
before do
GoodJob.configuration.instance_variable_set(:@_in_webserver, nil)
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
- it 'calls GoodJob::Execution.enqueue with parameters' do
- allow(GoodJob::Execution).to receive(:enqueue).and_return(good_job)
+ it 'calls GoodJob::Job.enqueue with parameters' do
+ allow(GoodJob::Job).to receive(:enqueue).and_return(good_job)
- expect(GoodJob::Execution).to have_received(:enqueue).with(
+ expect(GoodJob::Job).to have_received(:enqueue).with(
scheduled_at: nil
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def perform(succeed: true)
context 'when async' do
it 'triggers the capsule and the notifier' do
- allow(GoodJob::Execution).to receive(:enqueue).and_return(good_job)
+ allow(GoodJob::Job).to receive(:enqueue).and_return(good_job)
allow(GoodJob::Notifier).to receive(:notify)
capsule = instance_double(GoodJob::Capsule, start: nil, create_thread: nil)
@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ def perform(succeed: true)
describe '#enqueue_at' do
- it 'calls GoodJob::Execution.enqueue with parameters' do
- allow(GoodJob::Execution).to receive(:enqueue).and_return(good_job)
+ it 'calls GoodJob::Job.enqueue with parameters' do
+ allow(GoodJob::Job).to receive(:enqueue).and_return(good_job)
scheduled_at = 1.minute.from_now
adapter.enqueue_at(active_job, scheduled_at.to_i)
- expect(GoodJob::Execution).to have_received(:enqueue).with(
+ expect(GoodJob::Job).to have_received(:enqueue).with(
scheduled_at: scheduled_at.change(usec: 0)
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ def perform(succeed: true)
context 'when a job fails to enqueue' do
it 'does not set a provider_job_id' do
- allow(GoodJob::Execution).to receive(:insert_all).and_wrap_original do |original_method, *args|
+ allow(GoodJob::Job).to receive(:insert_all).and_wrap_original do |original_method, *args|
attributes, kwargs = *args
original_method.call(attributes[0, 1], **kwargs) # pretend only the first item is successfully inserted
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ def perform(succeed: true)
it 'sets successfully_enqueued, if Rails supports it' do
- allow(GoodJob::Execution).to receive(:insert_all).and_wrap_original do |original_method, *args|
+ allow(GoodJob::Job).to receive(:insert_all).and_wrap_original do |original_method, *args|
attributes, kwargs = *args
original_method.call(attributes[0, 1], **kwargs) # pretend only the first item is successfully inserted
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ def perform(succeed: true)
stub_const 'PERFORMED', []
stub_const 'TestJob', (Class.new(ActiveJob::Base) do
def perform
- raise "Not advisory locked" unless GoodJob::Execution.find(provider_job_id).advisory_locked?
+ raise "Not advisory locked" unless GoodJob::Job.find(provider_job_id).advisory_locked?
PERFORMED << Time.current
diff --git a/spec/lib/good_job/cli_spec.rb b/spec/lib/good_job/cli_spec.rb
index 4d47ad713..f07d54ae9 100644
--- a/spec/lib/good_job/cli_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/good_job/cli_spec.rb
@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@
describe '#cleanup_preserved_jobs' do
- let!(:recent_job) { GoodJob::Execution.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, finished_at: 12.hours.ago) }
- let!(:old_unfinished_job) { GoodJob::Execution.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, scheduled_at: 2.days.ago, finished_at: nil) }
- let!(:old_finished_job) { GoodJob::Execution.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, finished_at: 36.hours.ago) }
+ let!(:recent_job) { GoodJob::Job.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, finished_at: 12.hours.ago) }
+ let!(:old_unfinished_job) { GoodJob::Job.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, scheduled_at: 2.days.ago, finished_at: nil) }
+ let!(:old_finished_job) { GoodJob::Job.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, finished_at: 36.hours.ago) }
it 'destroys finished jobs' do
cli = described_class.new([], { before_seconds_ago: 24.hours.to_i }, {})
diff --git a/spec/lib/good_job/cron_manager_spec.rb b/spec/lib/good_job/cron_manager_spec.rb
index 77d3aac4a..ca5f2730e 100644
--- a/spec/lib/good_job/cron_manager_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/good_job/cron_manager_spec.rb
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@
cron_manager = described_class.new(cron_entries, start_on_initialize: true)
wait_until(max: 5) do
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.count).to be > 3
+ expect(GoodJob::Job.count).to be > 3
- execution = GoodJob::Execution.first
- expect(execution).to have_attributes(
+ job = GoodJob::Job.first
+ expect(job).to have_attributes(
cron_key: 'example',
priority: -10
@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@
other_cron_manager = described_class.new(cron_entries, start_on_initialize: true)
wait_until(max: 5) do
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.count).to be > 3
+ expect(GoodJob::Job.count).to be > 3
- executions = GoodJob::Execution.all.to_a
- expect(executions.size).to eq executions.map(&:cron_at).uniq.size
+ jobs = GoodJob::Job.all.to_a
+ expect(jobs.size).to eq jobs.map(&:cron_at).uniq.size
it 'respects the disabled setting' do
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
sleep 2
- expect(GoodJob::Execution.count).to eq 0
+ expect(GoodJob::Job.count).to eq 0
context 'when schedule is a proc' do
diff --git a/spec/lib/good_job/current_thread_spec.rb b/spec/lib/good_job/current_thread_spec.rb
index 00fd5a19e..d336f20b8 100644
--- a/spec/lib/good_job/current_thread_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/good_job/current_thread_spec.rb
@@ -8,13 +8,12 @@
- :execution,
- :execution,
+ :job,
].each do |accessor|
describe ".#{accessor}" do
it 'maintains value across threads' do
@@ -44,13 +43,13 @@
describe '.active_job_id' do
- let!(:execution) { GoodJob::Execution.create! active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid }
+ let!(:job) { GoodJob::Job.create! active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid }
it 'delegates to good_job' do
expect(described_class.active_job_id).to be_nil
