This document describes the fields that are exported by Dockerbeat. They are grouped in the following categories:
Contains common fields available in all event types.
type: date
example: 2015-01-24 14:06:05.071000
format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.milliZ
required: True
The timestamp when the measurements were taken. The precision is in milliseconds. The timezone is UTC.
type: int
required: True
For how many transactions is this event representative. This is generally the inverse of the sampling rate. For example, for a sample rate of 1/10, the count is 10. The count is used by the UIs to return estimated values. Reserved for future usage.
type: string
required: True
Name of the Docker container related to the current metric event.
Array of label metadata of the Docker container.
Name of the Beat sending the events. If the shipper name is set in the configuration file, then that value is used. If it is not set, the hostname is used.
Contains container informations. Details that you can get by running a docker ps command.
type: date
example: 2015-01-24 14:06:05
Date of the Docker container creation.
List of published ports.
type: float
"Current RSS (applications' Resident Set Size) memory consumption in Bytes."
type: float
"Current RSS (applications' Resident Set Size) memory consumption in percents between 0.0 and 1.0."
type: int
It represents average amount of bytes read per second by the container on disk(s) during the period.
type: int
It represents average amount of bytes written per second by the container on disk(s) during the period.
type: float
Total cpu consumption in percent. This value can be greater than 100%, depending on the number of available CPUs.
Detailled cpu consumption per cpu (in percent).