We welcome conributions regarding bug or syntax fixes, new 1D Heat Equation functions in different languages, parallel paradigms, and library implementations, and codes in different versions of the Heat Equation including (but not limited to) different dimensions and the LaPlace Equation. All changes can be sumbitted via a pull request, and testing for proper syntax and runnability is left to the contributor. Please Note: Submitted codes should not be fully-working programs, but instead a markdown file with the language/library used as the title and the function(s) as a code block (See the 1D Heat Equation written in C as an example).
Below is a quick summary of the code layout and how to submit a pull request.
The Heat Equation Showcase repository has the following structure:
├── 1DLibImplementations
│ ├── 1DExplicitHeat.md
│ └── MFEM.md
├── 1DParallelHeat
│ └── OpenMP.md
├── 1DSerialHeat
│ ├── C.md
│ ├── Fortran90.md
│ ├── Julia.md
│ ├── MatLab.md
│ └── Python.md
└── 3rdPartyHeatEquations.md
As shown, the folders in the root describe which Heat Equation the folder contains along with the implementation style (library, parallel, or serial implementation). Inside the library implementation folder contains markdown files titled the name of the library the code in the file contains. For the non-library implementation directories, the files inside are simply titled the name of the programming language/paradigm used. Currently, this repository only supports code relating to the 1D Heat Equation, but if different versions are contributed the file structure of the repository will change.
For more information regarding the codes inside this repository, see the README.md in the root.
If you would like to submit new code into the repository, please follow the following steps:
1. Clone the Repository and Create a New Branch
# In a terminal:
git clone https://github.com/betterscientificsoftware/hello-heat-equation
# Create new branch:
git checkout master
git pull
git checkout -b develop
2. Create the Changes in Your New Branch, Committing Locally
3. (One Time Only) Push Branch to GitHub and Setup Local Branch to Track GitHub Branch
git push -u origin develop
4. When Ready, Create a Pull Request Towards to Master Branch After the pull request is made, we will respond within 10 days with any feedback or changes that need to be made before pushing the changes into the master branch.
For questions or concerns, submit an issue in this repository or send an email to Heather Switzer at [email protected].