- described_class.execution = execution
- expect(described_class.active_job_id).to eq execution.active_job_id
+ described_class.job = job
+ expect(described_class.active_job_id).to eq job.active_job_id
@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@
error_on_discard: false,
error_on_retry: false,
error_on_retry_stopped: nil,
- execution: instance_double(GoodJob::Execution),
+ job: instance_double(GoodJob::Job),
execution_interrupted: nil,
execution_retried: nil,
retry_now: nil,
diff --git a/spec/lib/good_job/job_performer_spec.rb b/spec/lib/good_job/job_performer_spec.rb
index d83ae37ff..adf145633 100644
--- a/spec/lib/good_job/job_performer_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/good_job/job_performer_spec.rb
@@ -13,19 +13,19 @@
describe '#next' do
it 'calls GoodJob.perform_with_advisory_lock' do
- allow(GoodJob::Execution).to receive(:perform_with_advisory_lock)
+ allow(GoodJob::Job).to receive(:perform_with_advisory_lock)
job_performer = described_class.new('*')
- expect(GoodJob::Execution).to have_received(:perform_with_advisory_lock)
+ expect(GoodJob::Job).to have_received(:perform_with_advisory_lock)
it 'records the active job id for the duration of #next' do
job_performer = described_class.new('*')
- execution = instance_double(GoodJob::Execution, perform: nil, active_job_id: '123')
- allow(GoodJob::Execution).to receive(:perform_with_advisory_lock) do |&block|
+ execution = instance_double(GoodJob::Job, perform: nil, active_job_id: '123')
+ allow(GoodJob::Job).to receive(:perform_with_advisory_lock) do |&block|
expect(job_performer.performing_active_job_ids).to include('123')
diff --git a/spec/lib/good_job_spec.rb b/spec/lib/good_job_spec.rb
index 5c25cc00e..098e4f230 100644
--- a/spec/lib/good_job_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/good_job_spec.rb
@@ -53,23 +53,21 @@
describe '.cleanup_preserved_jobs' do
- let!(:recent_job) { GoodJob::Execution.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, finished_at: 12.hours.ago) }
- let!(:old_unfinished_job) { GoodJob::Execution.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, scheduled_at: 15.days.ago, finished_at: nil) }
- let!(:old_finished_job) { GoodJob::Execution.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, finished_at: 15.days.ago) }
- let!(:old_finished_job_execution) { GoodJob::Execution.create!(active_job_id: old_finished_job.active_job_id, retried_good_job_id: old_finished_job.id, finished_at: 16.days.ago) }
+ let!(:recent_job) { GoodJob::Job.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, finished_at: 12.hours.ago) }
+ let!(:old_unfinished_job) { GoodJob::Job.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, scheduled_at: 15.days.ago, finished_at: nil) }
+ let!(:old_finished_job) { GoodJob::Job.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, finished_at: 15.days.ago) }
let!(:old_finished_job_discrete_execution) { GoodJob::DiscreteExecution.create!(active_job_id: old_finished_job.active_job_id, finished_at: 16.days.ago) }
- let!(:old_discarded_job) { GoodJob::Execution.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, finished_at: 15.days.ago, error: "Error") }
+ let!(:old_discarded_job) { GoodJob::Job.create!(active_job_id: SecureRandom.uuid, finished_at: 15.days.ago, error: "Error") }
let!(:old_batch) { GoodJob::BatchRecord.create!(finished_at: 15.days.ago) }
it 'deletes finished jobs' do
destroyed_records_count = described_class.cleanup_preserved_jobs(in_batches_of: 1)
- expect(destroyed_records_count).to eq 5
+ expect(destroyed_records_count).to eq 4
expect { recent_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
expect { old_unfinished_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
expect { old_finished_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- expect { old_finished_job_execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
expect { old_finished_job_discrete_execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
expect { old_discarded_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
expect { old_batch.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
@@ -78,12 +76,11 @@
it 'takes arguments' do
destroyed_records_count = described_class.cleanup_preserved_jobs(older_than: 10.seconds)
- expect(destroyed_records_count).to eq 6
+ expect(destroyed_records_count).to eq 5
expect { recent_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
expect { old_unfinished_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
expect { old_finished_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- expect { old_finished_job_execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
expect { old_finished_job_discrete_execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
expect { old_discarded_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
expect { old_batch.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
@@ -104,12 +101,11 @@
allow(described_class.configuration).to receive(:env).and_return ENV.to_hash.merge({ 'GOOD_JOB_CLEANUP_DISCARDED_JOBS' => 'false' })
destroyed_records_count = described_class.cleanup_preserved_jobs
- expect(destroyed_records_count).to eq 4
+ expect(destroyed_records_count).to eq 3
expect { recent_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
expect { old_unfinished_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
expect { old_finished_job.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- expect { old_finished_job_execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
expect { old_finished_job_discrete_execution.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
expect { old_discarded_job.reload }.not_to raise_error
expect { old_batch.reload }.to raise_error ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
diff --git a/spec/support/reset_good_job.rb b/spec/support/reset_good_job.rb
index d484c6187..aafd2a637 100644
--- a/spec/support/reset_good_job.rb
+++ b/spec/support/reset_good_job.rb
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
puts "There are #{own_locks.count} advisory locks still open by the current database connection AFTER test run."
