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File metadata and controls

174 lines (129 loc) · 7.3 KB

Implementation notes

Scripts live in the scripts subdirectory.

All functionality is spread over a Bash script (slacktenure), two awk scripts (generateturnover and stats), and two gnuplot scripts (turnover.gpi and durationboxplot.gpi). Five steps in the composite steps action defined in action.yml tie everything together.

corrtool is a helper script to generate entries for and validate corrections.csv.

Update user data and generate a diff

slacktenure gets the list of all users from the Slack workspace, and throws away bot users and restricted users (guests). The workspace is determined by the Slack API bot token, which is required to be set in the environment as $BOT_TOKEN.

The user list is stored in an intermediate file, users.json.

The core functionality of updating users lives in the tenureupdate function. After writing the headers later used in tenures.tsv, it loops over the output of the extractids function, which pulls user IDs, names, active status, and titles out of users.json.

Then, for each user:

  • gets an entry from the corrections file, if one exists
  • skips to the next entry if the correction file indicates the user should be deleted
  • compares current and new status; if there is no current status, the user is considered fresh
  • if a user was previously active and is now deleted, it gets the timestamp of their most recent message; this requires a Slack API user token to be set in the environment as $USER_TOKEN
    • if there is no message to be found, the current time is used instead as the departure date; assuming the action is run frequently, this isn't too far off in most cases
  • if the user is fresh, the timestamp of their first message (or the current time, if they haven't posted yet) is set as their join date and the user is updated to active
  • applies corrections for first and last timestamp where available
  • prints the updated and corrected vales to tenures_new.tsv

The intermediate users.json is now deleted, and a file containing the unified diff between tenures_new.tsv and tenures.tsv is generated. This also generates diff subdirectories for year and month if needed; if the diff file is empty, it is deleted again. tenures_new.tsv is now renamed to tenures.tsv.

Finally, the main README is generated containing the link to the latest diff and an update stats table; if there is no corrections file, the lines mentioning it are filtered.

The Markdown tables are generated from tenures.tsv by removing the header row, sorting by the appropriate fields, and adding an employee number before inserting table markup. The table with tenures ordered by duration takes the difference between join date and departure/current date to determine the tenure duration in days.

The company name used in the tables and the README is taken from the argument provided to slacktenure.

For more details about the corrections file, see Manually correcting data from Slack.

Known bugs

  • A user who joined and left between two runs and never posted anything will show up as alum with identical join and departure date; probably a good delete candidate for the corrections file
  • Double quotes in tenures.tsv break the GitHub pretty-printing, so they are replaced with single quotes
  • Users who leave the Slack space and return later aren't handled well

Generate input data for the turnover graph

generateturnover is an awk script that produces input for the gnuplot script to produce the turnover graph; it relies on GNU extensions such as array sorting and nested arrays.

For each entry, awk converts the Unix timestamps to YYYY-MM format (which requires consistently using the same timezone everywhere), and counts how many first and last timestamps have occurred per month, representing people joining and leaving in that month.

Start and end dates in the future (from the corrections file) are ignored.

After going through all users, the script iterates over the months and prints the totals, as well as a running total.

Generate a turnover graph

turnover.gpi is a gnuplot script to create a combined bar and line graph from the output of generateturnover. It takes a parameter to determine both terminal type and extension of the output; this way, it can be used for both SVG output for the README and PNG output for the Telegram message.

It draws four data series:

  • a line for the total employee count
  • labels for the total employee count, on every sixth value
  • boxes for new employees who joined each month
  • boxes on the negative y-axis for employees who left each month

The y-axis is labelled on both sides for every 50, but there are grid lines for every 10.

Generate statistics and a boxplot

The stats awk script expects a single column of input and produces statistics with min/max values, mean, and median. The output is shown as a table in the generated README. The script is called from slacktenure using some of the prettyprint functions.

durationboxplot.gpi expects the same input as stats and generates a boxplot for that data; it reads the data from standard input so no intermediate file is required.

Tying everything together in a composite steps action

In action.yml, five run steps tie everything together.

The first step runs the corrections script and then slacktenure using the required name input as the parameter. If nothing other than the stats table and the durations changed, it exits.

Else, the updated tenures.tsv file and the diff are committed and pushed.

The rest of the first step is preparing the diff output to be used in a Telegram message:

  • The URLs for the updated files are generated
  • The diff message is JSON-escaped
  • The escapedmsg and continue environment variables are set

The second step installs gnuplot, sources slacktenure (which is written to not execute anything when sourced so it doubles as a library) and uses functions to produce input for durationboxplot.gpi. Then, the boxplot is generated and committed if it has changed.

The third step generates the graph, but only when required: if continue is not true, it exits. Notice that composite steps can't use an if: field, so the check happens in the Bash script.

Then, generateurnover is run; if this modifies turnover.tsv, the turnover.gpi script is run, once for SVG, and once for PNG.

The new files are committed, and the graphpath environment variable is set to the path of the PNG graph.

The fourth and fifth step use an existing action to send Telegram messages with the diff and the graph. If the message is just the empty string or if the photo path isn't set, the messages aren't sent.

Corrections helper script

corrtool is a Bash script providing two subcommands, add and check. add prompts for input and runs some validation before generating a new entry to add to corrections.csv; check calls an awk script that checks every entry for validity, looking for

  • Correct header line
  • Correct number of fields of every record
  • Uniqueness of Slack user IDs
  • Correct values for the delete field (true or empty)
  • Last timestamp not occurring before the first one
  • Valid timestamp format

corrtool is called in the first run step in action.yml if corrections.csv exists. Since it exits with non-zero status on error, the action stops if the corrections file is malformatted.