This folder contains example applications for IceRPC. Each example is a simple client-server application that demonstrates a specific feature or programming technique.
The project files for the examples use NuGet packages for IceRPC and Slice. The version of the referenced NuGet packages is branch-specific:
icerpc-csharp branch | Referenced NuGet package version | .NET version |
0.1.x | 0.1.* | .NET 7.0 |
main | Not yet published on | .NET 8.0 |
If you want to build the examples for a released version (such as 0.1.x), please checkout the corresponding release branch. For example:
git checkout -b 0.1.x origin/0.1.x
Then, when you build an example, the build uses the NuGet packages published on
If you want to build the examples on the main
branch, you first need to build and publish locally the latest version
of the NuGet packages, as described in BUILDING.
Compress | Shows how to use the compress interceptor and middleware. |
Deadline | Shows how to use the deadline interceptor to set the invocation deadline. |
Download | Shows how to download a file from a server by streaming this file. |
GenericHost | Shows how to create client and server applications using Microsoft's Dependency Injection container. |
Greeter | Shows how to call and implement a canonical Greeter service. |
GreeterCore | The Greeter example updated to use IceRPC's core API—without Slice definitions or generated code. |
GreeterJson | The Greeter example updated to use JSON instead of Slice. |
GreeterLog | The Greeter example updated to include logging. |
GreeterProtobuf | The Greeter example updated to use Protobuf instead of Slice. |
GreeterQuic | The Greeter example updated to use the QUIC transport. |
Interop | Contains examples that shows how IceRPC interoperates with ZeroC Ice. |
Metrics | Shows how to use the metrics interceptor and middleware. |
RequestContext | Shows how to attach information to an invocation and retrieve this information from the dispatch in the server. |
Retry | Shows how to use the retry interceptor to retry failed requests. |
Secure | Shows how to secure TCP connections with TLS. |
Stream | Shows how to stream data from a client to a server. |
Telemetry | Shows how to use the telemetry interceptor and middleware. |
Thermostat | Shows how to send requests via an intermediary server; includes sending requests the "other way around", from a server to a client. |
Upload | Shows how to upload a file from a client to a server by streaming this file. |