puts "\nAdvisory locked executions:"
- GoodJob::Execution.advisory_locked.owns_advisory_locked.each do |execution|
+ GoodJob::Job.advisory_locked.owns_advisory_locked.each do |execution|
puts " - Execution ID: #{execution.id} / Active Job ID: #{execution.active_job_id}"
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
puts "There are #{other_locks.count} advisory locks owned by other connections still open AFTER test run."
puts "\nAdvisory locked executions:"
- GoodJob::Execution.advisory_locked.each do |execution|
+ GoodJob::Job.advisory_locked.each do |execution|
puts " - Execution ID: #{execution.id} / Active Job ID: #{execution.active_job_id} / Locked by: #{execution[:pid]}"
@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@ def self.debug_own_locks(connection)
output = []
output << "There are #{count} advisory locks still open by the current database connection."
- GoodJob::Execution.include(GoodJob::OverridableConnection)
- GoodJob::Execution.override_connection(connection) do
- GoodJob::Execution.owns_advisory_locked.each.with_index do |execution, index|
- output << "\nAdvisory locked GoodJob::Execution:" if index.zero?
- output << " - Execution ID: #{execution.id} / Active Job ID: #{execution.active_job_id}"
+ GoodJob::Job.include(GoodJob::OverridableConnection)
+ GoodJob::Job.override_connection(connection) do
+ GoodJob::Job.owns_advisory_locked.each.with_index do |job, index|
+ output << "\nAdvisory locked GoodJob::Job:" if index.zero?
+ output << " - Job ID: #{job.id} / Active Job ID: #{job.active_job_id}"
@@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ def unlock
ActiveRecord::Relation::QueryAttribute.new('classid', classid, ActiveRecord::Type::String.new),
ActiveRecord::Relation::QueryAttribute.new('objid', objid, ActiveRecord::Type::String.new),
- self.class.connection.exec_query(GoodJob::Execution.pg_or_jdbc_query(query), 'PgLock Advisory Unlock', binds).first['unlocked']
+ self.class.connection.exec_query(GoodJob::Job.pg_or_jdbc_query(query), 'PgLock Advisory Unlock', binds).first['unlocked']
def unlock!
query = <<~SQL.squish
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(#{self[:pid]}) AS terminated
- self.class.connection.exec_query(GoodJob::Execution.pg_or_jdbc_query(query), 'PgLock Terminate Backend Lock', []).first['terminated']
+ self.class.connection.exec_query(GoodJob::Job.pg_or_jdbc_query(query), 'PgLock Terminate Backend Lock', []).first['terminated']
diff --git a/spec/system/jobs_spec.rb b/spec/system/jobs_spec.rb
index 93d5ca390..6dda74d97 100644
--- a/spec/system/jobs_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/system/jobs_spec.rb
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
accept_confirm { click_link 'Discard job' }
expect(page).to have_content "Job has been discarded"
- end.to change { unfinished_job.head_execution(reload: true).finished_at }.from(nil).to within(1.second).of(Time.current)
+ end.to change { unfinished_job.reload.finished_at }.from(nil).to within(1.second).of(Time.current)
it 'can force discard jobs' do
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
accept_confirm { click_link 'Force discard' }
expect(page).to have_content "Job has been force discarded"
- end.to change { unfinished_job.head_execution(reload: true).finished_at }.from(nil).to within(1.second).of(Time.current)
+ end.to change { unfinished_job.reload.finished_at }.from(nil).to within(1.second).of(Time.current)